This Is Tiffany's First Engagement Ad to Feature a Same-Sex Couple

Tiffany & Co. made headlines this weekend with a preview of its new campaign, featuring seven real life couples who’ve all popped the question—including a same-sex couple.

The real-life gay couple, a handsome New York City pair, are part of a push from the brand to show diverse love stories, a spokeswoman for the company explained to Elle

“Nowadays, the road to marriage is no longer linear, and true love can happen more than once with love stories coming in a variety of forms,” said the spokeswoman. “The Tiffany engagement ring is the first sentence of the story that a couple will write together as they create a life that is deeply intimate and exceptional, which is the message we hope to convey through this campaign.” 

While it’s certainly exciting to see such an iconic brand make a progressive statement with its “Will You?” campaign, it’s also obvious that it makes sense economically. The growing market of same-sex couples searching for engagement rings has many brands courting gay and lesbian couples directly. 

See the full ad below, and click to enlarge.

Rachel Nasvik, Pirates, and Hand Bags (Oh My!)

ThrillofTheChaseIn June, Beyond Madison Avenue ran a post about designer Rachel Nasvik, a New York City designer famous for chic, custom-made handbags, and the “scavenger hunt” in New York city where consumers followed clues published on social media sites to discover where she had hidden 96 of these designer handbags around the city. The campaign was a great success, and displayed a great use of social media as well as a natural knack for getting noticed.

Well, Rachel Nasvik has again taken to the streets, but in an entirely different manner.

New York City (NYC) is known for many things, one of them being a place where consumers can purchase merchandise that has been pirated from well-known designers. Basically, knock-offs sold on the street for nothing that look like the original.

VendorWell Nasvik and team turned the tables on the design pirates by using their fly-by-night grocery carts as a means of promoting original Nasvik designs. In what could be called a second scavenger hunt, Nasvik sent clues to her 1,000+ followers on Twitter, alerting them that the game, once again, was a-foot. This time she was hiding her designer goods amidst the copycats roaming the streets of NYC. The cost for a Nasvik original off the cart was an affordable $10, while down the street at Saks, the same bag brought in $300. This obviously was not going to make Nasvik any money.

Yet, what she lost in terms of dollars was replaced by her gains in public relations, love from her fans, earned media coverage, and a creative use of distribution channels. She has taken social media to a whole new level, interacting with her fan-base personally with a fun and competitive game that was not online, but in the “real” world.

Plus, her brand is now being copied by pirates…meaning that Nasvik’s designs have truly “made it.”

Jeff Louis is a Strategic Media Planner, Brand Project Manager, blogger, and aspiring writer. You can reach him on Twittter or LinkedIn. He is always searching for great ideas and new friends.

Raw Engagement: AdWalkers

Your company’s brand(s) are not as important to your customer as they are to you. It’s cold and hard, that truth. But it is honest, and unmericless. I could lie to you…tell you that your dress fits nicely and you look fantastic. It doesn’t. And you don’t.

But, the rule is that the closer we get to something or someone, the less likely we are to notice flaws. This is the power behind the word Engagement.

Enter AdWalker, a company that uses human billboards that look like androids, complete with interactive digital displays on their chests and equipment packs wrapped around them. My first thought was; “This is stupid.” So, being a curious type, I went to their site.

The human billboard is not a fresh concept. The AdWalkers are like any other pain-in-the ass bothering you while struggling to go somewhere, except they have the added ability to inolve you with digital games, contests, gift giveaways, coupons, etc. The payoff for you, the consumer, is discounted or free stuff in exchange for your time and information. And that’s a score for AdWalkers–gaining information is the name of the game. To lend some weight to this, their client list is pretty impressive.

So, maybe it’s not a stupid idea, but it does need work. The site lists several case studies, but they’re weak. They speak in impressions, but never define what constitutes an impression: Is it the number of people that filled out information, or the number of people that were approached? Plus, there is absolutely no meat in any of the case studies. No percentage of coupons redeemed. No dollars earned. No number of new members signed up. No measurement. No ROI. To recommend AdWalkers as anything but a publicity stunt, I would need to seem some data.
