BBDO Makes Short Shorts for Mountain Dew

In the latest BBDO-helmed project for client Mountain Dew, the agency has created something even our own sharpest critics must call unique: an animated/live-action mini-series.

Make that a “mini mini-series” — it amounts to two minutes of material in the form of eight different shorts starring the Dew’s as-yet-unnamed “superhero” mascot.

The series focuses less on the client’s product than on the aforementioned cartoon doing cartoonish things:

While the spots debuted on Sunday night’s Video Music Awards, they received a healthy promo push targeting the brand’s Twitter followers and its nearly 9 million Facebook fans (along with their friends).

Most of the spots focus on unconventional methods of transportation…


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W+K Portland, Craig Robinson Return for Dodge Dart

W+K Portland launched the “Don’t Touch My Dart” campaign earlier this month, pairing comedians Craig Robinson and Jake Johnson. Well, it’s a few weeks later and the duo are back for several follow-up spots the agency has released for the campaign, along with a new interactive digital experience.

In the 30-second “Craig,” Johnson tries to get Robinon’s attention by repeatedly saying his name while he cleans and admires his Dart. Robinson spends the whole time ignoring him, leading into the “Don’t Touch My Dart” tagline (along with accompanying music, composed and performed by Robinson) and a prompt for viewers to “See what happens when you touch my dart.” Clicking on the link leads to an interactive digital initiative where you can move your cursor to “touch” Craig’s dart and see what happens. Try it for yourself here, and stick around after the jump for a couple for “Voice Touching” and “Birdhouse.” (more…)

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Honda Gets Kind of Gross with ‘Efficiency’

Honda chooses a less than savory way to display the Honda Fit’s gas mileage with the new 60-second spot “Efficiency.”

The spot, created in collaboration with production company A2F Pictures and, apparently, without Honda’s usual agency, RPA, shows a guy returning form what appears to have been a long road trip. He gets out of his Fit, yawns and stretches. Then he reaches into the back seat and takes out a giant jar of what we can only assume is piss, followed by the message, “The Honda Fit can travel over 400 miles without stopping.” Why advertise your actual gas mileage numbers, when you can just show a jar of human urine to illustrate miles traveled? We’re going to assume this guy has some kind of extreme, deep-seated aversion to rest areas, or he was traveling through Pennsylvania. (more…)

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FCB Chicago Helps Grandma ‘Shop Like A Boss’ for Kmart

FCB Chicago keeps things weird for Kmart in their latest spot for the brand, “Shop Like A Boss,” although it’s nowhere near as strange as the brand’s Christmas campaign.

The spot opens on a grandma-type, billed as “Shop Your Way Member Julia Ruiz,” sitting at her computer. After clicking a button, she throws on her hoodie, shades and bling as the soundtrack shifts from serene birds chirping to a hip-hop beat. Soon she’s joined by the two other members of her entourage, and the rest of the spot (the full-length version runs around 95 seconds) is basically a music video. Ruiz and her crew roll up to Kmart, dance around, and pick up her order.

It’s a pretty simple idea, but it’s not without its moments. In the full-length version some of the humor lies just in how the idea is drawn out to such great length, and also how well this Ruiz character plays the part. The spot is meant to promote Kmart’s “shop online, pay in-store” feature, which is touted by a voiceover at the spot’s conclusion. While some viewers may not draw the connection from “Shop Like A Boss” to the service, the spot is at least (quite) memorable and ties the idea to the brand. We’ll add credits if/when we receive them.

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Ricky Gervais Jumps into Netflix Originals for Emmy Spot

Netflix rolled out a new broadcast spot featuring Ricky Gervais to promote its original series during the Emmy’s last night (for which Netflix original series were nominated for 31 awards). It’s unclear at the moment which agency is responsible for the 60-second “Superfan,” but we can confirm that it was not Deutsch, who have worked with Netflix in the past.

In the spot, Gervais asks “You know when you’re watching your favorite Netflix show and after five straight episodes, you want to be in it?” He then imagines himself in starring roles of Netflix original series including House of CardsOrange is the New Black, and Lilyhammer. Gervais interacts with other actors from the shows, on real sets, adding to the feeling that he’s actually leaped into each show’s respective universe. It’s a fun premise, and with Gervais, himself a star of Netflix original Derek, it should be a recipe for success. But somehow the spot never finds its comic footing and falls kind of flat. Stick around for outtakes after the jump, including, of course, Gervais laughing uncontrollably. (more…)

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W+K and ESPN Remind You That Monday Night Means Football

Yes, we’re still technically living in the Summer of ’14, ten days away from the first game of the 2014 NFL season and two weeks away from the year’s first edition of Monday Night Football, that follow-up to Sunday Night Football or “the only reason anyone still watches NBC.”

In order to maximize the hype, ESPN and NFL films have teamed up with AOR Wieden+Kennedy New York to create a series of slow-mo, documentary-style spots showcasing the sport’s best players as they make their way toward the field in support of a new tagline: “No Other Night Is Monday Night.

It’s like a WWE intro with less HGH and other assorted acronyms. Here’s “Tunnel”, which officially launched today:

Don’t worry, there’s plenty of Manning to go around after the jump.


