Cartel Se Busca. Fund-raising party


This is kind of a local event in Santiago, Chile. So if you’re not in the area maybe you won’t be interested in this post… Anyways…
Cartel Se Busca (Poster wanted) is a project where 100 different artists are asked to interveine a foldable poster commonly found outside small stores around the city, also known as palomas (pidgeons) here in Chile.
Now the organization of the project is throwing a party to raise funds being held tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. Sorry for the short notice but I’ve had a few problems posting the news.
The event’s info is on the flyer, but just in case, the address is Santos Dumontt 480. It’ll cost $1000 chilean pesos ’till 1 AM, after which it’ll cost $2000.
Those who can, try to go support this excellent and creative iniciative.

Latest news

The very lazy (we meet up once a year) but nevertheless always exciting dorkbot berlin is having another gig on January 28, 2008 at c-base. It’s one night before the opening of the Transmediale festival. If you live in Berlin or just hit the town for Transmediale and if you want to show off your projects, do let us know by droping an email to sedlag at snafu dot de.


Somewhat unrelated but it feels so weird now to write a post which will have less than 1290 lines that i’m cramming another piece of information here. The paper mecca of design addicts, ICON magazine, had the bad idea to invite me to be their guest editor. I invaded the pages at my disposals and gave them a theme: activism. After that everything went smoothly, i asked the 3 persons i admire the most to contribute to the issue with a text that explains readers how they can recreate at home one of their activist projects: there’s guerrilla architect Santiago Cirugeda, fashion renegade Otto von Busch and finally Head of the Environmental Health Clinic Natalie Jeremijenko who teamed up with Debra Solomon to give you an exclusive page of their (hopefully upcoming) InterSpecies Cookbook. I haven’t seen the magazine yet but i’m hoping that their ideas will shake up a bit the glossy surface of the design world.

Image: Otto von Busch. Photo by Jens Klevje

New Year’s Eve around the World


I’ve been kind of M-I-A around here due to vacational issues, so I haven’t been able to greet evryone properly for the New Year that just went by.
That’s why in an apologie-like kind of way I want to leave with these few visual testiomonies of the celebrations for New Year 2008.
First is a compilation made by TrendHunter consisting of 8 videos of the festivities in such diverse locations as Dubai, New York, Hong Kong and Sydney.
The second is a more curious one. A series of 360 degrees panoramic views of different events. Among others you’ll find images of Copa Cabanna, London, Taipei and Rio de Janeiro, just to mention a few.
I sincerely hope this year is full of success for everyone and brings many learnings and new experiences.
A big hug for everyone swinging by this website.

Etech08 is looking for art works

00aaetech.jpgYes, Etech, that O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. Earlier this year i met Brady Forrest in Berlin and when he asked to be part of the jury selecting the projects i was everything but enthusiastic, even if he promised that the 2008 edition would be different. Then i saw that i’d be in good company: Alex Steffen from World Changing, Cory Doctorow and David Pescovitz from Boingboing, artist and curator Kati London, etc. We received some really good papers and i’m the first one to admit that i’d never hoped that the programme could be so stimulating. Anyway, now that the papers have all been selected, Brady, Kati London and i are looking for art projects. They will be part of an Etech art fair which will take place during the conference in San Diego on March 3-6, 2008.

The theme of the art exhibition is AWARENESS. Please drop me a line at reg at wmmna dot com if any of you or any of your friends has a project that addresses the way we can unveil what surrounds us and is not immediately visible, from electromagnetic waves to carbon footprint, from corporate activities to genetic information, from social network discrepancies to pollution.

NoFearToPaper release party


This is kind of a local event in Santiago, Chile. So if you’re not in the area maybe you won’t be interested in this post… Anyways…
My homie Veggie is spreading the word about the release party being held for his NoFearToPaper project.
At the event you’ll be partying with a lot of design people and also be able to see all the little boxes that made the cut.
It looks to be quite an event so if everything goes well, I’ll be seeing you there.
To view the bigger image just click on it.

Bling: A Planet Rock


Having rapped for well over 8 years, hip hop was and still is a pretty strong part of my life and I’ll probably never get over my taste for it, although regretably, hip hop is seen by many as only a world full of guns, luxury, women treated as sexual objects and an exponentially excesive macho-like attitude.
So in the rap game, if before it was gold, nowadays it’s all about diamonds. Those little carbon polygons practically move the world and it’s virtually impossible to find yourself a rapper without some bling-bling of their own.
However, we only seem to be seeing the prettier side of things. Polished chains, the rings, the grills, the pimp cups, etc. But… Where do the diamonds come from? What processes, what sacrifices are being made in other places so that we can all go blind from the jewels on the latest hot rapper on tv?.
That’s what Bling tries to tell us. A documentary narrating the journey of 5 world-claimed rappers to the place where most diamonds are being extracted: Sierra Leone.
Jadakiss, Tego Calderón, Paul Wall, Raekwon y Kanye West travel to the african country to realize that the price to be paid is even greater than the value of the diamonds.
A raw, real documentary that shows just how ironic things can be in the world some times.

Philippe Starck on design


TED’s Talks are truly amazing. I’ve been watching them for some time now but only recently I’vwe come to realize their true amazingness.
If you don’t know, TED is a worldwide event where the brightest mind on the planet speak. From design to biology, society, filosophy, technology, etc.
The thing is that on TED’s website you can find the talks updated weekly and in great quality. By far one of the best resources on the internet today.
This time I’m showing you an exposition by Philippe Starck, who speaks in a very funny and gesticular yet profound way about why we design and why we must know when not to.
Link: TED Talks.

OblongoMag vol. 1


Exactly one week ago, Pablo Coatts, the mind behind spanish-speaking e-zine OblongoMag asked Victor Fernández, Claudio Araos and who’s writing to become a part of the e-zine’s regular staff.
With great enthusiasm we accepted the challenge and today finally, after a lot of work we’ve released to the public OblongoMag’s official website, the blog, and issue number 1 of the electronic magazine.
You can download issue number 0 as well as the all new issue number 1, and without a doubt I leave you an invitation to check out the website I mounted entirely from the ground up and that has me really quite satisfied.
I’d enormously appreciate any kind of feedback on the e-zine, the website or the overall content.
Greetings to all of you wandering around here.