Apple Increasingly Frustrates Helena Bonham Carter by Showing Just How Much a Watch Can Do

In the early 1990s, AT&T famously predicted much of technology’s future in a Tom Selleck-narrated campaign called “You Will.” (See below to revisit the ads, which foresaw everything from remote learning to widespread WiFi.) Today, Apple announced its new Apple Watch Series 6 with a sweepingly epic video that follows in the tradition of “You…

Apple Wants to Make You Cry, Will Be as Cloying as Possible Until it Happens

“Designed by Apple” is the third and newest spot in TBWA\Media Arts Lab’s recent reinvention of Apple’s TV ads. The first two, “Photos Every Day” and “Music Every Day” offered a refreshing take on the iPhone, moving it out of Apple’s white world and into the real world. It seemed as though Apple was hitting its stride, until today.

Now, it’s difficult for tech companies to do sentimentality, but it’s not unprecedented (see Google). But, “Designed by Apple” is trying so damn hard to make you feel anything that it misses the mark by a mile. Perhaps it’s watching grown men absolutely lose their shit when Tim Cook mentioned “Finder windows” during yesterday’s Worldwide Developer Conference yesterday, or have the press react to Jonathan Ive‘s pastel-tinged redesign of iOS as though it was 2013′s answer to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. This is so saccharine that it’s silly.

Maybe the most misguided part is the tagline, “Designed by Apple in California” (check out the web video here). After all, as anyone who’s ever owned an Apple product knows, the words “Assembled in China” always immediately follow that statement on every device.

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We Hear: TBWA\Media Arts Lab Welcomes B-Reel CDs to the Fold

We’ve been getting a few tips on the Spy line that Ricardo Viramontes and Hector Muelas, who have each spent nearly a year as creative directors at B-Reel, have been lured away by TBWA\Media Arts Lab to, you guessed it, work on Apple. Since\MAL is like Area 51 considering its Apple tie-in, TBWA would not comment on the hirings, but prior to their work at B-Reel, Viramontes served as an art director for four-plus years at W+K New York on accounts including Jordan Brand and has also worked at the likes of CAA (you surely remember this) and BSSP.

Muelas, meanwhile, also worked at CAA on the same campaign among other things as well as W+K Amsterdam on accounts including Nike and Coca-Cola. We’ll let you know if and when Tim Cook & Co. or those on the agency level remove the leash and reveals more specifics.

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Iphone 5: Não perturbe!

Quantas pessoas você conhece que dormem com o celular embaixo do travesseiro ou muito próximo da cama? As pessoas costumam ter todo tipo de justificativa para a dependência do smartphone – “eu uso como despertador” ou “vai que alguém precisa falar comigo em uma emergência” são algumas delas. A grande verdade é que é praticamente impossível, quando você está dormindo e o telefone toca, saber se é realmente algo urgente ou um apenas operador de telemarketing antes mesmo de acordar daquele sonho incrível. No novo comercial do iPhone 5, Dream, entretanto, é possível.

No filme, o cara está sonhando que está jogando ping pong (?!) com as gêmeas Venus e Serena Williams. Antes de dormir, entretanto, ele pode habilitar o modo Do Not Disturb de seu iPhone 5, para que ele não seja interrompido em seu doce sonho. E se for uma emergência? Há um modo de selecionar apenas seus contatos favoritos para que eles possam passar pelo filtro de ligações indesejadas.

Segundo a AdWeek, o grande problema do comercial está no timing: foi lançado justamente no primeiro dia do ano, quando foi detectado um bug com o Do Not Disturb. Apesar de não afetar todos os usuários do iPhone 5 ou iOS 6, ainda assim não deve ter deixado Tim Cook feliz.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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