Pharrell – 24 hours of Happy

Le duo de réalisateurs français WeAreFromLA a réalisé pour le morceau « Happy » de Pharrell Williams un clip étalé sur 24 heures, réunissant sur le site 24 hours of Happy 360 plans séquences filmés à Los Angeles. Une version de 4 minutes dévoilant quelques guests, à l’image d’Odd Future ou encore de Jamie Foxx.

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Alaska Photography

A bord d’un aéroplane, le photographe américain Jason Madara photographie les chaines de montagnes et les horizons lointains de l’Alaska. De lacs en en massifs escarpés, les paysages laissent entrevoir une nature sauvage et prolifère. De superbes clichés à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.











Rotring Pen

The Happiness Machine est le nom de ce projet incroyable réalisé par Mark Lascelles Thornton. Avec cette fresque très impressionnante réalisée au Rotring, représentant les plus hauts buildings du monde accolés dans un seul paysage, l’artiste anglais nous dévoile l’étendue de son talent et de sa patience.

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Architecture by Kevin Saint Grey

Focus sur le talent de Kevin Saint Grey, un photographe basé à Los Angeles. Cet artiste nous propose de découvrir une série de clichés absolument magnifiques en noir et blanc appelée sobrement « Architecture ». L’ensemble de son travail est à découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

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100 visual Ideas, 1000 great ads : New Book

Every idea is good only once. Still, the strongest visual ideas inspire the most successful ad campaigns in the world again and again.

Advertising is a business worth billions. The visual language of effective ad campaigns is generally considered to be innovative, radical, and groundbreaking. But is that really true? In 100 Visual Ideas, 1000 Great Ads, the French blogger and undercover advertising expert Joe La Pompe exposes the not-so-secret visual recipes behind successful ads.

La Pompe extracts the 100 most popular visual ideas and recurring subjects from the world of advertising—from symbols and objects to famous personalities from history and literature. He then presents the ten best campaigns from around the world that are based on each of these themes, yet have implemented them in a variety of different ways.

By illustrating correlations and inspirations, 100 Visual Ideas, 1000 Great Ads offers advertising agencies, designers, and marketing professionals informed, entertaining, and often revealing insights into the world of commercial seduction.

But it from FlipKart (free delivery)



Josh Cole Photography

Focus sur Josh Cole, un artiste qui a connu des problèmes de délinquance durant sa jeunesse avant de devenir photographe. Il a d’ailleurs gardé un très fort intérêt pour le milieu des gangs mais aussi celui de la musique en se baladant dans divers endroits du monde comme Manille, Los Angeles ou Johannesburg.

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Quik Skating

Quik est une vidéo issue de la collaboration entre The Berrics et Quiksilver. Ce film très réussi a été tourné dans les rues de Los Angeles et permet de donner une idée de la ville à travers le skateboard. Le film suit Austyn Gillette roulant dans des endroits mythiques de la ville. Une superbe vidéo à découvrir dans la suite.

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iPhone Diorama

Mike Ko nous dévoile sa dernière création avec “iPhone Diorama”. Visuellement très réussie, cette vidéo d’animation 3D autour du smartphone Apple dévoile tout le talent de cet artiste basé à Los Angeles. Une vidéo courte et très bien réalisée à découvrir dans la suite.




Previously on Fubiz

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Architecture by Julius Shulman

Julius Shulman est un photographe américain né en 1936. Étant notamment connu pour ses clichés de maisons et bâtiments californiens, ce dernier nous permet de découvrir des images mythiques de la culture de son pays. Une série de visuels se dévoile dans la suite.
















Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook


Los Angeles becomes the first major US city to vote against corporate personhood.

From Adbusters Blog


On December 6th, Los Angeles became the first major U.S. city to vote against corporate personhood and further call for a Constitutional Amendment asserting that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights and that money is not free speech. The unanimous vote was witnessed in Council chambers packed by a standing room only crowd of hundreds of people as well as a overflow room filled to capacity by enthusiastic supporters. The resolution was sponsored by City Council President Eric Garcetti and seconded by Council Members Bill Rosendahl and Paul Krekorian with passionate support by Council Members Richard Alarcon,and Paul Koretz. The action is in response to Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, which gives corporations the same 1st Amendment protections as people and allows them to spend unlimited funds on campaign finance.

Said Mary Beth Fielder, Move To Amend- LA founder, who spearheaded the effort to bring the resolution to the LA City Council. “It’s a great day for Los Angeles and it’s a great day for the United States of America. I hope this is the vote heard around the world and that it will inspire other who want to reclaim our democracy to begin organizing in their communities. Together we can build the grassroots support we need to actually amend our constitution.”

“Every struggle to amend the constitution began as just a group of regular Americans who wanted to end slavery, who thought women should vote, who believed that if you’re old enough to be drafted, you should be old enough to vote,” said Council President Eric Garcetti. “These are how American amendments move forward from the grassroots when Americans say enough is enough. We’re very proud to come together and send a message but more than that, this becomes the official position of the City of Los Angeles, we will officially lobby for this. I also chair a group which oversees all the Democratic mayors and council members in the country and we’re going to share this with all our 3,000 members and we hope to see this start here in the west and sweep the nation until one day we do have a constitutional amendment which will return the power to the people. “

“What we saw in that chamber today was the beginning of a sea change in the way people think about politics in America and I hope that this will be the first day of a long and sustained movement that changes the way we represent ourselves and the way we demand the kind of government that we deserve,” said Council Member Paul Krekorian.

“I could not believe the coalition of energy that filled the council chambers today,” said Council Member Bill Rosendahl. “It made a huge difference. It was democracy at its best! “