Super Bowl Ad News

The New York Post reports that Will Ferrell may team up with Budweiser for a spot during the upcoming Super Bowl XLII on February 3rd.

The comedian is talking to beer brewer and perennial Super Bowl advertiser Anheuser-Busch about appearing in a spot during the Feb. 6 game on Fox, sources told The Post.

Assuming the spot makes the cut, Ferrell would appear as his character from the upcoming 1970s basketball comedy, “Semi-Pro,” opening Feb. 9.

According to the article, other celebrities we should expect to see include Justin Timberlake for Pepsi and Carmen Electra for Hershey’s.

Additionally, AdAge is reporting that Nissan Motor Co. is quietly mulling a large spot buy that would allow the automaker to run lots of local ads on various Fox TV stations and affiliates during the game.

A Nissan spokeswoman said she could not “confirm anything about our plans for the Super Bowl,” but one person familiar with the matter said the automaker is planning to advertise its Murano, a so-called midsize crossover that pairs the driving experience of a regular car with some of the features of a sport utility vehicle.

Other Super Bowl advertisers expected to show include Coca Cola, Audi of America, Bridgestone Firestone North America,, Frito-Lay/Doritos, General Motors/Chevrolet, GoDaddy, NFL, Disney, Kraft/Planters, Unilever,, Hyundai Motor America and FedEx.

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Google Translation Bots Get Swear Words Right

While the translation bots are not famous for understanding human speech with great accuracy, one thing Google’s bots get right is swearing.

Google has just released a series of language translation bots that you can invite for a chat and that would act as simultaneous interpreter when you have a conversation with another foreign-language speaking human.

You probably don’t want to use it for important conversations: Israeli journalists recently got themselves into a diplomatic scandal when their translation software misfired and one of the questions to the Dutch Foreign Minister resulted in”The mother your visit in Israel is a sleep to the favor or to the bed.”

So. Google’s English to Russian bots translate “Let’s go drinking” as “Let’s find potable” and “Shipping up to Boston” as “Navigation to Pskov“. But swearing? Dead on.

No more child’s play for Jamie Lynn Spears

Due to recent events, Jamie Lynn Spears might have to find a new angle for her commercial work, now that her cheerleader promos (above) and spots for pastel-colored karaoke headsets seem a little dated.

—Posted by Tim Nudd

Puma’s robot working overtime for holidays

OK, I’ve taken some shots at robots this year. They devalue our humanity, and will soon kill us all. Plus, the Shave Bot threw me over for a toaster she met on Still, I’ve found a place in my heart for Puma’s special holiday-season “G1ft Bot 2007.” He’s got a merry workshop, like a regular Santa Claws. Click on the boom-box and he dances! (Is that “the robot” he’s doing? Doesn’t matter, that guy can move.) Now I regret ever suggesting that our metal friends wanted to kill all humans. Oh, and look what just rolled into my cubicle at AdFreak: a giant metallic gift box in the shape of a horse! How clever and distinctive. I guess the ’bots have decided to make up with me, too. I can’t wait to see what’s inside!

—Posted by David Gianatasio

Romney and Clinton’s odd new commercials

You may not be planning to commit a federal crime in the next few years. But if you blunder into one, wouldn’t you like to think there’s some chance a merciful president would pardon you? If so, a new commercial for Mitt Romney may incline you to vote against him. In the course of attacking Mike Huckabee as soft on crime, the spot makes the peculiar boast that Romney “never pardoned a single criminal.” Who’d have thought a candidate would choose to depict himself as so pitiless? Odd as it is, though, this claim seems slightly less so than one made for Hillary Clinton in one of her new spots. In it, we see Clinton’s mother say of Hillary, “She never was envious of anybody.” Have you ever decided to vote for or against a political candidate based on your sense of whether the person was prone to envy? Seems unlikely. And of all the sins Clinton’s detractors have accused her of, envy has scarcely been conspicuous among them. People often complain that campaign advertising is too negative. Maybe they should start complaining that it’s too weird.

