Posted in: UncategorizedThere are a lot of people I admire around the world. But Andreas Pihlström and the Suprb crew must be one of my top 5 for sure.
Their graphic and programming talent is always amazing and they’ve got a real eye for what the market needs at a given moment.
Now, if you’re into image bookmarking sites like ffffound, Dropular has come to save the day.
Registrations open for a short period of time, so go get yours!.
WordPress functions help sheet
Posted in: UncategorizedI’m a fan of WordPress.
I started using it a couple years ago and from then on I’ve applied it to almost every website I’ve developed. Its capacities are just huge, plus it has an enormous community willing to help you out whenever you get stuck.
Today via Design:Float I came across this nifty help guide that the guys from DBS Interactive just released for free.
A list eith several functions you’ll use oftenly when it comes to create or edit your templates on WordPress.
I’m sure it’ll come in handy to more than one out there.
Flashpedia, everything Flash
Posted in: UncategorizedMy good friend Panxo (A.K.A. TheMechonConnection) just sent me this website that holds a whole lot of nifty minigames, videos and apps made in Flash.
Quite the spot to spend some of your lazy hours.
On another matter, a lot of you’ve been asking why I’m kinda missing from my website. The thing is I’m setting up a few projects and one of them involves several changes around here.
In the meantime I’ll try to catch up on the posting frequency.
Greetings to all of you still passing by.
Helvetica: The Film
Posted in: UncategorizedI hadn’t realized I hadn’t posted anything about Helvetica: The Film, the movie about Helvetica, the typography.
I heard of it being made over a year ago, and since then I’ve been eagorly waiting to see it.
In the end the veredict is only one: It was worth the wait.
The documentary is excellent. Its editing is exceptional, the interviewed amazing, and the typography a modern classic.
From the testimonies of design geniuses such as Massimo Vignelli, Matthew Carter, David Carson, Paula Scher, Stefan Sagmeister and Eric Spiekermann among various others, Helvetica: The Film is a first class visual testimony that should without a doubt be seen by every graphic designer around the world. In fact I believe it should be being showcased in all design schools all over the globe. So if there happens to be any school directors passing by here, please try to show it. Your students will be grateful.
The best of all the documentary, in my opinion, is that it really manages to give Helvetica its well deserved protagonism, but at the same time gives an enormous amount of life advice, first to graphic designers, but really to any person who watches it.
This isn’t only a documentary about a typeface. It’s a graphic design guide written by the beautiful Helvetica.
And of course, not to leave you hanging. Here’s the full documentary.
Graduates give advice to new students through posters
Posted in: UncategorizedAt Falmouth University College all graduates are participating in a project named “Advice to Sink in Slowly“, which consists of giving advice through a poster to all newcomers about how to handle college life.
The idea behind this is that every student gets a free poster when they enter the University.
Awesome. Specially by the fact that the institution itself stands behind the idea.
And to top everything off, you can see the posters at this flickr or buy one to have at your own home for only 5 british pounds (plus shipping costs).
Via: Core77.
ArtzMania + Catalizado – Latinamerican Flavor
Posted in: UncategorizedThe guys over at the great Artzmania in collaboration with Catalizado have just released the latinamerican issue of this amazing magazine.
This special release has even more flavor to it at least for me because I’m in it. Some time ago I sent in a sample of my works fand luckily I got selected to be on the magazine.
A great honor to be in such a huge magazine and along side great names such as Adhemas Batista or Claudio Limón.
You can download the issue here.
Philippe Starck on design
Posted in: Uncategorized
TED’s Talks are truly amazing. I’ve been watching them for some time now but only recently I’vwe come to realize their true amazingness.
If you don’t know, TED is a worldwide event where the brightest mind on the planet speak. From design to biology, society, filosophy, technology, etc.
The thing is that on TED’s website you can find the talks updated weekly and in great quality. By far one of the best resources on the internet today.
This time I’m showing you an exposition by Philippe Starck, who speaks in a very funny and gesticular yet profound way about why we design and why we must know when not to.
Link: TED Talks.
The Futures Channel
Posted in: UncategorizedI got to this website through a post in ComputerLove about cell phones design and the importance of millimeters. A really good video, but then I noticed on the side there was this video about skateboards design, and after I saw that one, I saw another one about bicycle design, and then another about guitars design, and I’ve been hopping from video to video throughout all morning.
An excelent website with videos on science applied to non-traditional matters under the m.o. “Connecting learning to the real worldâ€.
Link: The Futures Channel.
Posted in: UncategorizedAwesome interface, awesome interactivity, awesome response, awesome functions, ultra-awesome typographies.
Via: NiceToMeetYou.