Tabasco Brings Sizzle, and Possibly Some Confusion, to Antwerp Bus Service


Antwerp residents: if you’re wondering why firetrucks are suddenly ubiquitous, slow-moving and sponsored by Tabasco, it’s because those aren’t firetrucks.

Top Forty Publicity Stunts Highligthed


Trend Hunter has put together a stellar list of the top 40 publicity stunts.

Milk Men Put Empty Fridges to Good Use


Quebec’s Federation of Milk Producers enlisted Touche! PHD to stock showroom refrigerators with milk cartons.

Hotel Goes on Tour. There’s Something We’ve Never Heard Before


Looks like Brian Collins’ brand experience manifesto has made converts in the Parisian hospitality industry.

HP & Guerilla Marketing

In one of the coolest guerilla marketing campaigns I have seen in awhile, HP and Publicis (in Malaysia) have created giant fake black holes to give the appearance that you are walking towards a background.


Each “black hole” was placed in different urban settings (as you can see above) and they look like someone has busted through. Now, clearly this is selling the realistic look of their photopaper. I mean, from what I can tell from the photos, that must be some darn good paper if it looks that real. I guess I’ll just have to plan a trip to Malaysia and check it out for myself… but in the meantime I’ll just sit and wonder why I didn’t think of that.

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Improv Group Manipulates Motion in Grand Central Station


Here’s a neat way to draw attention without stripping down and eating body parts.

New York’s Waffles & Dinges Gets Grated


Duval Guillaume, to promote the Waffles & Dinges truck in New York city, painted grates yellow and placed little signs with promotional messaging atop the grates

Adidas: Bigger’s Always Better, and Don’t Forget the Aerosol!


To propel its classic kicks back into salience, Adidas made a gigantor pair of Superstars and gave one shoe to each coast.

Who Decided Segways Were a Savvy Marketing Tool?


On my way to work today, I passed three Sovereign Bank employees wheeling around outside City Hall on Segways, handing out flyers.

Geeks Banged, Phones Found, Foucan Leaps, Meth Murders


– Here’s a trailer for The Big Bang Theory, a comedy of geek/glam stereotypes that will probably last all of two seasons. And the saddest part is, I’ll probably watch it. Debuts September 24 on CBS.

Grab Your Bikinis Girls! ‘Cosmo’ Wants Your Body on the Beach!


If you’re into girls wearing bikinis – 1200 of them – you might want to head to Nikki Beach in Miami on April 18.

Cottonelle Wants to Be Kind to Your Behind


To retain its position as the quilted ass-polisher of choice, Cottonelle has launched a campaign called “Be Kind to Your Behind.”

Because the Hard Way’s Just Funner


Ebert & Gerbert tapped Colle + McVoy — less its agency than its partner in crime — to help blow out the candles on its 20th anniversary.

Heavens, There’s a Man in Those Murky Waters.


This is neat. During the Wilderness Fair in Stockholm, the Miami Guerrilla Agency used removable paint to spray images of divers on the ground in the style of road signs around the area.

Pissed-Off Panda Invades Copenhagen for Climate Conference


To get the Danes all peppy about the 2009 international climate conference in Copenhagen, We Love People stenciled images of a burning panda on the streets.

To Plea for Plight of Pigs, PETA Exploits … Yo’ Mama.


Here’s a picture from a recent PETA stunt at Covent Garden in London.

‘quarterlife’ Slips into Inner Recesses of UCLA Backpacks


For the network debut of quarterlife, NBC used Free Hand Ads to promote the show across the top margin of college-ruled paper.

Inspirational Gashapons Promote Artist-Centric Shopping Mall


For Delay No Mall, a shopping center that supports artists, Leo Burnett/Hong Kong gave away 5000 creativity-sparking Gashapons in Causeway Bay.

No Nice!: Genuine Guerrilla.

To a fault, even. More here and here. We’ve got no idea what No Nice! is. But based on the occasional martini accompanying the brand, we figure — hope, at least — it can get you drunk. The, uh,…

Loch Ness Monster Migrates from Scotland to Tokyo


Here’s footage of the Loch Ness monster, live in Tokyo! Wait, don’t pick up the crossbow just yet. It’s just a promotion for The Water Horse.