—Posted by Mark Dolliver

Former S.C. Democratic Chairman: I’m Endorsing Obama

What are political endorsements worth? Hard to say, really. I don't think they change voters' minds, but I do believe endorsements can create and accelerate momentum, especially early in campaigns and in the hectic last weeks as undecided voters make their choices.

Are there any advergames that don’t suck?

I’ve seen the stats: Millions of Internet users play casual games. OK, now add in the notion of “engagement.” What do you get? Lots of advertiser casual games. As a reporter, I play these games. I’ve urinated on cats in the name of establishing a relationship with Meaty Bone, washed babies to identify with Johnson’s, and most recently hurled Charmin at polar bears. Other than a few of the auto games, I simply don’t get them. Maybe it’s because middle-aged women are the more likely profile of the casual gamer, but these experiences leave a lot to be desired. The most annoying part is the brand, ever eager to appease the in-control consumer, makes them totally unchallenging. Has anyone seen an actual compelling casual advergame?

—Posted by Brian Morrissey

Randy scamp? Or one-man disease vector?

For those who think Axe is too subtle in its group-sex insinuations, we bring you this TV spot for Italian energy drink Burn. It’s safe for work, unless you work at an STD clinic. Personally, I thought we’d moved past the point of glorifying guys who sack five or six women in a night. Bah, who am I kidding? But something tells me this energy drink isn’t the only morning “burn” he’ll be enjoying. Via Ads of the World.

—Posted by David Griner

Consumer Creates Pringles’ Christmas Day Spot

LONDON ( — Procter & Gamble Co.'s Pringles brand will air a consumer-created ad made for just $600 during a prime-time slot on Christmas Day that could potentially reach about 10 million holiday viewers.

Canadian workplace-safety ads frighten kids

Wsib Turns out Americans weren’t the only ones grossed out by those explicit Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario ads. (We wrote about them here.) Canadians were also uncomfortable, as perhaps we should have expected. In fact, the city of Windsor “is refusing to place WSIB’s print ads in bus shelters, citing their ‘disturbing’ nature and gory images.” They specifically object to a gory ad in which a construction worker has been impaled by an oversized forklift operation manual, claiming that it would frighten children. And it probably would. But they don’t have to work in factories yet, so they’re fine. At least the ads don’t suggest that workplace accidents will give them genital herpes.

—Posted by David Kiefaber

FREAKY AD MOMENTS OF 2007, FINAL 4: Canada’s Lost Jaw guy vs. Dexter’s viral

The Freakiest Advertising Moment of 2007 contest started with 64 contenders. Now, we’re down to just four. See the full bracket here. Vote below, through midnight Wednesday, for the two you’d like to see in the championship round.

—Posted by Tim Nudd


Matchup #1:
Canada’s Lost Jaw anti-dip ads vs. Dexter’s viral campaign.

  Mr. Scabby Face survived an Elite Eight showdown with the anorexic. Now, he faces Dexter’s creepy “Make a friend feel like the target of a serial killer” viral campaign, which disarmed The Back-Up bedside shotgun in the previous round. Who will make mincemeat of whom?
  UPDATE: Dexter’s viral campaign leaves the Lost Jaw guy even more bruised and bloody than he was before. See the vote totals here.

FREAKY AD MOMENTS OF 2007, FINAL 4: Pioneer’s mutants vs. Skittles’ milked man


Matchup #2:
Pioneer’s laughing-eye ads vs. Skittles’ milked man.

  In the previous round, Pioneer’s mouth-eyes stared down Starburst’s little lad, then chewed him to pieces. Likewise, Skittles’ milked man lactated himself into the Final Four with a textbook dismantling of Volkswagen’s bird-poop eater. It’s eyes against teats for a spot in the big game.
  UPDATE: Pioneer’s mouth-eyes find enough votes to send the milkman home. See the vote totals here.

Adnerdery – slogans and perl.

There might only be a handful of adgrunts here who’ll love this combo – the Ad Code, psuedo perl code advertising slogans where you have to guess the brand. Everyone, give it try, you’ll score better than you think.
I got them all right, but the winery had me thinking there for a while, I must admit – that’s such an old tagline it took ages before it came to mind.

