Volvo passa a vender apenas carros híbridos e elétricos no Brasil


Em evento para imprensa nesta terça (18), a Volvo Cars anunciou que vai descontinuar a venda de veículos movidos à combustão no Brasil, em um movimento voltado para a eletrificação da área. Com isso, a marca se torna a primeira a comercializar apenas carros elétricos e híbridos no país, além do segundo território onde a …

Leia Volvo passa a vender apenas carros híbridos e elétricos no Brasil na íntegra no B9.

Startup quer usar deepfake para tornar perfeitas as dublagens de filmes e séries


A startup Flawless está desenvolvendo um projeto interessante para os fãs de filmes dublados. O projeto consiste no uso de deepfake para adaptar as expressões faciais e gestos da boca dos atores, a fim de sincronizar com o que está sendo dito em cada idioma. Com isso, caso você assista a um filme ou série …

Leia Startup quer usar deepfake para tornar perfeitas as dublagens de filmes e séries na íntegra no B9.

Why contextual advertising makes more sense now than ever

Privacy concerns made contextual strategies relevant again. Now, AI is making them more powerful and effective

Univision teases addressable offerings and a new content studio with its 2021-22 slate

Live news, sports and entertainment are all on tap for the Hispanic network’s upfront presentation later today.

Truth Initiative appoints Mojo Supermarket as AOR

72andSunny held the anti-smoking group’s account since 2014.

Samsung: Tell me without telling me

Samsung Galaxy A52 5G by asking the phone itself to ‘tell me you’re awesome without telling me you’re awesome’.

Among the answers provided by the Samsung Galaxy A52 5G are ‘awesome camera’, ‘awesome screen’, ‘long lasting battery life’ and ‘awesome 5G’. RAPP has used these in a series of films and still assets to run on social. The campaign also has an interactive element in the form of a Snapchat filter and lens, with Samsung UK encouraging the audience to use them to express their creativity and show why they are awesome too.

L'Oreal: Run Le Hair Show

A new online series from L’Oreal, Run Le Hair Show devoted to the role and cultural impact of hairdressing around the world. The series marks a transition for the brand from traditional product communication to a media brand with content that highlights the L’Oréal Professionel Experience. Hosted by a hair designer, a color specialist and Fashion Journalist Peggy Frey, each episode features interviews, classes and tips.

Video of The International Hair series, by Pros, for Pros & all hair lovers | Episode 1 | RUN LE HAIR SHOW

Origami? Samsung apresenta conceito de smartphone com duas dobras na tela


Ainda que a Apple tenha planos de lançar a sua versão de smartphone dobrável em 2023, a Samsung segue na vanguarda da indústria com dispositivos como o Galaxy Z Fold, o Galaxy Z Fold 2 e o Galaxy Z Flip liderando o mercado de telas dobráveis. Continuando seus investimentos na área, a empresa apresentou o …

Leia Origami? Samsung apresenta conceito de smartphone com duas dobras na tela na íntegra no B9.

Netflix lança sua primeira coleção high fashion para divulgar “Halston”


A Netflix já lançou todo tipo de produto licenciado de suas séries e filmes originais, então talvez seja uma surpresa que só agora a companhia esteja se aventurando pelo mundo da elite da moda. O serviço de streaming anunciou nesta terça (18) uma colaboração com a Halston para uma linha de roupas de luxo inspiradas …

Leia Netflix lança sua primeira coleção high fashion para divulgar “Halston” na íntegra no B9.

Amazon vai investir em fabricante de aeronaves elétricas


A Amazon, juntamente à Fidelity e à Redbird Capital, decidiu investir na Beta Technologies, uma fabricante de veículos de transporte aéreo elétricas. A Amazon não divulgou quanto dinheiro injetou no projeto, mas uma das parceiras já desembolsou cerca de US$ 368 milhões na Beta. A Beta Technologies possui aeronaves que podem ser muito úteis para …

Leia Amazon vai investir em fabricante de aeronaves elétricas na íntegra no B9.

ABC Sets Its Wonder Years Reboot for Fall, Delays Black-ish Sendoff Until Midseason

ABC is leaning into the classics this fall, only adding two new series to its lineup. And it is holding Black-ish’s final season of episodes until midseason, after backtracking on the decision to do so a year ago. The network’s fall schedule, announced Tuesday ahead of Disney’s upfront presentation to marketers, has retained some of…

ACCION GAY: Unnatural Laws

ACCION GAY Print Ad - Unnatural Laws
ACCION GAY Print Ad - Unnatural Laws
ACCION GAY Print Ad - Unnatural Laws

A campaign made with photos of landscapes and animals that naturally wear the colors of the LGBTQI+ flag. These are real photos taken in the same countries where state sponsored homophobia persists today. An idea that invites us to reflect and become aware of the laws and constitutions that penalize diversity in the 21st century.

Alzheimer’s Society: Cure the Care System

Alzheimer’s Society Film Ad - Cure the Care System
Alzheimer’s Society Film Ad - Cure the Care System

Inside Belvedere Vodka’s Commitment to Sustainability: It Plans to Cut CO2 Emissions by 80%

Over the past couple years, consumer trends within the alcohol industry have rewarded lower calorie, “healthier” options like hard seltzer, as well as brands that offer transparency related to their ingredients lists and processes. Capitalizing on both of those trends, Belvedere Vodka today released a new line of fusion products, the first products offered by…

After Closing Its North American Stores, Godiva Releases Its Very First Portfolio Campaign

Although Godiva has been in business for 95 years, the Belgian chocolate maker has never run an ad campaign promoting multiple products in the same spot–that is, until now. After closing all of its retail outlets in North America earlier this year, Godiva is releasing its first portfolio campaign encouraging shoppers to buy its products…

These Are the New Pandemic TV Personalities

The pandemic altered the way we think, act and feel about virtually everything, including a pretty seismic shift in how we like to be entertained. The types of screens fans watched started to shift in ways that might not boomerang to the “Before Times” in quite the way we first anticipated. Now, the media and…

Groupon Sends Global Creative to FCB Ahead of Brand Repositioning

Groupon has a new global creative agency partner again as it seeks to reposition its brand for consumers ready to emerge from pandemic restrictions. Following an internal review that Groupon head of global brand Melanie Hellenga described as a “robust process,” Groupon appointed IPG’s FCB as its global creative agency ahead of a campaign repositioning…

The ‘Axe Effect’ Is Reborn for Gen Z as Pheromones of Joy

When tackling today’s dating landscape, marketers would benefit greatly from ditching antiquated, often sexist depictions of allure– especially if they hope to gain favor with today’s generation of progressive young adults. To see such consideration in action, one only has to peek at Axe’s latest campaign, which playfully dives into the boundless nature of modern…

Out-of-Home Ads Shift From Exposure to Impressions-Based Measurements

In general, traditional out-of-home ad performance has never tried to compete directly with internet advertising directly–until now. The Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) is updating its guidelines to recommend shifting to an impressions-based measurement system. The goal is to provide forecast and “reconciled-as-delivered” daily impressions, versus the customary method of relying on…

MasterCard: SafeWaze2Shop

Supermarkets are the #1 place to be exposed to VOVID-19: its workers were testing positive for coronavirus at a rate of 20% – well above the 1.3% detected in the community at the time.

Mastercard used transaction data to protect both employees and customers. At the beginning of lockdown, we launched – a digital tool providing information about instore traffic. Next, we partnered with Carrefour and used the tool within the Waze navigation app.

When you searched WAZE for any supermarket, we guided you to the emptiest Carrefour in your neighborhood.

We also created promos you could only access when the store was empty.

Video of SafeWaze2Shop by Mastercard