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Ogilvy & Mather NY Hypes ‘The Chase’ for NASCAR, ESPN

Ogilvy & Mather New York hypes NASCAR Sprint Cup’s “The Chase” elimination series with a new campaign for NASCAR and ESPN entitled “Battle of Nations.”

The campaign spot, entitled “The Hype,” which will run in 15, 30 and 60-second formats, documents fan and commentator excitement for the new “Chase” format to the Sprint Cup, which pits 16 drivers against each other in a tough elimination playoff format. “The Hype” imagines the drivers — and their respective fans and support teams — as nations preparing to face off in rounds of challenges to determine an ultimate champion. Ogilvy’s campaign will also include radio, print, social, and digital elements — including “Spreading The Word,” an educational video which we’ve included after the jump.

“The campaign celebrates this bold and transformational moment in NASCAR’s history, taking fans along for the ride and accentuating the drama and intensity of the new elimination format as each round unfolds,” said Scott Parker, vice president of marketing at ESPN.


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Venables Bell & Partners Veers Off-Script for Audi

Here’s another clever entry in the “meta/self-aware” category via Venables Bell & Partners for client Audi.

The first spot is particularly appropriate considering the fact that it will run during tonight’s Emmy Awards:

The second spot offers a brief extension of that intro after the jump.


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Van Damme Sculpts Ice Bar for VCCP, Coors Light

Jean-Claude Van Damme is back for Coors Light, sculpting an ice bar in the Rocky Mountains with his bare hands in a new UK spot from VCCP.

Following in the footsteps of last year’s “Epic Split” for Volvo, Van Damme is now synonymous with advertising gold, and the VCCP spot capitalizes on his image in a way reminiscent of that ad. The 60-second “Ice Bar” has just about everything you’d expect given Van Damme’s involvement: Van Damme’s signature mullet/ponytail, cheesy 80s synths, ice block breaking (with bare hands, of course) and a tongue-in-cheek sense of intentionally over-the-top humor. It all makes for a pretty fun spot, which makes you wonder why this isn’t running stateside as well. (more…)

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Ad Council, United Way Launch Glee-ful PSA Campaign

The Ad Council and United Way have launched a new Ryan Murphy-esque spot on community engagement aimed at showcasing the organization’s successes in boosting high school graduation rates (for glee club members and non-members alike).

It’s part of the larger LIVE UNITED campaign, but it’s not related to the NFL Play 60 partnership aimed at encouraging kids to live healthier lifestyles.

Get ready for some classic rock karaoke:

It’s energetic, though the timing is a bit off (and we wonder how Alice Cooper would feel).

More materials at the link – but no Jane Lynch.


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Saatchi & Saatchi NY Stages Usher Dance-Off for Honey Nut Cheerios

Saatchi & Saatchi New York staged a dance off between Usher and Buzz the Bee in its latest broadcast spot for Honey Nut Cheerios, entitled “Body Language.”

Coming on the heels of its Grumpy Cat spot, Saatchi & Saatchi New York and Honey Nut Cheerios decided to go with a human celebrity this time. Somehow Usher proves a better match for Buzz than Grumpy Cat. When Buzz tells Usher that bees communicate with dance, the two exchange moves for the remainder of the ad, finding quite a bit of common ground. The national broadcast spot is set to the new Usher tune “She Came to Give It to You” and is a fun follow-up to both the Grumpy Cat spot and last year’s effort featuring Nelly.

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PREACHER Rounds Up Texas Athletes to Promote ESPN’s Longhorn Network

PREACHER, the Austin, Texas agency founded earlier this year by CD Rob Baird and colleagues from Mother New York, released one of its first big-name campaigns today for ESPN. More specifically, they’re promoting Longhorn Network, a regional channel offering 24/7 coverage of Texas sports.

The first spot in the “All the Live Long Day” campaign stars former NFL stars Ricky Williams and Vince Young as tour guides:

Some context for those who don’t know Texas from New Mexico: the tower in this clip serves as the “metaphorical home” of Longhorn Network. It’s located just off the University of Texas campus in an area called “the 41st acre” in a reference the number of acres (40) originally allotted to the school.

Let’s just say there were a lot of native Texans involved.

Three more spots in the series below.


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DDB Revives Rob Schneider’s Career for State Farm

Here we thought last week’s BBDO Throwback Thursday campaign for Twix would fill our 90s nostalgia quotient for the month.

But a coming campaign created by DDB Chicago to promote State Farm promises to pack in more former Saturday Night Live stars than an Adam Sandler movie.

Here’s the first spot:

Nice to see Rob Schneider get work when he’s not busy blaming Big Pharma for Robin Williams’ suicide.


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M:United Takes on Apple for Surface Pro 3

M:United has a new campaign for Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 which takes square aim at Apple’s MacBook Air.

Each of the three spots in the campaign focuses on comparing the Surface Pro 3 with its Apple-made competitor, in an attempt to prove the tablet/laptop’s superiority and sway potential customers to go with Microsoft. In “Crowded” (featured above) for example, an Apple fan is forced to carry around a laptop, tablet, pen and notepad, in order to compete with his boastful Surface Pro pal. “Head to Head” is a simple comparison of features and capabilities, highlighting the MacBook Air’s shortcomings (of course); while “Power” sees a smug Apple user changing his tune.