Your score: 6
You have an impressive knowledge of both programming and advertising slogans. Talk about a perfect date.

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Burger King Whopper Freakout is freaking everyone out!

Hey kids! It’s yet another Crispin Porter + Bogusky Burger King campaign where we’re hotly divided on whether the commercials are brilliant, blah or a bucket of bullpucky! Yay! Watch and decide for yourself!

Other people have been calling them misgony King (marketingwhore), George Parker of adscam is wondering Why is the “Whopper Freakout” freaking me out?, Community guy warns that watching all seven minutes may cause Whopper cravings, quite a few people think it’s their current favorite campaign like Marobella’s branding soapbox there. Bloggers like Twistimage find themselves spending at least eight minutes watching a lowly ad, but then also making a blog posting about it. Bestweekever suggests that McDonald’s retort with a spot about the guy who threw himself into traffic after arriving ten minutes too late to order a McGriddle. Creativity Online has an interview with director Henry Alex Rubin about the making of these ads. And inside, we have the single serving TV commercial versions of the whopper freakout campaign.

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Interview with Forays: Geraldine Juárez and Adam Bobbette

Forays is a low profile (that’s their words) artist group strung somewhere between New York and Montreal whose work focuses on the research and creation of open-source minor architectures and low-tech modifications of everyday life.


Forays is Adam Bobette and Geraldine Juárez.

Geraldine Juarez is a self-taught designer and an artist from Mexico City based in Brooklyn, New York where she is a Senior Fellow at Eyebeam and play around the city with Forays. She is a drop out of Communication and Graphic Design of a university in Mexico City and worked in advertising for several years doing visual effects in Mexico City, New York and Los Angeles. Her current interests are low-tech crafts and artifacts. Most of the time she obtains her supplies in trash bags, by freecycling or by hacking public sites.

Adam Bobbette is a writer, researcher and artist based in Montréal.

What started as an innocent conversation between Geraldine and i about the Postal Gown she was modeling around Williamsburg during the Conflux festival escalated into a fully-fledged interview about her, and mostly the works she’s currently working on together with Adam. Here we go:

Postal Cocoon

Hey Geraldine, you write that you find your supplies in trash bags, freecycling or by hacking public sites. Sounds interesting but we’d like to get more details. How does one hack a public site? can you give us examples too? And what is freecycling?

G:. I read once that hacking is the creative adaptation to immediate circumstances. I switched not so long ago from purely digital work to more analog and tangible object production and I had to learn electronics from scratch, a bit of code and a whole lot about materials. I started hacking the city accidentally. I was working a lot with paper and electronics and I needed something that I couldn’t afford. Looking online for alternatives I found it freely available in the public infrastructure of the city: the postal office. Not paying for my source material was a complete delight and I pushed it forward. Picking stuff from the street in New York is nothing new, everybody does it. There is a royal amount of quality waste all around the city. However there is an easier and more social way to get specific things that you need. Freecyle is a simple yahoo list that let’s you ask and offer things for reuse. Most of the time the craft materials are just surplus so you get perfectly good stuff for free. Often I found just what I needed and it was an opening to start wandering around the city to get what I need and most important, interacting with the moneyless layer of New York City.

Together with Adam Bobbette, you work on the Forays projects. How did you get to meet and work together? Does each of you have his or her own skills and knowledge that complete the other?

AB. Like yin and yang? Like milk and tea? Like diamonds and roughness?


G:. it’s actually not like that at all, we don’t really like each other. We met in Eyebeam. I knew he wanted to work with steam and I thought that was wicked but he was too cocky so I didn’t want to talk to him. One day I stole a little kaleidoscope from his desk. I confessed to it and then we found out that we both were into folding stuff, trash and useless things. He is a luddite and I’m more geeky. He speaks French and I speak Spanish, so it helps to create confusion.

AB. We always have experiences to share about crossing the American border, which is a strong bond.

