Huge Created a New Agency to Serve Apple. Who Works There, and What Do They Do?

elephant screen

The IPG-owned, Brooklyn-based agency Huge recently created a separate San Francisco entity in order to serve a single client: Apple.

The new agency has a name (Elephant), a homepage, a Foursquare listing, an office several blocks from Huge San Francisco, and a not-quite-accurate entry on IPG’s own site. (The holding company apparently chose and registered the pachyderm name in 2012 before its newest operation came to be.)

Yet — as with Omnicom’s MAL, another agency created strictly for Apple — communications regarding Elephant are nearly nonexistent. Its website clarifies that visits to its office are “by appointment only,” and since its inception it has functioned as a secretive “black box” entity with no press mentions or public announcements.

Sam Weston, a Huge spokesperson, declined to comment save for the following:

“Almost a year ago we moved the Apple business to an independent entity called Elephant. Elephant works exclusively with Apple.”

This all started last April when, as reported in AdAge, Apple chose to greatly expand its digital marketing efforts by signing with four new agencies: AKQA and Huge on the West Coast and Area 17 and Kettle in New York.

Elephant came to be almost immediately and, while the agency did not specifically address the “why” behind the decision to create an “independent entity,”the move would appear to stem from a desire to avoid an overlapping of teams on competing accounts. (Huge has worked with Google and Samsung, two of Apple’s chief rivals in the digital space.)

Last year, Apple’s at-times-uneven relationship with MAL went public via internal emails revealed in court and reinforced the fact that the client is very particular about its agencies.

This is not a secret…and the existence of Elephant isn’t quite a secret either. For example, various employees have used the #helloelephant tag on Instagram to share images of the design themes in its San Francisco office:

elephant 1


— Fernanda Saboia (@saboia) March 28, 2015

Here are members of the Elephant team celebrating in late 2014:

elephant 4

…and here are some pics from the agency’s recent one-year anniversary party:

elephant 2

elephant 3

What’s less clear is who does what at the shop. When the AdAge story ran last year, sources said that the four agencies hired by Apple would work on “user experience and digital strategy, among other elements,” and, given past work from Huge and AKQA, that would appear to be an accurate summary.

While Elephant’s work is all digital, it does not collaborate with any of the agencies Apple signed in 2014 (or MAL, for that matter).

Throughout the past year, members of the Huge team have moved over to Elephant. But the specifics regarding those changes are, again, not clear. A source estimates that Elephant currently employs 30 people who operate with complete independence from the larger Huge organization, but the social media posts above would appear to indicate that the two agencies do share some employees or, at the very least, that Huge staffers sometimes visit the other office.

The larger IPG organization has no comment on Elephant and, given Apple’s history, the client will not mention the work done by its newest digital agency anytime soon.

Chirpy Elephant : Agency Profile

We are tightly knit, pint sized shop with an eclectic bunch of talent. “We believe the ingenuity of any well crafted communication should sport a lively, engaging, mammoth idea and bring a massive smile to all concerned stakeholders.”

What made you start Chirpy Elephant?
My partner Jairam and I (Leela Ram), were feeling jaded, working for top MNCs and shops where it was all about toeing the line, humouring clients and heavy emphasis on billing. We felt we were moving away from the core reason of why we joined and enjoyed advertising. Besides we strongly felt, we were on a creative crusade to raise Chennai’s brand communication standards.

Tell us about your designers/animators. Did they go into fine art or design schools? How do you pick them up?
We have a fine mix of art talent. Our senior most resource is well rounded with local, national and international work exposure. We have Viscom grads that were handpicked because they had an eye for the ridiculous and also because they hailed from small towns, this helped bring fresher perspectives to the table and ensures a sane work culture.

How would you define the design style at Chirpy Elephant?
Very polished and contemporary with inspiration drawn from diverse cultures.

What does Chirpy Elephant do which sets it apart?
We have the resoluteness and gumption to turn down clients who refuse to buy good work. We chase good work at all costs and not the monies. That’s one reason why we are among the very few shops hailing from Chennai, that has won the admiration of clients and peers across India.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
Well inspiration comes from everywhere, country music doyens Don Williams, John Denver, Sporting Legend Steve Waugh, Advertising greats Bernbach, Ogilvy, Belgian Art Genius, Erik Vervroegen, Ogilvy’s – Tham Khai Meng, Ace illustrator – Tiagio Hoisel, Maverick Entrepreneur – Branson, stand up comedians and all kinds of people…

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Brand Building?
Anand Bhaskar Halve (Chlorophyll Brand and Communications), when it comes to positioning Subrata Sen Gupta, Anand Siva ex Saatch & Satchi and Akshara…

How important is the focus on a great brand idea?
It’s everything!

Do you function like a traditional advertising agency? Or would you call yourself more of a graphic design/branding agency?
We are ideas shop. Period! The work culture is fun loving and laid back. But there is a strict adherence to meeting client goals and deadlines.

