Tuc Krek: Iron, Guitar



“Don’t Eat The First Thing That Comes To Hand. Because Hunger Can Catch You Unawares!”

Advertising Agency: Euro Rscg, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Erick Loi, Dario Villa
Art Director: Giulia Lavopa
Copywriter: Cristiana Lavagna
Illustrator: Antonio Sorrentino
Published: June 2009

Greenline Gym: Threadmill

Greenline - Tapis roulant (ambient)

Advertising Agency: JWT, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Director: Pietro Maestri
Creative Director: Bruno Bertelli
Art Director: Marco Viganò
Copywriter: Michele Picci
Published: February 2009

Parmalat: Roulotte

[See post to watch Flash video]

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Luca Scotto di Carlo, Vincenzo Gasbarro
Art Director: Vincenzo Gasbarro
Copywriter: Luca Scotto di Carlo
Director: Vincenzo Gasbarro

Industrial Strange Clothing: Pro Clubbing


Advertising Agency: TBWA, Rome, Italy
Creative Director: Fabrizio Caperna
Art Director: Marco Mollo
Copywriter: Camilla Porlezza
Photographer: Enrico Caputo (Carosello Lab)
Published: July 2009

Citroen C3: Bike, Box, Dog




“New Citroen C3 Picasso Spacebox. A compact car never felt so spacious. “

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Giovanni Porro, Luca Cinquepalmi, Marco Venturelli
Art Director: Luca Cinquepalmi
Copywriter: Marco Venturelli
Photographer: Alberto Callari
Illustrator: Cow Boys Evolution

Legambiente PIM: Under the carpet



Advertising Agency: Forchets, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Director: Niccolò Brioschi
Creative Director Copy: Francesco Montella
Art Director: Livio Grossi
Copywriter: Hilija Russo
Photographer: Zona 13

Rolling Stone: Can you kill a word


The exclusive interview/book by Jann S. Wenner, on request with the July issue of Rolling Stone.

Advertising Agency: D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli, BBDO, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Federico Pepe, Stefania Siani
Art Director: Federico Pepe
Copywriter: Lorenzo Crespi

Iside: Hammer, Guitar, Mirror




“Look us in the face to see what’s behind. We’re part of the Cooperative Bank. No surprise, then, our experts look familiar to you: they are you. Only with more IT skills.”

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Rome, Italy
Creative Director: Marco Carnevale
Art Director: Francesco Basile
Copywriters: Alessandro M. Sciortino
Published: March 2009

Heineken: CD, DVD



Advertising Agency: JWT, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Director: Pietro Maestri
Creative Director: Bruno Bertelli
Head of Art: Cristiana Boccassini
Art Director: Alessandro Agnellini
Copywriter: Davide Iacono
Account Executive: Giada Salerno
Photographer: Corbis
Illustrator: Manlio Truscia
Released: June 2009

Durex “O”: The Power of pleasure


Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Milan, Italy
Creative Director: Federica Ariagno
Art Director: Matteo Civaschi
Copywriter: Gianmarco Milesi
Photographer: LSD

Loctite Super Attack: Chain


Advertising Agency: DDB, Milan, Italy
Art Director: Ricard Valero
Copywriter: Alessandro Mian
Creative Director: Vicky Gitto
Photographer: FM Photographers

GCAP: Press the 8







“Against poverty press the 8. Push G8 leaders to take action against poverty.”

Advertising Agency: Grey, Milan, Italy
Creative Director: Francesco Emiliani
Head of art: Francesco Fallisi
Art Director: Letizia Bozzolini
Copywriter: Francesca Andriani
Illustrator: Paolo Rui
Art buyer: Virginia Salvucci
Account supervisor: Emanuela Carnaghi
Published: June 2009

Soleterre: Spit up


“All children should be allowed to be children.”

