Departing Digitas Staffer Turns MC, Pens Hip-Hop Love Letter to Agency
Posted in: Uncategorized“Dear Digitas, this will be my farewell, even though I’m gone, I’ll always hope that you fare well” is the poetic hook in this hip-hop farewell from an as-yet-unknown staffer who’s obviously moving on–but not without waxing nostalgic about account management, making sandwiches in the break room and other hardcore shit. Our lyrical genius even has a sidekick who sings the hook, just for added dramatic flair we imagine. Should Digitas–sorry, DigitasLBi–be flattered or embarrassed by this sentimental shout-out? We’re not sure, but somehow, we made it to the very end, though not without a little chuckle here and there. See if you can do the same while we just sit here crossing our fingers that this heralds an agency rapper renaissance.
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