Sesame Street Does ‘Mad Men’

No smoking, no drinking, no sex in the office and no one getting run over by a lawn mower, but there it is: Sesame Street has a Mad Men-based sketch. Kids can learn the difference between mad, sad and happy. And you can too!

What to Measure? Only 16% of the Web Is Clicking Display Ads

NEW YORK ( — The number of people online who click display ads has dropped 50% in less than two years, and only 8% of internet users account for 85% of all clicks, according to the most recent "Natural Born Clickers" study from ComScore and media agency Starcom.


A pediu pra estúdios criarem uma fonte inspirada em quem tem alguma deficiência física. O coletivo We (que não descobri de onde é) fez uma fonte sem usar as mãos. Veja o vídeo. Bem bacana. (via tips@brainstorm).

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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CBS Tops Tuesday Again

MINNEAPOLIS ( — OK. Time to catch collective breaths. Because prime-time premiere week has passed, and most shows have had their season or series broadcast bow. But it's important to remember one week does not a season make (remember NBC's "big hit" "Joey?" Me neither.) But two weeks does make a trend, if not a prime-time pattern. So CBS looks like the unlikely big winner so far on Tuesday.

Ovomaltine lança seu aplicativo de iPhone


Criado pela QG Propaganda, este aplicativo é um jeito divertido e interativo para você preparar o seu Ovomaltine. Depois de colocar o leite e o achocolatado, o comando ‘Shake’ aparece para você chacoalhar seu iPhone, podendo misturar os ingredientes e “beber” à vontade. Basta clicar em “Recomeçar” e você pode beber quantas vezes quiser. Afinal, Ovomaltine é como os momentos mais gostosos da sua vida: é Forever.

Forever porque é o conceito da nova campanha que Ovomaltine e a QG trazem para ao mercado, que inclui ainda um novo hotsite no qual os consumidores podem compartilhar seus momentos mais “forever”, como o dia da formatura, o primeiro encontro, a primeira viagem de avião e muitos outros momentos inesquecíveis.

Kudos para QG e equipe: Marcello Droopy, Nicholas Bergantin e “Rafu”.

:: O aplicativo já está disponível, aqui. (É Free!).

Leonard Gren

Un focus sur l’élégant travail du jeune photographe suédois Leonard Gren, actuellement freelance. Beaucoup de portraits et un vrai style dans le milieu de la mode. A découvrir à travers plusieurs images dans la suite de l’article.









Previously on Fubiz

Striking lookalike / La mémoire aussi fonctionne par flashs

storm2006 storm2009
Audi / Roadmap on a flash of light – 2006
“Gibraltar, Malaga, Grenada, Valencia, Barcelona”
Agency : ACW Grey Tel Aviv (Israel)
Lotus / Roadmap on a flash of light – 2009
“Athens… Odessa” Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : JNL+ Athens (Greece)
3 ans se sont écoulés entre l’original et la redite, on ne peut pas dire que l’idée se soit propagée aussi vite que l’éclair…
1 people like this post.

Sony | Soundville

Sony Soundville

Em uma pequena vila da Islândia, chamada Seydisfjordur, a Sony criou uma incrível experiência sonora. “Soundville” é o novo conceito da marca para a sua linha de som, onde prometem testar a pureza de áudio até o limite.

Criado pela Fallon London, e produzido pela MJZ, o experimento na Islândia transformou a vida tranquila e silenciosa dos moradores em um cotidiano movido pela música. De Bob Dylan a Guillemots, teve para todos os gostos, principalmente para aqueles que não queriam muito barulho.

Com a assinatura “Believe in Superior Sound Experiences”, o filme com quase três minutos de duração vale pelo belo casamento entre imagens e som, mas a expressão que fica no final é: WTF?!

| Via Creativity

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Almap BBDO Reigns Again as the Most-Awarded Shop in Latin America

BUENOS AIRES ( — Brazil's Almap BBDO is the most-awarded agency in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world for the sixth year in a row, according to the new 2009 Crema ranking, compiled annually by Adlatina.

Old White Men’s Club Raided by Diversity Group

The below is a spot promoting the one-year anniversary of Adversity — which is both an ad industry diversity group and a word that means a "state of continued difficulty." In it, a diverse group of young upstarts — kept outside the door as a party is going on — decide to take matters into their own hands. It's not nearly as drunken or violent as I would have hoped.

Coca-Cola Light | Tribute To Fashion


As edições limitadas da Coca-Cola Light firmadas por grandes nomes da moda são um clássico desta marca.
Roberto Cavalli e Manolo Blahnik já ‘vestiram’ este produto, e pela segunda vez, outros oito designers, entre eles Donatella Versace, Consuelo Castiglioni (Marni), Angela Missoni (Moschino) e Silvia Venturini (Fendi) também criaram desenhos exclusivos para as embalagens limitadas da Coca Light.
A coleção ‘Tribute to Fashion‘, a venda desde de o dia 25 de setembro, na Itália, foi apresentada durante a Semana de Moda de Milão. O dinheiro ganho com as vendas é destinado a um projeto de ajuda para a região de Abruzzo, castigada por um terremoto ano passado. Abaixo vocês podem ver o filme que divulga a nova coleção e algumas imagens.



:: Via Luxuo :: Veja também ADivertido Branded Fashion.

Blodget: Internet History Spells Bad News for MySpace

How much is a deeply troubled, money-losing social network that has long-since surrendered its buzz and momentum to Facebook worth?

Diageo Hands Jose Cuervo Creative to Crispin Porter Bogusky

NEW YORK ( — Spirits giant Diageo has shifted creative advertising for its Jose Cuervo tequila brand to Crispin Porter & Bogusky from WPP's JWT, which had the business for only a year, executives familiar with the matter said.

Online Criminal Mortification – Online Mugshots Share Viral Embarrassment (GALLERY)

( If you partied a little too hard on the weekend, wound up straddling a sculpture naked with a beer taped to each hand and woke up in jail, you just might find yourself on The site searches…

Experiencing a Conference as If For The First Time

These graduate students are primed to impact the future of our industry in a way that few before them ever were. I was moved to ask them if they would share their perceptions of the conference with me.

Google’s SideWiki: Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You

Let's be clear. Sidewiki is a land grab. Google has now set up real estate on every single website, for commentary from the masses. So what should marketers and site owners do? Three things.

Steve Jobs cast as Orwellian dictator in online ad campaign

LONDON – Apple’s iconic Orwellian TV ad has been parodied in a new online campaign which takes a pop at Steve Jobs and Apple’s reputation for making its products difficult to use with software made by rival companies.

Bassetts launches sampling and experiential push for vitamin product

LONDON – Bassetts is launching an experiential drive and sampling giveaway to promote the launch of its new vitamin product.

Extreme Ink Parties – The London Tattoo Convention Has a Whole Lot of Needles (GALLERY)

( Ever wondered what it would be like to be the only person in a place without a tattoo? Well, you will have to wait until next year to find out, cause you missed this year’s London Tattoo Convention.


Upturn predicted for global ad market despite Q1 decline

LONDON – Global ad spend declined 6.8% in the first half of 2009, according to The Nielsen Company, with ad spend in Europe down 9.1%.