Nike Football: My Time Is Now Case Study

Advertising Agency: DoubleYou, Barcelona, Spain
Creative Director: Jesús Revuelta
Copywriter: Ximo Villalba
Art Director: Dani Requena
Designer: Marta Torredeflot
Client Services Director: Jordi Pont
Account Director: Luis Ortiz
Account Manager: Álvaro Rojo
Production Manager: Daniel del Amor
Interactive Director: Sara Mayoral
Interactive Front-End developer: Nahuel Scotti
Java Developer: Just Canals
Multimedia: Mauricio Pellegrinetti

Coca-Cola: ‘Sign’-Along Carols

Coca-Cola Singapore and the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf), set off on a life-changing experience to deliver a Christmas message with a difference. According to an article by Chinese publication Lianhe Zaobao, an estimated 8% of Singapore’s population is hearing-impaired. Clearly at Christmas, a time of joy for seemingly evervyone – many were being left out.
Instead of bringing joy, carols like “Silent Night” were an ironic and bitter reminder of how society disregards the hearing impaired. The deaf somehow lived a world apart from society, and this was made all the more apparent, when the songs we all take for granted, have never even been heard by them.
Coca-Cola, partnered up with the SADeaf to bridge the gap and bring the magic of Christmas alive for all with a unique event: the ‘Sign’-Along Carols. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the Hearing learnt to sign and the Deaf learnt to sing. Local celebrities, volunteers and online tutorial videos were all used to teach and encourage more to learn. And on Christmas Eve on Orchard Road Singapore, they made the true meaning of Christmas a message loud enough to be heard by everyone.
The event captured the attention of people of all ages on the street. Hundreds of volunteers signed up for sign language courses and $4,500 was raised in just one night (the average contribution being only $500 a month). “Coca-Cola has always been a catalyst for bringing people together,” said Gill McLaren, General Manager, Coca-Cola Singapore. The most beautiful thing about the ‘Sign’-Along Carols was the positive response from the people who watched and talked about sign language for the first time.

Advertising Agency: OgilvyAction, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Executive Creative Director: Daniel Comar, Nuno Lemos
Art Director: Jarrod Reginald
Copywriter: Michelle Lim-Chua, Elissa Azizi
Photography: Jesse Lung (Untold Images)
Design: Kenny Foo, Elle Poon
Account Supervisor: Mahesh Neelakantan
Account Manager: Tammy Tan
Production Company: Director’s Think Tank
Producer: Patminder Singh (Director’s Think Tank)
Director: Maurice Noone (Director’s Think Tank), Tan Wei Peow (Director’s Think Tank)
Editing: Eva Zahar (Director’s Think Tank)
Music: Danny Lim (Two Am)
Post Production: SEQ

Mercedes Benz Smart: The Unexpected Test Drive

The once elusive, now strongly emerging Russian middle class still prefers big, expensive cars, an obvious proof of its social success. Although most of them are in dire need of a second car, our potential customers showed virtually no interest in our Smarts.
Our objective was to bring the most reluctant consumers to test drive the Smart and change their state of mind from “Smart is not really a car” into being true believers and advocates of the Smart.

Our secret weapon: once you take the Smart for a ride, you’ll fall in love with it.
Core audience’s weakest point: their big cars and all the problems they bring along.

Most illegally parked cars in Moscow are picked-up during the weekend shopping. Once car-less, drivers go through a real ordeal – exorbitant, hours long cab rides through Moscow’s traffic, in order to get back their cars.

At the peak of the driver’s desperation, the Smart Teams jump in, offering free rides, a unique opportunity to test drive the versatile Smart in some of the World’s worst traffic jams.
Being there for them exactly at the moment when they needed a car the most turned reluctant, condescending consumers into true believers – a 100% realistic test drive of the very car that could have saved them from all the hustle.

