Droga5 Swarms Taylor Swift with Kittens for Diet Coke

Earlier this month, Droga5 released the spot “Car Wash” as part of its “Get A Taste” campaign for Diet Coke. Now the agency is rolling out a new 30-second ad starring Taylor Swift and a whole lot of kittens.

In the spot, entitled “Kittens,” Swift is playing with a kitten when she takes a sip of Diet Coke and all of a sudden there are two kittens. She takes another sip and there’s an entire table full of kittens, and before the end of the spot the entire room is filled as the singer/songwriter is engulfed in a swarm of feline cuteness. “What if life tasted as good as Diet Coke?” says text at the end of the ad, before Swift works in a quick plug for her new album. Since everyone with a soul likes kittens, this one is sure to be a hit. Add in Swift’s star power, and a preview of a new track featured exclusively in the ad until the release of her new album on October 27th, and this is all but guaranteed millions of views.

The ad was launched online today and will make its broadcast debut this Friday. As part of the campaign, Diet Coke is also giving fans a chance to win “concert tickets and a flyaway trip for two to an upcoming performance through iHeartRadio.com, RyanSeacrest.com and other sites.” The brand is also sponsoring Swift’s co-host appearance on “On Air with Ryan Seacrest” on October 30th, the first time a celebrity co-hosts the entire program as well as the first time it is presented by a single brand. (more…)

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Amy Poehler Shines as Boss in Chandelier’s New Old Navy Spot

Amy Poehler shines as a boss with a pampered dog and an obsession with a prospective employee’s pants in Chandelier’s new spot for Old Navy, created in conjunction with Rock Paper Scissors and Sonic Union.

In the spot, the Parks and Recreation star/SNL alum Poehler is supposed to be conducting a job interview, but can’t get over the applicants’ Old Navy Pixie Pants. “Are all these questions going to be about my pants?” the girl asks. To which Poehler responds, “Uh, this is a law firm, so yes.”

When Poehler learns that the pants are only $25 and come with a free top, she hires the girl on the spot so that she can run out and buy a pair. All this is actually a good deal funnier than that synopsis sounds, thanks to Poehler’s signature deadpan humor. Poehler also helped write and direct the spot, which helps explain how it works so well with her brand of comedy. The :30 spot doesn’t waste any time getting to the funny, either, as Poehler opens the ad with a great throwaway line. Check it out for yourself above, and stick around for credits after the jump.


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