Advertising Agency: JWT, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Director: Pietro Maestri
Creative Director: Bruno Bertelli
Art Director: Stefano Carli Ballola
Copywriter: Cristiano Tonnarelli
Photographer: Zona 13

Enzo B.: Photo

Advertising Agency: JWT, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Director: Pietro Maestri
Creative Director: Bruno Bertelli
Art Director: Marco Viganò
Copywriter: Michele Picci
Director: Paolo Ameli
Production Company: New Partners
Aired: January 2009

Toyota iQ: Leaf in the mirror

Guerrilla _Leaf_Toyota iQ

Advertising Agency: Lowe Pirella Fronzoni, Milan, Italy
Creative Director: Mauro Manieri
Art Director: Hilde Capra
Copywriter: Mauro Manieri

SAAB: Sleep Attack

sleep attack

Advertising Agency: Thename, Rome, Italy
Creative Directors: Luca Albanese, Francesco Taddeucci
Art Director: Emanuele Pulvirenti
Copywriter: Filippo Testa
Photographer: Marco Biondi

Yamaha Majesty 400: Castle


Advertising Agency: 1861 United, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Directors: Pino Rozzi, Roberto Battaglia
Creative Directors: Francesco Poletti, Serena Di Bruno
Copywriter: Francesco Poletti
Art Director: Serena Di Bruno
Photographer: Joan Garrigosa

Museo Nazionale del Fumetto: Waking up, The shot, The bill

MUF Outdoor "the waking up"

MUF Outdoor "the shot"

MUF Outdoor "the bill"

Advertising Agency: JWT, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Director: Pietro Maestri
Art Directors: Cristiana Boccassini, Flavio Mainoli
Copywriters: Bruno Bertelli, Paolo Cesano
Illustrator: Manlio Truscia

Baci Perugina Chocolate: From Giovanni To DonGiovanni


Advertising Agency: ARMANDO TESTA Turin, ITALY
Media Agency: MAXUS Milan, ITALY
Maurizio Sala Armando Testa Creative Director
Marco Faccio Testawebedv Creative Director
Nicola Lampugnani Armando Testa Copywriter
Francesco Milanesio Testawebedv Copywriter
Francesco Guerrera Armando Testa Art Director
Alessandro Pierobon Armando Testa Client Director
Ilaria Dogliotti Testawebedv Account Supervisor
Ilaria Radice Armando Testa Account
Loredana Ambrogi Armando Testa Account Supervisor

Results and Effectiveness:
People soon became fond of the story. In 10 days it has been recorded: 50,000 mails. 151,841 visitors to the Baci Perugina site. 26,678 contacts on YouTube. 5,400,000 impressions on MSN. Sales + 11% in an a-8 market. Giovanni’s story was spontaneously talked about on TG1, the most important national TV news.

Creative Execution:
The campaign was planned on different media: viral videos, the community engagement through YouTube, Facebook and the Perugina community, an interactive outdoor and a local event.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea:
Baci Perugina is one of the most important brands of chocolate in Italy, belonging to the Nestlè Group. To capitalise on Baci Perugina’s awareness during the period around Valentine’s Day, it was decided to make an integrated campaign able to get people talking using the only language that has always distinguished Baci Perugina: love. The idea was an impossible love story born online between the shy Giovanni and his beautiful neighbour Gaia. The plot: Gaia says to Giovanni that if 50,000 people would ask her to kiss him, she will do. So Giovanni makes a video, loads it on YouTube and opens a group on Facebook asking for help. Baci Perugina doesn’t come into the scene from the beginning, but it figures as an “independent supporter” of Giovanni’s initiative. At the end 50,000 mails arrive and Gaia has to kiss Giovanni. 8 videos show the big moments of the story.

IKEA: You never know

[See post to watch Flash video]

Advertising Agency: 1861United, Milan, Italy
Executive Creative Directors: Pino Rozzi, Roberto Battaglia
Art Director: Edwin Herrera
Copywriter: Marina D’Andrea
Agency Producer: Carla Beltrami
Production Co.: (h)films
Executive Producer: Stella Orsini
Producer: Valentina Mereu
Director: Kasper Wedendahl
DoP: Ramsey Nickell
Editor: Chuck Willis