Philips Creates a Stunning Explosion of Color and Snow With 'Afterglow'

If you like any combination of pretty colors, night skiing and striking imagery, Philips has an ad for you.

To promote its color-backlit Ambilight televisions, the electronics manufacturer teamed up with Stockholm agency Ahlstrand & Wållgren, film company Sweetgrass Productions, and a crew of pro skiers to create “Afterglow,” a 12-minute clip shot on the slopes at Golden Alpine Holidays in Aleyska, Alaska, under giant colored lights during the dead of night. The result is snow like you’ve never seen it before.

Under 4,000-watt spotlights of varying colors, spraying powder takes on an iridescent quality, calling to mind the pigments thrown during Holi. (As such, it’s slightly reminiscent of the project that photographer Chase Jarvis did for Samsung monitors, also featuring colorful dust clouds. Screen manufacturers are generally fond of playing up brilliant, hypnotizing palettes, the most famous example perhaps being Sony Bravia’s bouncing balls.)

The skiers also strapped on 7,000-LED suits for some of their downhill runs, making for even more dramatic footage.

If you’re not ready to commit to a 12-minute short film, which we’ve put at the bottom of this post, here’s a 3-minute short that gives you a solid idea of what to expect:

A cut of the LED-suit footage posted to Vimeo a week ago has over 1 million views.

Commenters there point out some similarities to other works—one to the 2012 art piece “L.E.D. Surfer” by filmmaker Jacob Sutton, featuring snowboarder William Hughes plying his craft in the dark (but without the polychromatic vibe of the Phillips clip), another to a Sony Xperia smartphone commercial from a few weeks ago featuring night snowboarders in colored LED suits (though that one clearly took a fraction of the effort shown in the Philips spot). This summer, Lexus also put out an LED-suit nighttime acrobatics ad. So it’s probably safe to call this a trend.

Newspaper Ad Asking ‘Got Stumps?’ Appears Above Photo of Amputee

Here's a front-page ad placement disaster so awkward, it makes you feel bad for everyone involved.

A tree service ad bought a year in advance ran in Sunday's Anchorage Daily News with the headline "Got Stumps?"—right above a photo of a triathlete who lost the lower half of a leg in a car accident.

The owner of the business being advertised, TBF Services, tells Jim Romenesko that he learned about the poor placement of his sticky-note ad after friends began texting him Sunday. He hadn't heard from the newspaper yet, but we're guessing he's going to get one heck of a make-good offer over this one. 

Alaska Photography

A bord d’un aéroplane, le photographe américain Jason Madara photographie les chaines de montagnes et les horizons lointains de l’Alaska. De lacs en en massifs escarpés, les paysages laissent entrevoir une nature sauvage et prolifère. De superbes clichés à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.











Alaskan Media Battle Pits KTUU and Cable Rival

A telecommunications company’s bid to offer TV content raises questions about fairness and monopoly.


Alaska Home Residence

Alaska Home Residence est un projet architectural dont la forme du bâtiment est le résultat direct des études du vent. En combinant les différentes cartes de vent, les architectes d’Organic Scapes ont pu arriver à imaginer cette structure qui ne sera pas en danger face aux conditions climatiques difficiles de l’Alaska.

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Taco Bell leva caminhão de tacos para cidade remota no Alaska

Me parece comoção exagerada só por causa de fast food, mas é uma boa oportunidade aproveitada pela Taco Bell.

A cidade de Bethel, no Alaska, tem pouco mais de 6 mil habitantes. Quase todos acreditaram no boato de que abriria uma filial da Taco Bell no lugar.

Para amenizar a frustração das pessoas, a rede resolveu aterrisar mesmo na cidade, mas de uma maneira diferente: Levando um caminhão de helicóptero, contendo 10.000 Doritos Locos Tacos.

A criação é da DraftFCB Orange County.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Alaska Wakeboarding

Andy Hurdman est un professionnel du Wakeboarding. UpDown Productions nous propose de découvrir le talent de ce sportif en plein milieu de l’Alaska. Le résultat en vidéo est splendide, avec des paysages d’une beauté incroyable et se dévoile dans la suite.




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