G. Also, we really work hard to keep it low and that’s really encouraging. Adam has trouble with authority while i have it with sustainability and environmentalism. He likes space and i like materials. We both find waste inspiring. We like the idea of creating pieces that make you realize your space and environment in a more beautiful and accidental way. Since we come from different worlds we are constantly questioning what it really means to step into these arenas like activism, art, architecture. We are also really afraid of how art goes, and we don’t know how to slip in and come out clean. And yeah we don’t like each other.

AB. Which makes for this great productive confusion. Collaborative work is mostly frustrating.

G. And there are others we work with too, wonderful, distant others.

AB. And some of them like you, Jerry.

G. Sure.

AB. We do a lot of our own stuff and sometimes just fall into each other’s projects mid-way, towards the end or drop out from the beginning. But it’s definitely important that we are surprised by what we work on individually. Or, it’s great to be surprised by how differences end up overlapping.

Beach Mat Cocoon

One of your pieces Field Notes addresses the ways in which the delineation of interior and exterior or private and public space can be used towards political ends. Using cocoons, you and Adam propose open source architecture and hacked materials as forms of grassroots activism. Can you give us more details on that? Which materials you use? And how the cocoon can be turned into OS architecture?

A— G: The basic nature of the cocoon is to turn the structures and infrastructures of the city into a vehicle for experimentation. It might need space, it might need a certain material, it might need a certain action to hang it. When a cocoon needed certain materials, it made us go and find it around, explore sites and slip into and through cracks to get it. This gives us the chance to hack infrastructures. When the cocoon needs to be used you have to look for space: a scaffold, a tree, a fire escape, which enables reclaiming some lost space. Also, the cocoon is meant to be a tool for tactical occupation, like in the case of More Gardens —


AB. A kick ass New York City community garden advocacy group that saves community gardens from being destroyed by the city

G. — Either for tree sitting or for creating a temporary squat, when you slip into a cocoon you slip into a tool riddled with the potential of continually evolving.

AB. With the cocoons we weren’t really so interested in focusing on the objects but on the whole network, the whole approach that building and thieving, freecycling, skill sharing and trespassing gets you into. I mean, we personally really cared about the objects but that was not what we wanted to show to the public. That stuff is personal. What we do care about is pointing in a direction; towards techniques of trespass, of building, of acquiring materials. It was important to provide entry points into the very material circumstances and consequences of art making.

The kind of materials we were using were things like construction netting hacked from construction sites. To get them you climb up inside scaffolding and cut out some chunks. We also used modified Tyvek postal envelopes grabbed for free from post offices around New York. And, 1 dollar beach mats. These are the main materials, but there is tones of other stuff, mostly culled from construction sites, hardware shops, outdoors shops and the street.

Open source architecture refers to the way that we hoped to distribute a process of building, not instructions on how to build a particular thing. We had to break codes and hack systems to build the cocoons and what we are interested in distributing are the techniques we used. We don’t think any body would be really all that interested in reproducing the objects we produced, but the techniques could help people build their own stuff or at least take an adventurous approach to buildings. We are just hoping to pass on a very basic program for experimental architecture.

Postal Cocoon

What does one of these cocoons look like exactly? Can you sleep in it?

A— AB. People have said they look like many things. Some people think they look like body bags, which I kind of like. Some people think they look like jewels, some say they are just hammocks, some don’t really know what to make of them.

Yes, you can sleep in them. We have and will continue to. There is this whole experiential side, as you can imagine, to sleeping in trees and hanging up against scaffolding, strapped to some edifice under construction like you were, well, a little larvae grafted to structures. Which you are already, with or without some cocoon.

G. They are really a simple hammock. However the material and the way in which they are built, make them what you want them or need them to be.


And how about the Craigslist chapter of the project? How did it go and did it encounter the kind of response you were hoping to get?

A— G. Well, Adam got all those emails. Actually the Craiglist chapter are the origin of the cocoon. He was trying to advertise free space for people to occupy as well as describing this kind of poetics of squatting. Squatting not only as a political strategy but also a creative architectural endeavour.

