Free copy of the new book FREE from Chris Anderson

I was yesterday at the conference (The Royal College Of Physicians, London) of Chris Anderson for the launch of his new book FREE. Interesting conference about the Free model of the economy with attendees from The London Paper, Spotify and the IPA. The first book of Chris Anderson The Long […]

Parkinson disease is a fight against your own body

advertiser: Parkinson Society Canada.

SkinDoctors starts UK media review

LONDON – SkinDoctors, the cosmeceutical brand, is reviewing its UK media planning and buying business.

Ariel : Stop being cruel to your clothes

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Mumbai, India
Creative Director: Juju Basu
Art Director / Illustrator: Sandeep Poyekar
Copywriter: Amit S Acharekar
Photographer: Amol Jadhav



Capturing Stunned Kids – Kyriakos’ ‘Blue Mantle’ is Full of Frightened Faces (GALLERY)

( I can’t be too sure what is making the children in Kyriakos’ ‘Blue Mantle’ look so frightened, but their stunned faces tell the story far better than any words could. Image after image, each kid looks…

Bisected Motorbikes – Eco-Friendly Halbo is Half the Size Twice the Excitement (GALLERY)

( As gas digits become smaller, apparently so too do the size of the vehicles. The Halbo motorcycle concept designed by Pierre Yohanes Lubis for BMW is actually the size of half of a real motorcycle.


Stupid Store Signs – From Unfortunate Acronyms to Accidental Innuendos (GALLERY)

( These ridiculous signs will have you exclaiming, “What the hell were they thinking?!” From slogans like “Pump’n’Munch” to Beaver Cleaners businesses, there’s no shortage of companies and individuals that…

Peaceful Photography – Jan Scholz Captures Girls on Beds in Moments of Tranquility (GALLERY)

( Jan Scholz is a lucky man for being able to pose as a photographer to capture these shots. The models in these peaceful photographs are all shot on beds in a somewhat dreamy yet seductive manner.


Braincast TV | Michael Jackson, 1 ano, Cannes Lions 2009

Soprando as velinhas, o Braincast TV é o primeiro a comemorar 1 ano no Enxame, e vamos falar exatamente do mesmo assunto que tratamos no primeiro programa: Cannes Lions.

O convidado da vez é Rodrigo Zannin, diretor de arte da Fischer América, e conversamos sobre alguns cases do Festival de Cannes, sem falar nos dez segundos de silêncio em homenagem a um ídolo. Emocionante.

[Download .mov] [Assista os programas anteriores] [Feed]

| Índice:
00:42 – 10 segundos de silêncio pela morte de Michael Jackson
01:23 – Michael Jackson derruba a internet
03:54 – Um ano de Braincast TV!
05:20 – No primeiro Braincast TV tivemos em pauta Cannes 08, e hoje, Cannes 09
05:56 – Cases premiados: Mil Casmurros
07:08 – Cases premiados: O Melhor Emprego do Mundo
08:27 – Cases premiados: Eco Drive – Fiat
09:10 – Cases premiados: Batman – Why So Serious
10:07 – Rodrigo Zannin shortlist em Cannes
11:03 – O “bannerzinho” continua levando!
11:46 – O bingo do Brainstorm#9

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Subway Puts Phelps Back in Its Advertising Pool

So you heard the one about the world's fastest swimmer and the bong? Michael Phelps, infamously, admitted to an ill-advised toke at a party and a pictures was shot 'round the world last winter that potentially jeopardized millions in sponsorships.

Greg Bell Departs Venables Bell Partners

NEW YORK ( — Greg Bell, co-founder and co-creative director of hot indie shop Venables Bell & Partners, San Francisco, is departing the agency.

Cutoffs and Wellies – Glastonbury 2009 Fashion Makes Dancing in Mud Look Chic (GALLERY)

( Cutoffs and Wellies were the unofficial Glastonbury 2009 fashion pairing spotted on everyone from Lily Donaldson to Daisy Lowe.

We’ve mentioned that NYC hipsters have gone crazy for the tattered micro…

Modernista Puts a Price on Ideas — and Gets $45

What's with agencies and eBay these days? For nearly as much money as a case of suds, Modernista used the site yesterday to auction off a pack of 12 commercial scripts suitable for a beer marketer.

Free the new bookof Chris Anderson for free

Good conference!

PayPal | Do Stuff For Money

Para estimular as pessoas a experimentarem seus serviços, o PayPal colocou no ar o Do Stuff For Money. É basicamente uma ferramenta para convidar seus amigos a fazerem coisas por você. É só dizer qual a tarefa e quanto você paga, afinal, “as vezes só pedir não é o suficiente.”

Seu amigo pode aceitar, negar ou ignorar. Exemplos: ofereça R$ 20 para ele limpar sua casa ou R$ 50 para lavar suas meias, ou até uns R$ 100 por idéias para aquele job chato que você pegou. Só depende da sua imaginação e nível de pão-durismo.

O pagamento, obviamente, deve ser feito via PayPal, e conta com integração com o Facebook. A criação é da Evolution Bureau. Eu, como usuário frequente, só tenho mais uma coisa pra dizer: PayPal salva vidas.


Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Inappropriate iPhone Apps – Underage BeautyMeter App Gets Pulled (GALLERY)

( The latest free iPhone app called “BeautyMeter” is a modern version of “Hot or Not” that took over the Internet a couple years ago.

The app was pulled from the iTunes App Store after teenage girls began…

Unilever to Review Massive Global Media Account

NEW YORK ( — One of the world's largest advertisers, Unilever, is launching a massive review of its media planning and buying later this month encompassing 13 countries around the globe. The payoff for the winning agencies will be huge, considering that Unilever spent $755 million in measured media in the U.S. alone last year; Ad Age's annual Leading National Advertisers report found that the consumer-package-goods giant laid out $2.4 billion overall on advertising in the U.S. in 2008.

Nike | Back Your Block


A Nike está oferecendo USD 650 mil em doações a grupos sociais dos Estados Unidos que apresentarem projetos que exaltam o esporte como uma ferramenta para mudar suas comunidades locais – e que consigam engajar um maior número de pessoas para levantar fundos a organização “Back Your Block” da Nike.

Para esta campanha, a Nike utiliza ferramentas de mídias sociais para potencializar a participação das comunidades com a causa. Facebook e Twitter também são utilizados para auxiliar as pessoas que querem votar nos projetos submetidos no site (

Atualmente, uma das maiores preocupações das empresas é a responsabilidade social, e tende a ser cada vez mais valorizada, inclusive no Brasil. Uma pesquisa feita no Fórum Ibope – Negócios Sustentáveis mostrou que 79% dos executivos e 55% da população brasileira já ouviram falar em responsabilidade social. Mais de 40% dos executivos disseram que as empresas têm que investir em responsabilidade social. O reflexo que atividades neste sentido podem gerar para uma marca é enorme.

Choreographed Printers Hype HP Workstations


OK so somebody did the synchronized thing with computer monitors.

Underwater Tea Parties – Alice in Wonderland Goes Under the Sea in Elena Kalis’ Photos (GALLERY)

( There is currently a lot of hype concerning the new Tim Burton ‘Alice in Wonderland’ remake and the world of photography has taken note. Photographer Elena Kalis has channeled the mysticism and intrigue…