Calgary Farmers’ Market: As fresh as it gets, 3

Calgary Farmers' Market: As fresh as it gets, 3

Advertising Agency: Wax, Calgary, Canada
Creative Director: Joe Hospodarec
Art Director: Joel Arbez
Copywriter: Saro Ghazarian
Photographer: Jean Perron
Published: June 2008

Calgary Farmers’ Market: As fresh as it gets, 2

Calgary Farmers' Market: As fresh as it gets, 2

Advertising Agency: Wax, Calgary, Canada
Creative Director: Joe Hospodarec
Art Director: Joel Arbez
Copywriter: Saro Ghazarian
Photographer: Jean Perron
Published: June 2008

Calgary Farmers’ Market: As fresh as it gets, 1

Calgary Farmers' Market: As fresh as it gets, 1

Advertising Agency: Wax, Calgary, Canada
Creative Director: Joe Hospodarec
Art Director: Joel Arbez
Copywriter: Saro Ghazarian
Photographer: Jean Perron
Published: June 2008

Marathon Sports: Pole vault

Marathon Sports: Pole vault

Advertising Agency: Arnold, Boston, USA
Creative Directors: Wade Devers, David Register
Art Directors: Julian Newman, Randy Rogers
Copywriter: Erik Proulx
Photographer: Stock
Published: March 2008

Marathon Sports: Tennis

Marathon Sports: Tennis

Advertising Agency: Arnold, Boston, USA
Creative Directors: Wade Devers, David Register
Art Directors: Julian Newman, Randy Rogers
Copywriter: Erik Proulx
Photographer: Stock
Published: March 2008

Marathon Sports: Football

Marathon Sports: Football

Advertising Agency: Arnold, Boston, USA
Creative Directors: Wade Devers, David Register
Art Directors: Julian Newman, Randy Rogers
Copywriter: Erik Proulx
Photographer: Stock
Published: March 2008

Renault Clio Campus: Angelina

Renault Clio Campus: Angelina

The last time I filled up my tank, Angelina had 3 kids.
Renault Clio Campus. Really economical.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Márcio Ribas
Copywriter: Isabella Paulelli
Illustrator / Photographer: Jeremy Green
Digital Retouching: Daniel Leão, Alessandra Perez, Alexandre Calvin
Published: April 2008

Renault Clio Campus: Britney

Renault Clio Campus: Britney

The last time I filled up my tank, Britney had hair.
Renault Clio Campus. Really economical.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Márcio Ribas
Copywriter: Isabella Paulelli
Illustrator / Photographer: Jeremy Green
Digital Retouching: Daniel Leão, Alessandra Perez, Alexandre Calvin
Published: April 2008

Renault Clio Campus: Fidel

Renault Clio Campus: Fidel

The last time I filled up my tank, Fidel still ruled Cuba.
Renault Clio Campus. Really economical.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Márcio Ribas
Copywriter: Isabella Paulelli
Illustrator / Photographer: Jeremy Green
Digital Retouching: Daniel Leão, Alessandra Perez, Alexandre Calvin
Published: April 2008

Hospital São Luiz: Rubik’s Cube, 3

Hospital São Luiz: Rubik's Cube, 3

Newborn Care Classes.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Daniel Prado
Copywriter: Patricia Leme
Illustrator: Marcelo Baltazar
Published: April 2008

Hospital São Luiz: Rubik’s Cube, 2

Hospital São Luiz: Rubik's Cube, 2

Newborn Care Classes.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Daniel Prado
Copywriter: Patricia Leme
Illustrator: Marcelo Baltazar
Published: April 2008

Hospital São Luiz: Rubik’s Cube, 1

Hospital São Luiz: Rubik's Cube, 1

Newborn Care Classes.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Daniel Prado
Copywriter: Patricia Leme
Illustrator: Marcelo Baltazar
Published: April 2008



In 2055, yogurt lids will finally work.
Live to see it. Quit smoking.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Max Geraldo
Copywriter: José Luiz Martins
Illustrator: Bruno Borges
Published: April 2008

ADESF: Layers

ADESF: Layers

In 2048, traffic will grind to a standstill. In 2049, the second layer will be opened.
Live to see it. Quit smoking.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Max Geraldo
Copywriter: José Luiz Martins
Illustrator: Bruno Borges
Published: April 2008

ADESF: Naked

ADESF: Naked

In 2042, the temperature in big cities will increase by 8 degrees on average.
Live to see it. Quit smoking.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Max Geraldo
Copywriter: José Luiz Martins
Illustrator: Bruno Borges
Published: April 2008

ADESF: Bin Laden

ADESF: Bin Laden

In 2066, Bin Laden will be caught.
Live to see it. Quit smoking.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alexandre Gama, Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Max Geraldo
Copywriter: José Luiz Martins
Illustrator: Bruno Borges
Published: April 2008