What do you feel about the state of design in Brand Building in India?
Bombay largely and to some degree Delhi and Bangalore is upping the ante; I strongly feel the rest of the country including Chennai has a lot of catching up to do.

Any other Indian agencies you admire?
We adore the work coming out of the all time favourite O&M (at least we admired what they did till a few years ago) very recently it’s been Happy and Taproot to a large degree.

What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on graphic design as a career option? Or Advertising and brand building?
Please understand what you are getting into, don’t enter this industry without truckloads of passion, perseverance and patience. Do the hard yards, identify mentor agencies and spend some time honing the skills before you venture out on your own and seek fame. Why just graphic design? there are enough functional roles that will catch the fancy and fuel ambitions.
Who would your design team like to take out for dinner?
Some dear clients who have shown immense faith in our creative leaps and some doyens’ in the industry.

What’s on the company iPod?
A mishmash of the latest Tamil chartbusters and at times some good old country music.

Mac or PC?

Viral office signage

Young Ones Launch

NAC Store Launch

Half the Praise






alive ad1

Alive ad2
























The post Chirpy Elephant : Agency Profile appeared first on desicreative.

Life-Sized Elephant in Paper Sheet

Basé en Suisse, l’artiste Sipho Mabona (dont la devise est qu’il n’y a pas de limites dans l’origami) a fait cet éléphant en taille réelle entièrement avec des feuilles de papier. Des clichés du projet extraordinaire appelé « White Elephant », signés Philipp Schmidli, sont à découvrir dans la suite.


Impressive Photos of Baby Animals

Pour un documentaire appelé « Extraordinary Animals in the Womb », le producteur Peter Chinn de la chaîne National Geographic a utilisé des scanners à ultrasons et des minuscules caméras pour capturer toutes sortes de bébés animaux dans l’utérus. Des débuts de vie animale à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.





Requin tigre.

Ours polaire.





Requin Ctron.

12 Requin Citron
11 Puppy
9 Puppy
8 Ours Polaire
7 Requin Tigre
10 puppy
6 Serpent
5 Penguin
4 Guépard
3 Elephant
1 Chihuahua
2 Dauphin

Shit Happens / Merde alors!

shitspread2011 shitspread2013
L’étudiant Magazine – 2011
« Are you sure your career choice is the best fit? »
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Young & Rubicam Paris (France)
Total Washing Powder – 2013
« Solves every washing problem »
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Advico Young & Rubicam (Switzerland)

Across The Ravaged Land

Nick Brandt est un photographe qu’on ne présente plus : il a réalisé de nombreuses expositions ayant pour thème la disparition des animaux en Afrique de l’Ouest. Sa dernière série intitulée Across a Ravaged Land est encore une fois une réussite et une féroce dénonciation. Des images saisissantes et sublimes à découvrir.

























Portrait of Baboon Standing
Buffalo with Reflection
Buffalos Head to Head
Elephant Footprints on Lake Bed
Elephant with One Tusk in Profile
Elephant with Baby Nuzzled into Leg
Elephant with Sleeping Baby
The Two Elephants
Giraffes Crossing Lake Bed
Calcified Bat II
Calcified Fish Eagle
Calcified Swallow
Lion Roar
Lioness Against Dark Foliage
Lioness Holding Cub in Mouth
Lioness on Mound, Serengeti
Lion with Wildebeest
Lion in Shaft of Light
Lion Circle
Snake on Lake Bed
Kudu Trophy Head
Lion Head Trophy
Buffalo Trophy Head
Lion on Burned Ground

Continental Drift / Le dessous des cartes

animalearth2012 animalearth2012b
WWF « We are one » – 2012
Source : Cannes SHORTLIST
Agency : BBDO Moscow (Russia)
Wildlife Preservation Organization – 2012
Source : AdWeek
Agency : DDB & Co Istanbul (Turkey)

TVC: Coca Cola ‘Burger Shop’

Advertising Agency: ELEPHANT, Egypt
Creative Director: Ali Ali, Maged Nassar
Copywriter: Ali Ali, Maged Nassar
Agency Producer: Heba Radwan
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Nabil Kouchouk, Ahmed Nazmy
Production Company: BROADCAST Cairo
Director: Ali Ali
Producer: Mohamed Mourad
Editor: Ahmed Hafez
Art Director: Ali Ali, Maged Nassar
Lighting: Mark Bliss
Via [Dubai Lynx]

Out of This World

Click Images To Enlarge
Advertising Agency: ELEPHANT, Egypt
Creative Director: Ali Ali, Maged Nassar
Copywriter: Diaa Osman, Ali Ali
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Amr Fendi
Account Supervisor: Mohab Mamdouh
Art Director: Maged Nassar, Montasser Khalil
Photographer: Ali Ali
Via [Dubai Lynx]