Glitches and vintage baby monitors


Darsha Hewitt built a whole installation that exploits the inherent and irritating glitches emitted by vintage baby monitors. The receivers are attached to motors and slowly bow back and forth in front of the emitters, creating a subtle soundscape of nuanced feedback patterns and squelching radio interference reminiscent of the whimpers of crying babies continue

Phonotube, making music with light


Inspired by Bell’s patent for the photophone (a kind of telephone that uses light instead of electricity), artist Arcangel Constantini developed the Phonotube which uses fluorescent tubes and strips of leds as light instruments and sound sequencers for audio and visual performances continue

An Audio Visualizer Made of Flames

Derek Muller du site scientifique Veritasium a rendu visite à une équipe de physiciens et chimistes qui ont construit une « Pyro Board » : un panneau audio qui contient 2 500 flammes variant selon le son auquel elles sont connectées. Une association insolite du design et de la science pure à découvrir.


Feel Flavour – An Interactive Poster

La marque Schwartz (Herb & Spice) a fait appel à Print Tech, Novalia et l’agence créative Grey London pour concevoir un poster interactif sur lequel chaque couleur d’épices possède un son quand on la touche grâce une encre spéciale. L’illustrateur Billie Jean est derrière l’illustration de toutes ces saveurs qui se transforment en sons.


Tree Antenna: using trees for radio transmission


A thrilling remake of a 1904 experiment in which live trees antennas act as antennas for radio contact. Simple and magical at the same time: the combination of nature and technology. This concept was not developed any further at the time, but now BioArt Laboratories has decided to take up the challenge again continue

A.I.L – artists in laboratories. Episode 56: Antony Hall from Owl Project


The work of Owl Project goes from simple ironic devices such as the iLog which is a log that thinks it is a music player to large scale installations such as ~Flow which was a floating tidal waterwheel powered electro acoustic musical instrument responding to the river Tyne in Newcastle. Owl Project has also toured festivals and events with their rather ingenious Sound Lathe, a musical instrument based on a traditional green wood turning pole lathe that explores the relationship between the crafting of physical objects and the shaping of sound continue

Resonance104.4fm’s Annual Fund-Raising Drive


There will be live events, an on-line auction and special broadcasts. We really need your help this year but the good news is that Janek Schaefer, Yuri Suzuki, Rie Nakajima and many other exciting performers will party, perform and fund raise with us. Do join! continue

Sound Matters: Exploring Sound Through Forms


This brilliant little exhibition considers the connections between craft practice and sound art in the ‘digital age’. Exploring the physicality of sound, the works are characterised by both their sonic properties and materiality continue

Ototo, the musical little brother


Ototo is an experimental printed circuit board (PCB), which, combining sensors, inputs and touchpads, allows you to easily create your own electronic musical instrument continue

At the Moment of Being Heard


At the moment of being heard brings together works and performances by a group of international artists, musicians and composers engaging with sound and modes of listening continue

‘Thermal’, audiovisual performance of an overheating microwave


I had an exchange of emails with Mario De Vega to talk about Thermal, a performance in which he uses microwave ovenss to alter the molecular composition of different materials. The work also uses custom-built hardware to sonify the electromagnetic activity produced by the overheating of the content of the ovens continue

The Language of Cetaceans at the Arts Catalyst


The event brought together two men who share a passion for whales. One is environmental scientist and marine biologist Mark Peter Simmonds who investigates and raises awareness about an issue that is far away from our sights: the threats to the life of marine mammals caused by the increasing emissions of loud noise under water. The other is artist and inventor Ariel Guzik who has spent the last ten years looking for a way of communicating with cetaceans continue

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 38: Marco Donnarumma


Marco Donnarumma is a young performer and sound artist who gained fame across the world for a series of performances and instruments that use open biophysical systems to explore the sonic dimensions of the human body. His interactive instrument Xth Sense won the first prize in the Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition and was named the 2012 “world’s most innovative new musical instrument” continue

SPPS, from chemical defense to border control


Behind its menacing aspect, SPPS considers selectively permeable structures under lenses that range from the molecular level to the macro scale.It explores the (xenophobic) history of immigration in Australia and more generally current infrastructures that define socio-political boundaries. It also looks at the history of biowarfare, from Antique Chinese gunpowder rockets carrying poisonous material to virus injected into chicken eggs continue

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 35: Atau Tanaka


Atau Tanaka is a composer and performer whose practice bridges the fields of media art, experimental music, and research. During the show we will talk about the relationship between art & tech and how it has evolved over the past few years, about reenacting one of John Cage’s performances, about the space and place for (new) media art in the contemporary art world, etc. continue

The Digital Now – ‘Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity’


Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity taps into the debate of an increasing autonomous technology, connected to machinic vision, the post-human and the New Aesthetic. Core to the exhibition are digital artifacts and instances of the computational or digital in nature. Birds as objects reflecting our contemporary relation with technology continue

The Opera of Prehistoric Creatures


More than 2 years ago, i was interviewing Marguerite Humeau about her attempt to bring back to life the voice of extinct creatures by reconstructing their voice box. She started by giving her voice back to Lucy (aka Australopithecus Afarensis), one of the first hominids. Since then, the resuscitation endeavour has expanded to more extinct animals. A mammoth, the Walking Whale and the Terminator Pig have now joined the loud party. The prehistoric creatures where recently in Eindhoven for the STRP biennial where they performed live for the first time together with Dutch musician and DJ Jameszoo. Sadly, i missed the performance. But that gave me a good excuse to contact Marguerite and get more details about her work continue

Elastic Reality


The participating artists not only play with distortions of the “real”, but also pioneer new ways to interact with their work. The formal exploration of new interfaces is as much part of their preoccupation, as is the content of their work, and the kind of commentary on the current state of reality we live in continue

Carsten Nicolai – Observatory


Very few artists manage to translate scientific phenomena into stunning images as elegantly as Carsten Nicolai. If you’re in London, don’t you dare miss Observatory at Ibid Projects.

The works on show visualise diverse physical occurrences. From the ground floor to the top floor, the installations, videos and photographic pieces investigate phenomena that get further and further away from our daily experience continue

Gale from the Red Planet

Echolab, un studio spécialisé dans le sound design, a imaginé avec le studio de motion-design Korb ce que donnerait la diffusion du son et l’impact sur la planète Mars. Le résultat est tout simplement hallucinant, aussi bien sur le plan visuel que sonore. A découvrir en images dans la suite.

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Echolab - Gale2
Echolab - Gale1
Echolab - Gale
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