40 Smarts saved 623 car-less drivers during 3 days, in parking lots around 8 shopping malls
Over 400 drivers became true belivers (“Smart is a real car”) – rate of conversion of 70% – advocating Smart on their vkontakte and facebook profiles
Blogs and news portals picked-up the stories, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in earned media and incalculable amounts of positive emotions around the tiny cars that saved the day of Moscow car-less drivers
Test drives increased 10 fold and Sales increased by 300% in the 2 weeks following the event

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Moscow, Russia
Chief Creative Officer: Igor Lutz
Creative Director: Mihai Coliban
Deputy Creative Director: Sergey Kozhevnikov
Senior Art Director: Darya Agapova
Senior Producer BBDO: Valery Gorokhov
Producer Assistant BBDO: Natalya Abzalova
Animation: Kirill Kulygin
Producer Park Production: Irina Lanskaya
Director Park Production: Ivan Oganesov
DOP Park Production: Georgy Leonov
Managing Director Pelican Event: Elena Novikova
Account Manager Pelican Event: Maria Stepkova
Client Service Director: Christina Tancher
Group Account Director: Anna Sokolova
Account Manager: Yana Bader

LG Electronics: The smartest baby in the world

LG wanted to promote their new generation of Smart TV’s and announce it In a viral way. the solution we gave them was a candid camera prank. the “victims” were husbands that came with their pregnant wives to an ultrasound scan they will never forget. For the prank we recruited several pregnant women and a real and very “cool” doctor that agreed to cooperate with us. During the ultrasound scan, the smart fetus that was shown on LG screen, interacted with his parents using a variety of gestures which Extorted from the stunned fathers a real excitement and very funny reactions.

Advertising Agency: Yehoshua TBWA, Israel
VP digital and innovation: Dudu Dahan
Copywriter: Meir Ohana
Art: Svetlana Levites
Supervisor digital: Dana Siva
Additional credits: Kookuruza Productions

La Ciudad de La Raqueta Tennis School: Ballrocking

The action was based on a powerful insight: the tennis balls that go out and end up on the surrounding fences. JWT found a way to make these “misses” something positive. That’s how “Ballrocking” was created; Motivational messages inserted into a very unique format: the tennis balls that get stuck on the fences that surround the courts.
That way, each time one of the kids sends a ball out while training they will see a motivational message.

Advertising Agency: JWT, Spain
Executive Creative Director: Jaime Chávarri
Creative Director: Pablo Rodriguez Meyre, Paco García, Iván De Dios
Art Director: Myriam López
Copywriter: Lucía Bara
Account: Jorge Pérez
Producer: Antonio Ortega
Editor: Rebeca Fernández
Music: Will Spector y Los Fatus

Brahva Beer: JackFlush Brahva

A device set up in bars’ urinals, with a movement sensor that worked when pulling the flushing lever. When guys activated it, they played a slot machine game and won many prizes, sending a tweet with their winning code.

Advertising Agency: el taier / Tribu DDB, Guatemala, Guatemala
Creative Directors: Jorge Solórzano, Victor Pardo
Art Director: Victor Pardo
Copywriters: Rodrigo Estrada, Alejandro Cano
Graphic Designers: Víctor Pardo, Eddy Flores, Manolo Guzmán
Sound Design: Jonnatan Cuevas
Producer: Carlos Lara
Director: Miguel Docal
Production House: Mandrake Films

The Vatican Museums: Confessions Booth

Advertising School: University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
Art Director / Copywriter: James Meiser
Additional credits: Instructor: Ryan Romero

Brazilian Symphony Orchestra: Classicals Behind The Classics

Most of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra’s (OSB) audience is older than 65 years. To ensure its survival they needed more admirers. So, how to attract people to a music genre they don’t usually listen to? We shot the orchestra playing classic movies themes and used You Tube to make people realize they already like classical music. As a result we had a 40% increase of young people in the audience and all the orchestra’s concerts for this season are sold out.

