Guinness: Tipping Point
Posted in: UncategorizedThe new Guinness commercial titled tipping point is about an extraordinary and passionate community coming together to create the world’s most ambitious domino run. Our challenge was to initiate the experience online by creating a campaign that thousands of passionate brand advocates could became immersed in.
We inserted clues into the TV ad, cut it into segments and scattered it across the internet, creating a sequential treasure trail of puzzles for people to follow. The reward for solving each puzzle was the next segment of the commercial, with solid gold dominoes awaiting those who could put it together first.
Tens of thousands rose to the challenge in the first few days, with session lengths running into hours, and even days. A huge community was formed as people joined forces on forums and blogs: trading hints, tips, and stories of lost weekends.
Millions of minutes were spent interacting with the brand, with the winner of the first solid gold domino assembling and launching the film online, two days before it aired on TV.
Unofficial Unofficial Walkthrough:
Advertising Agency: AMV BBDO, London, UK