Living with First-Person Shooter Disease

This is really stupid but it got me cracking today, I think it’s some kind of viral for a new video game but I’m not sure.

Help fight global warming


I’m not sure if this is some sort of campaign or what, but I really like the idea and execution. Thanks Pey for sending this! And would you mind leaving a comment explaining what it is? ;)

Evian Roller Babies

Funny as hell more info here

A secret anti-hangover remedy invented by KGB

The task was to launch a new anti-hangover pill with a very limited marketing budget in a very competitive Polish market. The agency decided to shock, provoke and create buzz about the new medicine which was called SpecTab.  A fictional story was created to provide the new brand with an engaging background. SpecTab was presented as a re-discovered drug of KGB, the Soviet secret police agency.  One day pedestrians in Warsaw were surprised with  a new statue being placed in the central square – a statue of Nikolay Wasiliewicz Onovalov, a Russian scientist, doctor and inventor of SpecTab.


This event created the word-of-mouth and resulted in massive media coverage. At the same time short black & white videos were placed on YouTube which depicted the experiments which Russians performed to prove the effectiveness of SpecTab.

One of the Soviet experiments proving how SpecTab reduced the effects of alcohol.

Brand: SpecTab
Client: Jelfa
Product: Spectab – a pill reducing effects of alcohol (Anti-Hangover remedy).
Advertising Agency: Change Communications, Warsaw, Poland
Creative Directors: Ryszard Sroka, Jakub Korolczuk, Rafa? Górski
Art Director: Adam Szczepocki
Copywriter: Franek Toeplitz
Sculpturer: Wojciech Zasadni
Released: June 2008

Office 2010: The Movie Trailer

Client: Microsoft
Agency/Production Co.: Traffik
Director: Dennis Liu
Producers: Matt Anderson, Jonathan Hsu
Production Designer: Nicole Teeny
Writers: Dennis Liu, JT Arbogast, Gary Roosa
Art Director: Kevin Su
Director of Photography: Dough Emmett/Dennis Liu
Edit/Sound Design: Dennis Liu
VFX Company: LOICA

Thanks Kevin for sending this one!

Misereor – Donations Poster

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

Passers-by could make 50-cent donations by throwing coins into a slot in the poster. Piece by piece, the coins fill the acrylic cylinder of the injection’s syringe. Measurement units on the cylinder of the syringe show how many coins have already been donated and how many injections can be paid for with the amount – helping the Misereor relief organisation to vaccinate children around the world against infections.

I’m not sure about all those crying children illustrations, but other than that, I think it’s a pretty cool action (not that we haven’t seen similar stuff in the past though).

Agency: Kolle Rebbe Hamburg, Germany.

Road Safety New Zealand : Bleeding Billboard

Scary as hell but gets your attention

IKEA “Staircase Drawer”

The objective of the communication was to highlight IKEA’s innovative ways to save space. The idea presents IKEA store’s main staircase as a chest of drawers with everything inside neatly organised, highlighting the efficient use of space in an impactful and larger-than-life manner. Bronze Cannes Lions Outdoor Winner.

Agency: Lowe & Partners Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

We’re back online!

As you may have noticed, the site was offline for a few days due to a traffic peak which collapsed our server’s bandwidth. If everything goes fine, it won’t happen again, sorry about that.

That said, going offline because way too many people visit the site ain’t that bad is it? ;)

Thanks everyone!!!

Pelayo insurance – CSI

“With Pelayo insurance you always have a substitute car”

There’s no big concept here and the copy doesn’t say much, but I love the execution. Too bad the idea isn’t as cool as the animation.

Thanks Adrian for sending this one!

Client: Seguros Pelayo
Advertising agency: dommo
Creative director: José M. Prieto
Art director: Adrián Suárez
Copy: Aída Zaragoza
Producer: Tesauro
Executive producer: Pancho Alted, Miki Heras
Producers: Eva Morales, Mila Gómez (Tesauro)
Director: Circo Máximo
Production director: Verónica Orueta
Production chief: José Calero
Photography director: Jaime Rebato
Sculptor & paper designer: Pepe Medina
Animator: Claudi Sorribas
Post-production: Carlos de las Heras, Elena Vergel
Post production studio: Telson
Sound studio: Playrec

Dank! 2nd Hand Furniture Shop

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

“Second-hand furniture”

Advertising Agency: DDB&Co., Istanbul, Turkey
Creative Director: Karpat Polat
Copywriter: Karpat Polat
Art Director: Luis Tauffer
Photographer: Getty Images
Illustrator: Fabio Hentz
Typographer: Mehmet Has?lc?o?ullar?
Account Supervisor: Ela Gökkan
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Ya?mur Sencer

Wendy’s – Mushroom Swissburger, Croquet

“Eat with class”

Copy text (in English):
“That was a majestic shot.”
“Thank you.”
“What happened with the music?”