AB. Craigslist is a funny place. It was really a way for us to talk to an audience that would otherwise have little relation to this kind of work (though maybe we’re making bogus assumptions). And, yeah we had great responses ranging from sincere interest to total confusion to pick-up lines.


I like the “swing actions” a lot. How did the public react to the swings? Do you know if the idea has spread around?

yes-three.jpgA— AB. It’s pretty hard not to love swings even when they are set in places they shouldn’t be; they are pretty benign objects. Everybody loved them, from construction workers who would tell us we ‘gotta patent that shit’, to passersby, and of course, kids. But this is why they can be a decent introduction or gateway to more intense experiences of disruption, or of bending and twisting space.

G. I was just the trooper. I had to wait in line to use the freaking swing. The pictures I took are beautiful though.

Did you ever get into trouble for installing swings and portable squats?

A—G. Not a real problem. Some building porters that double as mini-cops…

AB: So many people in New York city are mini cops…

G. Some have come to us to ask what the hell we are doing, but often people give us a break to finish or even let us keep going. You would be surprised by how many public servants are tamed by the word “art”. It’s really the best antidote or word you can use to dissolve confusion and tension. We just published recently ‘How to Unload bags and Practice Failure’, a description of getting busted and the function of the “artist”. Why don’t you read it. It’s my favorite project.


I want to know more about 100% Local Irradiated Food. And that TV set that you turned into an Edible Excess Machine. What was the impetus for that project? How does the EXM work?

A— G. Oh! The EXM doesn’t work.

EXM_adam.jpgAB. It is a symbolic machine. We have been inspired by freeganism for quite some time and wanted to build a machine that spoke to the very interesting contradictions of freeganism, the same contradictions that underlie so much of our own work. I was excited about the machine because of the way that it spoke to all of these interesting problems of the excess/consumption, host/parasite relationship.

Basically, parasitic activity requires the very consumer society it deplores in order for it to survive. Freegans would be impossible without the excess generated by consumer society. Their activism, their scavenging, which is a totally justified protest against this consumption at the same time depends on it. So, in their own ideal world they would not exist. In a way they are fighting for their own disappearance as a group. That’s interesting.

What the machine is supposed to do is allow you to turn absolutely anything (garbage, bricks, old tires) into edible waste by irradiating it and swallowing a laxative. A perfect circle. A perfect impossibility. If it were true, at a certain point, you would end up turning your own self into edible waste.

We built it as a workshop at Eyebeam. Jerry and some excellent workshop folks built a commercial around the EXM. We hope to eventually get a feature in Martha Stewart’s magazine.

G. I have a crush on garbage bags so I really wanted to do something directly with them. The idea came up actually because someone told us that you can actually create x-rays out of a tv.

So the project is meant to raise attention to the enormous amount of waste we produce everyday, right?

G. We are trying to make clear the fact that while everybody goes green, local and organic our waste will remain there. It’s about excessive consumption. If everyone is really really interested in being sustainable, how about eating your own waste? THE EXM is as retarded as green capitalism.


There’s a strange little device on your website. It’s called Bucky and seems to implode. Can you tell us something about it?

A— AB. This is Jerry’s killer project and she thinks more clearly about it than I but we do share this distrust of Mr. Bucky Fuller. He is still someone that we have to contend with, maybe one of the most important idols that we have yet to destroy. He is really this figure head of all of this naïve technological optimism that threatens to murder anything that was once dangerous and/or interesting about sustainability.

G. The Bucky is an exploding microcosm contained in a dome. It simulates the illusion of cheap and easy sustainability and environmentalism based on the commodity. Saving the world has became a commodity that you can buy in Whole Foods and every other shop on the block and it’s really pathetic. Why is being green even an interesting future? Honestly, it looks all the same to me.

AB: Isn’t it just the same as the present except that people will feel guiltless about their consumption, about their excesses? You know, I feel like sustainability even has enough room in it’s future for things like solar powered tanning salons and ways to power your television set by the energy emitted by burning your own calories. And all sorts of other “neat” stuff.

