JetBlue Aims High With Online Tribute to NBA’s Jason Collins

The outpouring of support has been impressive for NBA player Jason Collins, the first openly gay male athlete in a major U.S. professional sport. Marketers, though, have been largely silent about Collins since yesterday—except for Nike, of course, whom he already endorses. (In a statement, the company said: "We admire Jason's courage and are proud that he is a Nike athlete. Nike believes in a level playing field where an athlete's sexual orientation is not a consideration.") About an hour ago, though, JetBlue posted an image created by its ad agency, Mullen, showing a rainbow image of the "i-people" from the company's "You Above All" brand campaign—to show support for Collins. "Thanks Jason, today we're all on the same team," reads the caption on the image, which was posted to Twitter and Facebook. Response has been mixed, with many fans and followers lauding the airline for supporting Collins and others wishing it had stayed "neutral." The brand's courage here is but a shadow of the player's courage, but it's brave nonetheless. Have other brands come out in support of Collins? Let us know in the comments.


JetBlue Makes a Fool of Meaner Brands With April 1 Promotion

JetBlue and its ad agency, Mullen, celebrated April Fools' Day with a payout instead of a prank. For the "April's No Fool" promotion, the airline actually offered to refund the entire fare (as a JetBlue credit) of anyone named April who happened to fly JetBlue on April 1. The carrier quoted its very own April—director of media relations April Dinwoodie—in the announcement. "April 1 isn't always fun and games for everyone," she said. "For many of us, it represents an annual tradition of mockery. We're thrilled to take a moment and do something for those customers that might not look forward to starting their month with a day of teasing." Poor Dinwoodie's life of teasing wasn't for naught, as it delivered a fun insight that drove this neat little promotion, causing excitement for Aprils all over Facebook. And yes, they really, actually, truly did give the money back.

Check out 42 other branded April Fools' efforts here.

When They Find What You Left on One of Their Planes, Southwest Will Send You a Poem That’s Lame

Did you leave something on a Southwest Airlines flight? Don't worry. If they find it, they will send it back to you—along with the added gift of an unbearable poem about how the airline "luvs" you. Consumerist has the story of a reader whose husband lost his cellphone on a Southwest trip. It turned up in Southwest's Lost and Found and was soon mailed back to him. "When it arrived, the attached poem was tucked into the package," the wife explains. "The writer of the poem is definitely NOT in line to be a future Poet Laureate, but it's the thought that counts, right? What other airline would do this?" What other airline would want to? Text of the poem below.

It's always sad when something's lost when what is yours is gone
And the hope that it will soon be found is what keeps you going on
And it's especially sad when was was lost simply cannot be replaced
And the sorrow felt when this occurs sometimes cannot be erased
Well hope no more and start to smile for what you lost was found
And it's with much luv that it's returned to the style for which we're renowned
And we'd be remiss if we didn't say in one loud voice
We hope for your future travels, we are your choice.

Delta Airlines entra na onda dos vídeos de segurança engraçadinhos

Antes de iniciar qualquer vôo, vem aquele enfadonho vídeo com instruções de segurança. Mas quantos, entre centenas de passageiros, realmente prestam atenção?

A Air New Zealand já ganhou o prêmio de melhor produção nesse sentido quando aproveitou “O Hobbit”, mas isso não quer dizer que todas as outras companhias aéreas também não possam ser criativas.

A Delta Airlines deu a missão para a Wieden & Kennedy, que criou diversas versões do vídeo de instruções de segurança com sacadinhas e momentos divertidos mostrados com bastante sutileza. Conta também com a aparição da “aeromoça”que ficou famosa no filme anterior, de 2008.

A intenção da Delta, além de entreter ao mesmo tempo que informa, é não repetir sempre o mesmo material, distribuindo as diferentes versões de maneira modular em seus vôos. Aqui estão dois exemplos – um acima e outro abaixo – divulgados no YouTube pela empresa.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Tame Ecuador Airlines Campaign

Une magnifique campagne déclinée en près de 9 visuels, pour la compagnie d’avion et de voyages Tame Ecuador Airlines. Une idée de l’agence La Facultad avec une création axée sur l’évasion et la pluralité des genres : sport, culture, tradition ou musique.









Previously on Fubiz

The Flydealism Campaign of Virgin America Airlines

600thmIt is a moniker but it is something relevant to their whole intent. Virgin America is flapping its wings and titling it the Flydealism campaign to help reinvent the domestic airline experience and ban mediocrity from the skies. The campaign was created by Virgin America’s advertising agency-of-record, the San Francisco-based Eleven Inc.

The Flydealism campaign has a rolling launch, starting with print ads and Web banners, followed in mid-March by bus shelters, out of home (OOH) and wild postings. In late April, the campaign will include image-driven print and OOH. The campaign is multilayered, with brand-oriented outdoor and direct online. The iconic Virgin America flag is a central element in the work, used both as a visual rallying cry and a creative signal to communicate special offers and deals to guests. The flag will be used in creative elements and in station marketing efforts.

Virgin America offers low fare flights that appeal to today’s tech-savvy business and leisure travelers. The airline offers power outlets and touch-screen Red(TM) entertainment platforms at every seat. The Red system allows guests to control their own in-flight experience, with a touch-screen food menu, live TV, movies, seat-to-seat chat, a play-list of thousands of MP3s, videogames and more. Already launched on 13 aircraft, by the second quarter of 2009, the carrier will be the first U.S. airline to offer in-flight Internet on every flight.

(Source) Press