MUH-TAY-ZIK | HOF-FER Shares ‘DubTales’ for Golden State Warriors

MUH-TAY-ZIK | HOF-FER has a new campaign for the Golden State Warriors entitled “DubTales.”

The Dubs is a nickname given to the club by fans, and the first installment in the “DubTales” campaign involves an obsessive fan/food truck owner talking up Stephen Curry. He boasts of Curry’s Herculean accomplishments such as, “the arc on his shot is so big, it fits two of each animal on Earth,” and “He makes it rain so much they’re asking him to end the California drought.” The campaign also invites fans to write their own “DubTales” to be featured on Golden State Warriors social channels, merchandise and even during games.

“In the last few years The Golden State Warriors have gone from a team that usually missed the playoffs to a contender with stars famous throughout the world,” said John Matejczyk, co-founder and executive creative director, MUH-TAY-ZIK | HOF-FER. “When you get that big, your highlights become the stuff of legend. #DubTales exaggerates and pushes those legends to incredible places.”

The campaign launched on October 13th to stoke excitement for the upcoming NBA season. New spots will continue to roll out throughout the season. (more…)

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Muh-Tay-Zik | Hof-fer Launches New Golden State Warriors Spot, ‘Fast Break’

San Francisco-based agency MUH-TAY-ZIK | HOF-FER just launched “Fast Break,” the third installment in their#WeAreWarriors campaign for the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, featuring real-life fans and Golden State Warriors players.

“Fast Break” features Warriors forward Harrison Barnes dunking over fan Romel Marquez of SEC 213, ROW 12 ((just barely, though, as dude almost took a crotch to the face). Everyone likes to see fans interact with their favorite players, imaging the excitement they must be feeling meeting one of their favorite athletes and getting a kind of vicarious thrill through that, and referring to the fans’ seat number is a nice touch. It makes the leap from the ad to the action on the court, while suggesting a connection between the team and its most devoted fans.

“Fast Break” follows on the heels of “Assist” and “A Little Help,” which kicked off the #WeAreWarriors campaign at the beginning of the season. “Ice Bath” will follow and conclude the campaign. Stick around for credits and “Assist,” starring Klay Thompson, after the jump. continued…

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Muhtayzik Hoffer Study Reveals Kids Have Self-Control If Promised Annie’s Mac and Cheese Pizza

If you could immediately eat a slice of pizza and a bowl of mac and cheese or wait 10 minutes for an entire mac and cheese pizza, would you have the discipline to hold out? Would you want to hold out? Personally, I’d choose the separate dishes, but the question is the basis for a new experimental video from Muhtayzik Hoffer for the Annie’s “Good and Good” campaign.

The behavioral study is a riff on the Stanford Unviersity Marshmallow experiment from the 1960s and 70s, where kids were offered one small reward immediately versus two rewards after a waiting period. The Annie’s study is actually an inverse of this, two rewards to one, but the sentiment still comes across. The kids are all cute, and a few of them can’t wait any longer to destroy the two comfort foods. Some of the other cute kids wait it out. We aren’t given specific data, but the video is a unique, intellectual advertisement. And for the followup study, Annie’s can always track the elevated cholesterol levels of kids who become obsessed with mac and cheese pizza. Credits after the jump.


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Muh-Tay-Zik Hof-fer Lets Fans Take the Court Against Golden State Warriors

#WeAreWarriors, the latest social and broadcast Golden State Warriors campaign from MUH·TAY·ZIK HOF·FER, shows what would happen if NBA fans got to take the court with their favorite team’s NBA players. The sentiment is spot-on, especially considering how fans like to use the first-person plural when talking about their teams, even though these fans are not paid to play basketball for a living. The Warriors have always been progressive with their social media and fan interaction – including last year’s promotional Social Media Night – and this is another way for the organization to connect on and off the court with fans.

The 30-second spot titled “A Little Help” shows one average Joe getting posted up by Warriors 7-foot Australian behemoth Andrew Bogut. Unfortunately, because of the height difference, the fan’s face keeps bouncing against Bogut’s butt. But like most crazy sports fans, he probably liked it. And he probably bragged about it to his friends. And deep down, his friends were probably jealous. There will be three additional #WeAreWarriors spots in the future, all of which are focused on the team’s fans. Here’s to hoping they will also include Warriors guard Kent Bazemore (seen here as the other guy offering a hand to help up the fallen fan). Bazemore is the NBA’s best and most-celebrated benchwarmer. You can see why here. Yes, a fan created a compilation video of Bazemore’s bench celebrations. That’s wonderful.

The ad is directed by MTZHF co-founder/ECD John Matejczyk and written by its ACD/CW, Josh Bogdan. Credits and some behind-the-scenes footage after the jump.


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