JG. For me, a sustainable future based on consuming “with the earth in mind” is the ultimate social disaster. I prefer to stop preparing for the upcoming natural disasters and start acting on the social disaster around me, like consumer capitalism.


The Bucky’s are based on Fuller‘s Geoscope: This globe that allows you to see the big picture and help humanity somehow to “anticipate and cope with inexorable events”. Bucky I is a forest made of money that explodes. Pure illusion. My Bucky is meant to mimic the actual fragility of ‘Space Ship Earth’. Green or not. I really want to destroy this illusion of “saving” the world going “green”. I don’t think we are going to “save” it. But i do believe we have to go more dark in order to learn how to live on it from now on.


During the last edition of Conflux, I saw you walking around with your friends wearing some pretty Postal Gowns. How can I make one? Can you give us a little step-by-step?

A—AB. Regine, haven’t you heard how damn stubborn Jerry is with instructions these days? She avoids them like she had a nut allergy or something.

JG. Uff. Don’t even get my started. What’s with this obsession for systematization? Yeah i don’t like instructions, but actually some people really dig instruction sets and they even think they allow you to show how instructions for anything always rely on some impossibility and the unthinkability of chance.

postalgirls.jpgWell my allergy to instructions is that i don’t think there is a possible way to break down into steps things that are not technical, and maybe i really want to move over the technical. I like to share information yes, but i think we have to subvert the way we share it some how too. Instructablism is getting a little boring to me. To make a Postal Gown first you need to get some material for free by any means. And this can be as broad as you want. Hacking, thieving, freecycling. You have to make an effort to avoid money exchange. You have to learn how to step into strangers homes (it’s really weird sometimes as well as interesting), receive something and take responsability of it.

Once you got your material:

(You need a pattern and a sewing machine)

1. Cut your pattern

2. Sew both parts together,

Thanks Geraldine and Adam!

All images courtesy of the artists.

Links for 2007-12-18 []

Banners will save the World


This is f*cking brilliant. Everytime you visit the United Nations Free Rice site and play the word game, grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program.

There are reports of schoolkids from all over the world sitting in class playing this, increasing their vocabulary, and at the same time feeding other kids.

It’s only been launched a month or two, and already the number of grains of rice donated (in lieu of click thru advertising revenue on the site), is in the billions.

My only wish is that you could play within a banner or widget. That way people could embed the service within their own sites.

Go and play for five minutes and see how many dishes of rice you can send.

Baby Jesus Viral “Tacky & Offensive”

This ad for Betta Electrical is causing a bit of an uproar here in Australia. Church Groups have claimed the ad by Sydney agency De Pasquale is “tacky and offensive”. Still waiting on what the Rabbi and Mullah think of it, although I suspect their respective versions of the ad would have been slightly different, but let’s not go there.

Personally I’m outraged at the Church Groups outrage. These groups have a monopoly on hang-over prime time TV from 2.30am-5.30am each night and a 24/7 cable television channel in which to pimp their beliefs. Outrage is coming home at 2.30 in the morning after a night on the piss and the only thing on the box is wall-to-wall TV evangelists like Benny Hinn’s ‘Miracle Crusades’ or phone sex ads. Give me the phone sex ads any day, they make more sense and I reckon a few of those girls are miracle workers too in their own special way…

Anyway, enough ranting. Here’s the ad :

A spokesperson for Betta has suggested the ad may be pulled if “community outrage grew”. We’ll it’s on the interweb now, so unless the Church Groups have a Simon Wiesenthal type character that can track down and remove religiously offensive virals, then this half-arsed attempt at censorship has failed.

Catholic Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell said “The advertisement is interesting because it shows how commercialised Christmas has become,”

Indeed it has Archbishop, and it seems the ad is working.


Cardinal Pell is presented with a High Definition Plasma TV

Novartis Hands $25 Million Drug Account to Deutsch

NEW YORK ( — Novartis is awarding more work to Interpublic Group of Cos.' Deutsch, New York, which won the $25 million marketing account for the pharmaceutical giant's new Exelon patch following a review.

Self-cleaning toilet


Yet another evidence that Europe is far ahead from us. Great commercial.