Advertising Agency: Artplan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Art Director: Augusto Correia, Leonardo Marçal, Rodrigo Lopes
Copywriter: Augusto Correia, Leonardo Marçal, Rodrigo Lopes
Web Developer: Leonardo Marçal
Web Production: Augusto Correia, Leonardo Marçal
Agency Producer: Ana Ourique
Photographer: Bruno Foscaldo
Executive Creative Director: Roberto Vilhena
Creative Director: Alessandra Sadock, Gustavo Tirre
Account Executive: Ana Deccache
Account Manager: Pedro Sharp
Media: Tiago Pinheiro
Film Production: Tycoon
Director: Kiko Lomba
Producer: Samara França
Editor: Ralse

Harley-Davidson: Real Test Ride

When entering the store, customers were invited to do a test ride. Then they went out to ride the bike. They rode for a while and then were surprised by 60 bikers who made them feel like part of the gang. So, even before buying a Harley-Davidson they understood what is to have a Harley.

Advertising Agency: Moma Propaganda, Brazil
Creative Director: Rodolfo Sampaio
Copywriter: Ricardo Franco
Art Director: Fábio Baraldi
Art Director: Angelo Maia
Account Team: Marco Piza, Vanessa Costa e Caru Bessa
Agency Producer: Marcelo Toledo
Production Company: Paranoid BR
Executive Producer: Egisto Betti
Director: Pedro Coutinho
Photography Director: Pierre de Kerchove
Production Company Account: Juliana Miranda
Editor: Onon
Lettering: Onon e Luiz Neves
Editor: Tânia Ripardo
Client Team: Julio Vitti e Gregory Claerhout

Volkswagen Rear-view Assist: Rear View Collar

Advertising Agency: DDB, Barcelona, Spain
Chief Creative Officer: José María Roca de Vinyals
Creative Director: Guillermo Santaisabel
Art Director: Cristina Rodriguez
Copywriter: Guillermo Santaisabel, Cristina Rodriguez
Executive Producer: Enrique Feijoo
Agency Producer: Elena Carrasco
Art Buyer: Carmen Torrado
Photographer: Alberto Escudero
Business Director: Gorka Lozano
Account Director: Javier Villalba
Production Company: Fandango Films/Antiestatico
Director: Fever
Executive Producer: Pablo Perez-Paya
Producer Manager: Alex Martin
Producer: Natacha Martin

Youth Bar: Outdoor Cassette

YOUTH is a new conceptual bar, that plays with clients’ nostalgy about the time of their youth. Jeans, baseball caps, MTV trends and, of course, our favorite music of that time, that was available only on cassettes.
And it were cassettes that became the fundamental part of visual identic of the bar and unusual outdoor campaign.

Advertising Agency: Red Pepper, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Creative Director: Danil Golovanov
Art Director: Irina Korotich
Copywriter: Nikita Kharisov, Ivan Sosnin
Illustrator: Natasha Kotovskaya, Ulia Yzkih
Photographer: Kate Bamby
Additional credits: Daria Lunegova, Elena Lazareva, Evgeny Keksin

Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola Happy Flag

Coca-Cola is spreading happiness with a hidden flag. Denmark has been named the happiest country in the world in several global surveys with the latest by the UN. So it was a remarkable discovery to find the Danish flag hidden in the Coca-Cola logo. McCann decided to take this discovery to Denmark’s biggest airport where it’s a tradition to welcome people with flags. But not everyone brings one and the welcome isn’t as big and happy as it could be. That’s why McCann created a special poster where people could take flags straight from the Coca-Cola logo. This gave everyone the chance to create a happy welcome to the world’s happiest country.

Advertising Agency: McCann Worldgroup/McCann Copenhagen
Chief Creative Officer: Miguel Bemfica
Executive Create Director: Lee Tan
Creative Director: Mads Ohrt
Art Director: Eva Wallmark, Michal Sitkiewicz, Gabriel Miller
Copywriter: Rickard Beskow, Gabriel Miller
Account Supervisor: Andrei Kaigorodov, Morten Ingemann
Producer: Catherine Lee
Other credits: Søren Albrechtsen

Antarctica: The beer turnstile

During the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the high consumption of alcoholic drinks is the main responsible factor for the increase in traffic accidents. Drunk drivers are directly involved in the increase of 50% of fatal accidents during this time of the year. Antarctica’s objective, the most consumed beer brand and sponsor of the event, was to make its consumers arrive safely at home after drinking.
We developed The Beer Turnstile. A new underground turnstile for which the ticket was an empty Antarctica beer can. Via optical reading, the can was scanned and the passage freed. The person just needed to save the last beer can and use it to get home safely.

Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mini Cooper: Words can hurt

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Mexico

Coca-Cola Zero: Hypnosis

Advertising Agency: Duval Guillaume Modem, Belgium
Creative Directors: Geoffrey Hantson, Katrien Bottez
Copywriter: Dieter De Ridder
Art Director: Ad Van Ongeval
Accounts: Sylvie Verbruggen, Nathalie Rahbani, Tuyen Pham Xuan
TV producer agency: Marc Van Buggenhout
Digital media planners: Kris Hoet, Maarten Van Herck
Production company: Caviar
Director: Tom Willems
Postproduction: Caviar
Sound studio: Sonicville
Production company producers: Kato Maes, Werner De Coninck, Leslie Verbist

Car Wash Park: Dust

“Take this coupon to Car Wash Park and get a 50% discount.”

Advertising Agency: ageisobar, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Carlos Domingos
Art Directors: Henrique Mattos, Cristiano Rodrigues, Cicero Souza
Copywriters: Daguito Rodrigues, Ricardo Porto, Nicholas Bergantin

History Channel: The History of the Lion

Advertising Agency: D6, Spain
Creative Directors: Gonzalo Figari, Nuria Martínez
Acoount Director: Laura García
Production Company: Mind the Grap
Director: Kike Andrés
Producer: Felipe Yagüe

BRMalls Shopping VillaLobos: A Loja Vazia / The Empty Shop

For the annual Winter Clothing Drive, a new way of collecting donations. Bring clothes to the shop instead of taking them from the shop.

Advertising Agency: Loducca, Brazil
Creative Team: Alexandre Amaral, Fábio Saboya, Marcelo Rosa, Raphael Franzini, Weber Luiz de Andrade
Designers: Eduardo Tallia, Gustavo de Lacerda
Creative Directors: Guga Ketzer, Cássio Moron, Fábio Saboya, Sérgio Mugnaini
Accounts: Fernão Cosi, Fabiane Veiga, Tatiana Moliterno, Renato Nose, Isabella Motta, Gabriela Ruffo
Media: Daniel Chalfon, Rodrigo Tamer, Leandro Otsuka, Natália Oliveira, Thiago Ribeiro, José Carlos de Melo
Planners: Ken Fujioka, Daniel de Tomazo, André Troster
Executive Producers: Ana Luisa André, Sid Fernandes
RTV: Ana Luisa André, Indaiara Pelizario
Production & Post Production Co: O2 Filmes
Director: Quico Meirelles
Photography Director: Cauê Laratta
Editor: Saulo Simão
Audio Production Co: Tentáculo
Client: Marcus Vinicius Borja, Roberta Naveiro Garcia, Marcela Massetto Castellano, Caroline Cuschnir, Daniela Meirelles Pimenta

IR Magazine: The bieke theft / Velofenders

Every spring in Latvia comes with a huge increase in bicycle thefts. Everyone knows it, but because of the state laws, police can’t do much about it. We had to change the situation, so we made an experiment called “Velofenders” (Bike theft).It involved 5 bikes equipped with GPS trackers, multiple online cameras, 16000 crime witnesses, every bike thief in Latvia and the local police.
After the project IR magazine raised the topic and because of our experiment state police admitted that there is something wrong with the laws, so now they are working on a new and hopefully better law.

Advertising Agency: Pika, Riga, Latvia
Creative Director: Valters Jonats, Oskars Cirsis, Renars Liepins, Voldemars Dudums
Art Director: Martins Zutis
Photographer: Oskars Cirsis
Strategic Planner: Artis Krilovs
Project Manager: Rolands Puhovs

Renault Clio RS: The ultimate speed date

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Brussels, Belgium
Creative Director: Paul Servaes
Art Director: Fabien Hujeux
Copywriter:Louis Haffreingue
Account Director: Francis Lippens
Account Manager: Julie Oostvogels
Production Company: Lovo Films