Regulator bans British Gas DM ad

LONDON – The Advertising Standards Authority has banned a direct mailing from British Gas that claimed to offer “free gas for a year”.

South Bank University asks: What’s the point of marketing?

LONDON – New research has emerged from London South Bank University that questions the long term impact of marketing on consumer purchasing.

Inside the KDU

A series of interviews made by Complex Magazine to some of the KDU’s top players, explaining who we are and what we do extensively.

Check it out!: Part 1 / Part 2

Shout out to homie MWM for the image.


Michael Jackson Funeral Mostly Commercial Free on TV

NEW YORK ( — Viewers who flocked to coverage of Michael Jackson's memorial service Tuesday saw many wondrous sights, ranging from the entertainer's daughter speaking in public to a re-creation of his famous composition "We Are The World." What they didn't see, at least on most TV networks, were commercials.

Already It Seems to Be the Dog Days (and Nights) of Summer

MINNEAPOLIS ( — With broadcasters in the dog days of repeats and reality (at least until the boys of summer have their All Star Game a week from tonight), viewers continued to cool to network TV. So now is the time for cable to shine. Right? Well, maybe.

Mayor Bloomberg to Media Industry: We’re Here to Help

NEW YORK ( — Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to save New York's media industry. Many who toil in publishing, TV and radio have wondered throughout this recession how much of their troubles they can blame on the cyclical downturn — and how they can pin on big structural changes in the business. New York's plans to help its media sector, introduced Tuesday by Mr. Bloomberg after the city consulted with many prominent media executives, seem to represent a vote that something fundamental is happening.


Focus sur l’illustrateur et graphiste ukrainien Vadim Gannenko actuellement en poste dans le studio Artmonolit. Il est devenu spécialiste en conception graphique, publicité et print pour un large éventail de marques. Un style particulier et coloré à découvrir à travers plusieurs exemples.





Freedom is an act of nature

Ad Agency: C3, Beirut, Lebanon
Creative Director: Adam Serhan

Via [Ads2Blog]

O maior evento online da história da internet


De acordo com alguns analistas e portais de notícia, a transmissão ao vivo do funeral de Michael Jackson, realizada na tarde de hoje, consistiu no “maior evento online da história da internet“. Pessoas do mundo inteiro, que em sua grande maioria estão em seus respectivos trabalhos, puderam assistir sem nenhuma dificuldade a transmissão original da CNN através da CNN Live, disponível pela internet ( E o melhor de tudo: o serviço de livestream da CNN (integrado ao Facebook) não oscilou e recebeu milhares de elogios das pessoas que acompanhavam pela internet. Outros portais e serviços, como: Sky News (Reino Unido), Hulu e MySpace também forneceram imagens em tempo integral do memorial.

Duas semanas atrás, as notícias da morte de Jackson causaram uma enorme “pane” em diversas ferramentas. Facebook e Twitter sofreram as consequências da enorme manifestação gerada por seus milhões de usuários.
Basta ver também a constante aparição das tags #MJs #Michael Jackson #We Are The World #Memorial e tantas outras no Twitter, desde que o “Rei do Pop” faleceu.

O que podemos concluir com isso?

Que este foi, sem dúvida alguma, um dos acontecimentos que mais consolidaram a força da internet como uma plataforma de mídia de massa. Incontáveis pessoas assistindo via internet e interagindo ao mesmo tempo, é algo que a televisão tradicional ainda não proporciona com tanta “autoridade”, e se torna cada vez mais um diferencial para qualquer pessoa, sem limitações de faixa etária, classe social e nacionalidade. É o mundo cada vez mais digital!

Haier America Aims to Mirror Success of Samsung, LG

YORK, Pa. ( — Richard Block's goal as head of marketing is to guide Haier America down the path of other foreign electronics brands such as Samsung and LG, which entered the U.S. market with little recognition and few products but have grown into household names.

Tetragram for Enlargment

Une installation visuelle impressionnante par le collectif italien Apparati Effimeri, composé de Federico Bigi, Marco Grassivaro et Roberto Fazio. A mi-chemin, entre l’architecture et le visual design, sur une bande son réalisée par ?BeInvisibleNow. A découvrir dans la suite.

Pepsi Makes $1 Billion Investment in Russia

NEW YORK ( — PepsiCo announced a $1 billion investment in Russia, making it the latest beverage battleground. The beverage marketer plans to expand its presence in the country over the next three years through a variety of manufacturing and distribution investments.

Ad Claim: Dope Smokers Can Cure California Budget Ills

California isn't having budget woes because it spends money like a Deadhead at a bong store. No, it's because it's not letting marijuana consumers pay their fair share of taxes.

Are Multicultural Agencies Helping Their Communities?

I was recently at a dinner party with several other couples and after dinner, we were engaged in some healthy conversation which ended up on the topic of challenges in Black America and particularly black youth. Although we were discussing Black America, the issues discussed weren't just focused on black Americans, as some of the members of the group were Jamaican and Haitian. The dialogue pretty much revolved around the plight of many impoverished black communities in this country and why some individuals overcome those circumstances and others don't. (Read More)

Freeloader Practices Imagining Greater

After months of preparation and blogger speculation, the year's most controversial cable rebrand — Sci-Fi Channel's transition to Syfy — launched today to heavy fanfare from parent company NBC Universal. Freeloader hoofed it to the launch party at Rockefeller Center's temporarily transformed "Imagination Park," where purple-and-white Syfy-branded flags, a giant lollipop, a life-size viewfinder and even Kathie Lee Gifford all awaited us.

What Is Your Multicultural Agency Doing for the Communities It Targets?

Most multicultural agencies stress to their clients the importance of giving back. But the shops should be giving back as well.

Why NBC’s Negotiations Won’t Move the Market

NEW YORK ( — At a different time, whispers that NBC Universal and WPP's Group M were in the midst of heated upfront discussions would have been enough to spark the entire market. Not so in 2009.

ESPN announces channel details for its Premier League debut

LONDON – ESPN, the Disney-owned sports broadcaster that acquired the Barclays Premier League rights following Setanta’s demise earlier this month, is set to launch a new eponymous channel in the UK on 3 August.

It’s A Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake World


Have you ever walked around the city and wondered whether or not your the only person there and the rest of the city is just one giant prop?

Fabiola by Francis Alÿs


How can 300 cheapo copies of the same profile of a fourth century Christian saint originally painted by an artist most of us have never heard about be interesting? I don’t really know the answer to that but i know that the magic is there. Seen from afar, the effect of these paintings is stunning. Seen from up close, the portraits are equally fascinating continue