Inspired-Inspirers Issue 7
Posted in: UncategorizedWe go live once again with a brand new release.
This time we have the wonderful collaborations of Jeff Soto, Sorin Bechira, Perttu Murto and Tom Lane.
Go get inspired!
Interrupted Fashion Fantasies – Chanel Spring 2009 Haute Couture Show Brings Optimism (VIDEO)
Posted in: UncategorizedFacebook Connect: The Next Great App War
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We've witnessed zombies, vampires, sheep, parking spaces, kidnapping, pushpins and hundreds and hundreds of other silly Facebook apps take our time and waste it like nothing in recent history. But don't be so quick to write Facebook apps off just yet. Facebook Connect has actually made Facebook apps more important than ever.
NEC Starts Eye Flavor Face Recognition Digital Signage
Posted in: UncategorizedA lot of talk was released regarding the evolution of signage advertising and apparently NEC has broken the ice as far as bringing digital signage advertising is concerned. Using NEC’s face recognition technology, eye flavor can distribute targeted advertising content according to the customer’s gender and age range.
NEC conducted a trial of the eye flavor’s effectiveness at the Granduo Tachikawa, a commercial facility in Japan. Specifically, NEC’s eye flavor was set up at the front entrance on the first floor of Granduo Tachikawa for 21 days in October 2008. The number of viewers, as well as viewing duration of advertising contents, was measured in terms of time period, gender and age. In addition, the distance between the display and the viewers were measured.
(Source) Press
Leo Burnett Lays Off 75
Posted in: UncategorizedFerocious Stupidity Attacks – Jessica Alba Defends Herself On her Blog (GALLERY)
Posted in: UncategorizedCharles Saatchi as Simon Cowell?
Posted in: UncategorizedNBC Down to Just Two Spots Left in Super Bowl
Posted in: Uncategorized‘Fringe’ Finally Beats ‘The Mentalist’
Posted in: Uncategorized
MINNEAPOLIS ( — Fox's "Fringe" has TV's most envied lead-in, "American Idol." Would it be better off if it moved? As unlikely an outcome as that is, last night's Nielsen ratings suggest that it just may fare better by not running against original episodes of the season's one big breakthrough, CBS's "The Mentalist." Last night, "Fringe" finally beat the hit police procedural, but mainly because "The Mentalist" was a repeat.
Does PETA Love Fish So Much It Will Sacrifice a Cow?
Posted in: UncategorizedSony EX Headphones: Tuning fork
Posted in: Uncategorized“Perfect sound Sony EX Headphones.”
Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Steve Back
Art Director: Nic Buckingham
Copywriter: Paul Bootlis
Photographer: Chris Mollison
PETA Ad Rejected
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The PETA ad has just joined the ranks of banned commercials because it was far too suggestive and exceeded the network’s standards. So like any other company, spending millions in production alone is quite disappointing. The only way that their ad would be shown is if certain parts would be edited.
This year PETA introduced a new commercial depicting sexy models using produce in sexual manners to illustrate PETA’s message that vegetarians have better sex. They also released another commercial called “Sexy Sausage” for the same message.
It’s not just NBC that feels that the ads go overboard with PETA’s message, and it’s not just PETA’s ads that have been rejected by NBC. Other companies have been told their advertisements were not suitable for audiences while those companies argue that the commercials NBC does run could be considered just as inappropriate.
(Source) Over The Limit
Reader’s Digest Association Adopts ‘Recession Plan’
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NEW YORK ( — Reader's Digest Association said today it plans to lay off 280 of its 3,500 employees worldwide as part of a plan to navigate the global economic slowdown. U.S. employees who are losing their jobs will be notified this week. The company also plans to suspend its practice of matching contributions to employees' 401(k) plans and order employees to take five unpaid days off.
Getting Naughty With Vegetables – PETA’s Pro-Vegetarian Commercial Banned from Super Bowl (VIDEO)
Posted in: UncategorizedAOL to Lay off 700
Posted in: UncategorizedThey Don’t Make Shows About Actuaries, Do They?
Posted in: UncategorizedThe Alternate Ending of Bud Bowl I
Posted in: UncategorizedSuperbowl e o poder das mídias digitais
Posted in: UncategorizedVocês devem ter percebido que venho falando muito sobre cases e ações de marcas que querem fixar a sua presença no milionário e fabuloso mundo do Superbowl.
Em números de audiência e pela quantidade de aficionados, ele está para os EUA o que a Copa do Mundo está para o Brasil. Não é pra tanto que (sem exagerar) todo o Estados Unidos pára pra assistir a final do campeonato de futebol americano, o esporte mais popular do país.
E é este o evento que reforça a mudança estratégica de muitos anunciantes. Neste ano, PepsiCo,, Budweiser, Miller e Pedigree, por exemplo, nos mostraram idéias jamais vistas antes em seus segmentos, nem mesmo em qualquer outra atmosfera do marketing.
A base dessa mudança é a internet. É nesse mídia ambiente que as ações mais criativas começam a florescer. Mas é claro, qual outro meio oferece a agilidade, a interatividade e a colaboração como a web?
Por isso, ao querer provar o significado de todas as mídias, mesmo que coadjuvantes, a internet acaba sendo o alvo da mais alta criatividade de grandes agências norte-americanas.
O exemplo mais recente é o da Pedigree, que além de motivar as pessoas a assistirem seu comercial do Superbowl pelo site (, dando como garantia: reverter as visualizações em doação de alimentos para cães abandonados. Pretende fazer o mesmo, dois dias antes do Superbowl, a cada download feito de seu aplicativo “Shake & Bark” para iPhone.
Posso concluir que nenhuma mídia sobrevive mais sozinha. Não existe eficácia na TV sem internet, e dificilmente existirá com internet sem TV. O fato é que vivemos no mundo da integração. E nele, vai se destacar quem melhor usar a criatividade.