Advertised brand: Wendy’s
Advert title: Croquet
Advertising Agency: The Vidal Partnership, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Creative Director: Mauricio Galván and Marcelino Sellas

Art Director: Fernando Paz and Hugo Sánchez
Copywriter: Fernando Paz and Hugo Sánchez
Advertising Agency (Name, City, Country):

Film Director: Andy Fogwill from Landia Films.
Producer: Joseph Dugan and Jay Rivera

Humane Society Charlotte: Foreclosure

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

“People aren’t the only ones struggling these days.”

I had this one as a draft and it’s kind of old now, but I still think it’s pretty good.

Advertising Agency: Wray Ward, Charlotte, USA
Creative Director: John Roberts
Art Director: Phil Jones
Copywriter: Ryan Coleman
Photographer: Jeff McCullough
Released: February 2009

LOUIS VUITTON: Some journeys change mankind forever

To mark the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11s landing on the moon, Louis Vuitton is taking viewers on a Journey Beyond.
Its a journey unlike any other. Launch July 2, 2009 on

Aids Africa Solidarity Fund

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

“Every 12 hours in Africa over 2000  people die from AIDS […].
Every minute counts”

Advertising Agency: BETC Euro RSCG, France
Creative Director: Stéphane Xiberras
Art Director: Benjamin Le Breton
Copywriter: Arnaud Assouline
Account Management: Raphaël de Andréis, Xavier Royaux, Philippe Brandt, Elodie Andurand
Artist: Nadine Grenier
Outdoor: JCDecaux
Electrics: Labo Prod

Vampires – Orange TV


Client: Orange 
Agency: Publicis Conseil, Paris 
Production Company: Wanda Productions 
Director: Bryan Buckley 
Creative Director: Olivier Altmann 
Art Director: Frederic Royer 
Copywriter: Olivier Camensuli 
Agency Producer: Muriel Allegrini 
Executive Producer: Patrick Barbier 
Country: France

Red Cross: l’Homme est fait pour rester debout

Simply amazing … and such a nice message!


Agency: TBWA France Creative: Stephane Lecoq; Alban Penicaut Director: D.A.D.D.Y Production: Blinkink; NOSE PH/SONNY PH Producer: Georgina Fillmore Director of Photography: Tim Green Post Production: Unit

Magnum Zones at cinemas across Poland

Isn’t it just great to relish a wonderful Magnum ice-cream while watching a good movie at the cinema?  Well, this consumer insight was probably the starting point for an ambient action called Magnum Zone which commenced last Friday. In 40 biggest cinemas across Poland the special Magnum Zones were created in the shape of the delicious ice-cream to convey the message of Magnum’s high quality, unique taste and originality.

Magnum Zone at Cinema City Plaza in Pozna?, Poland

Magnum Zone at Cinema City Plaza in Pozna?, Poland


The best armchairs in the central part of  the screening room form the shape of Magnum – they were upholstered with the chocolate-coloured leather, whereas the seats that serve as the wooden stick are ivory-coloured. A golden Magnum logo is embroidered on both sides of the headrests.  One simply cannot miss this image of a Magnum ice-cream when entering such a screening room. The classy chocolate leather-covered armchairs interact with our sense of touch and support the top quality and premium image of Magnum. This ambient action also fits well with the image of royal treatment displayed in the current Magnum TV commercial.
Cinema armchairs make up a huge Magnum ice-cream

Cinema armchairs make up a huge Magnum ice-cream

Advertising Agency:  Orangeblue, Poznan  (Poland)
Client:  Algida  / Unilever Poland

Schweppes : How to get a seat on the tube

how funny is that! :-)

Client: Schweppes
Agency: Mother, London
Illustrator: David Hopkins

Pedigree adoption refuge


Advertising Agency: TBWA/Frederick, Chile
Executive Creative Director: Pablo Leiva
Creative Director: Cristian Lopez
Art Director: Gonzalo Arevalo
Producer: Gonzalo Orellana