Timmie’s Dog Spa: Crotch

Timmie's Dog Spa: Crotch

Oh god. I just spent three quarters of my day licking myself. I just sit here, with a bowl of water, some toys and my urges – lonely one minute and satisfied the next. Such a wicked paradox. I need to get out. I need to meet people. But I’m happy this way. It feels good. So good. But my crotch shouldn’t define me. Was it the way I was raised? Did my dad bury his face in his crotch for hours on end? Not dad. I never smelt it on his breath. Well maybe once, but I can’t be sure that was crotch. The guy ate garbage like it was going out of style. But really, some pages are better left unturned. Am I the only one? I doubt it. That Rottweiler probably treats his nether regions like a buffet. Look at me. I’m justifying my lack of discipline by making up stories about other dogs I don’t even know. I need a drink. Then I need to lick my crotch. More like want. Is that selfish? Self-pleasuring myself for half a day? Screw it. I’m going in. If my owner could do it, he would. So it’s perfectly natural. Isn’t it? I need a distraction. That ball looks okay. Oh crap. I need something new. Something that doesn’t involve my crotch. It’s all I’ve got. My walker’s cool, but I can’t lick his crotch. It’s gonna take everything I’ve got to make it through the night. Just one night.

Advertising Agency: DDB Canada, Toronto, Canada
Creative Director: Andrew Simon
Art Director: Paul Riss
Copywriter: Matt Antonello
Illustrator: Rachel Riordan
Photographer: Frank Hoedl
Typography: Paul Riss, Rachel Riordan
Published: March 2008

Timmie Dog Spa: Crap

Timmie Dog Spa: Crap

Jesus. I can’t bare it. Why do I have to poop in public? Why can’t I have the same privacy my owner takes for granted? Man’s best friend my ass. Every day I’m forced to defecate in front of complete strangers. How’d my owner like that? I bet you he’d get stage fright for sure. He’s got no backbone. I mean, he’s the one picking up after me. I wouldn’t go near his crap with a ten-foot pole. I have to get over this. I just need time. Today’s not the day to deal with this. Tomorrow. What if Muffin’s there today? Sweet, sweet muffin. Will she still be interested after she sees me in the act? I mean, she’ll be there for the same reason, but we hardly know each other. It’ll be awkward for sure. I’ll just pretend I don’t see her.Maybe I’ll just hold it. It’s so cold out there. Doesn’t he care? I’m the one on all fours. I’m the one putting my reputation on the line, three times a day, every day. I’ll just have to face it. My life will always include public defecation. Why can’t I have a little tray like a cat? I could learn to use one.Why can’t I be one of those dogs that seem to love the spotlight? Is there such thing as a dog voyeur? Do they derive pleasure from pooping for an audience? Well, at least I’m not alone. But I won’t lie. Sometimes I feel like I am. Who am I?

Advertising Agency: DDB Canada, Toronto, Canada
Creative Director: Andrew Simon
Art Director: Paul Riss
Copywriter: Matt Antonello
Illustrator: Rachel Riordan
Photographer: Frank Hoedl
Typography: Paul Riss, Rachel Riordan
Published: March 2008

Timmie Dog Spa: Butt

Timmie Dog Spa: Butt

Should I sniff her butt? Will she mind if I sniff her butt? What will it say about me if I sniff his butt? Maybe I’m gay? Should I question sniffing butts so much? Do other dogs sniff as many butts as I do? How many butts have I sniffed this week? I’m guessing it’s a lot if I’m questioning it so much. I love sniffing butts. I need to sniff one right now. There aren’t any around. I have to get a hold of myself. Who am I kidding? I need a butt and I need it now. Now. Good god. Am I living a life that’s guided by butt sniffing? I am. My parent’s warned me. I didn’t listen. Like a cheap tramp. A whore. I’m a butt-sniffing whore. What if I tried to cut down? Nothing heavy. Just a few sniffs a day. I can do that. I know I can. I’ve done it before. But do I really want to? I mean, that’s what we do. We sniff butts. No one looks down on me for it. There was that guy who gave me a look while I was in mid-sniff. Who is he to judge me for sniffing a butt? Maybe I’m just being paranoid. I get like that when I haven’t sniffed a butt. I’ll stop cold turkey. But not now. The fever’s too strong. A wiff will get me through the night. Just one, heartfelt inhale of the poodle across the street and I’ll be satisfied. I love how she resists at first and then sticks it out with reckless abandon. What a slut. Wait. Why is she a slut? I’m the one going in there. That coy little look she gives me when she walks down the street. Oh, I’m sniffing that butt. Count on it.

Advertising Agency: DDB Canada, Toronto, Canada
Creative Director: Andrew Simon
Art Director: Paul Riss
Copywriter: Matt Antonello
Illustrator: Rachel Riordan
Photographer: Frank Hoedl
Typography: Paul Riss, Rachel Riordan
Published: March 2008

Semina Gel: Recruit

Semina Gel: Recruit

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG São Paulo, Brazil