It’s a simple approach, as each add focuses on computer screens, with their users mostly out of sight. But the spots do offer some pretty persuasive arguments for the Surface Pro 3?s capabilities, probably enough to sway undecided consumers but not to change the allegiance of Apple loyalists. Stick around for credits and two more spots after the jump. (more…)

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Argonaut Celebrates Jamaica for Appleton

Argonaut created a new campaign for Appleton Rum, entitled “From Jamaica With Love,” launched to coincide with Jamaican Independence Day on August 6th.

The spots celebrate Jamaican culture, as well as Appleton’s Estate Aged Rum, branded as “100 percent Jamaican.” Argonaut’s campaign marks the first by the agency since becoming the brand’s agency of record. In order to capture the authenticity of the brand, the San Francisco-based agency sent a team to Appleton’s distillery in Jamaica’s Nassau Valley to witness the production process first-hand.

“In order to be successful with this campaign, we made it a priority to send a team to Jamaica to experience first-hand the splendor of Appleton Estate and the Nassau Valley to capture the authenticity of Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum,” explains Jordan Warren, president, Argonaut. “As a result, the ‘From Jamaica With Love’ campaign gives a glimpse into the people, the beautiful Estate and the unique methods that create the only premium rum from Jamaica.”

The “From Jamaica With Love” video (featured above), in addition to the two-minute “From Cane to Cup” are part of a digital initiative created in partnership with Sharethrough. The campaign also features print and out-of-home initiatives targeting markets such as Austin, Texas; Atlanta, Miami; Portland, Oregon and Columbus, Ohio. Stick around for “From Cane to Cup” following the break. (more…)

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FCB and Meow Mix Hit the Dance Floor

Just in time for the after-lunch break(down) here on the East Coast, FCB Chicago and a few musical felines show all you aspiring EDM superstars how to drop the big beats.

Warning: epileptic viewers may need to watch this one in short bursts to avoid over-stimulation.

In case you missed it, that was an epic remix of the brand’s classic wordless jingle (which is almost as old as we are).

Now, would you like to hear some users singing the song to their own cats?

Remember, it’s all for a good cause.


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Apple Adds Two New Verses

Apple has added two new spots to its ongoing “Your Verse” campaign: “Jason’s Verse” and “Yaoband’s Verse.”

The “Your Verse” campaign, as you might remember, debuted in January with an anthem ad featuring the sadly recently deceased Robin Williams‘ recitation of Walt Whitman‘s “O Me! O Life!” (from which the campaign gets its title) from the film Dead Poets Society. It was also notable for being produced in-house, without the aid of Apple’s agency, TBWA/Media Arts Lab, as were the follow-up verses.

Apple’s latest additions to the campaign aim to continue the inspirational tone with two new stories. “Jason’s Verse” follows Detroit resident Jason Hall as he attempts to revitalize the Detroit community through his Slow Roll. What begins as a solitary bike ride turns into a weekly event drawing thousands, with Jason’s iPad Air helping him get word out to the community and build Slow Roll into a sort of institution.

“Yaoband’s Verse,” meanwhile, sees a Beijing electro-pop group’s using their iPad Air for everything from sound-sampling to communicating with fans. Both “Your Verse” stories can be examined in more depth at Apple’s site, where visitors can also access an exclusive concert from Yaoband. Stick around for “Yaoband’s Verse” after the jump. (more…)

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Lowe Roche Goes Fearless for Canadian Cancer Society

Lowe Roche has launched a new interactive campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society called “The Fearless Challenge,” which attempts to raise money online by asking people (such as the actors involved with the campaign) to face their worst fears for a certain price to be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. If the goal is met, individuals honor their pledge by facing their fear head-on.

“The Canadian Cancer Society is committed to creating a world where no Canadian fears cancer, but we are not there yet,” explains Mike Kirkpatrick, director, marketing for the Cancer Society in Ontario. “We know that more work needs to be done because a cancer diagnosis is still one of the scariest things a person can face.”

The campaign attempts to help raise funds to help those with cancer, based on the insight that a cancer diagnosis, despite progress with managing the disease, is still a very fearful proposition. So in addition to helping to raise funds, the campaign also attempts to help tackle that fear in cancer patients by showing people conquering their own greatest fears. Celebrity endorsers and participants in the campaign include actor Jason Priestley, sports commentator Jesse Palmer, Shannon and  Sophie Tweed-Simmons of Gene Simmons Family Jewels and Shannon & Sophie, and Hedley bassist and cancer survivor Tommy Mac. But the campaign isn’t just relying on celebrity endorsements, it invites viewers to participate by filming their own video and making a pledge at Stick around for credits and actor Jonathan Keltz‘s pledge after the jump. (more…)

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Mullen Rediscovers Punk Rock for Acura

Sex Pistols “bassist” Sid Vicious’s decision to cover “My Way” was idiosyncratic for its time, but one has to wonder what the man would think of his tune’s appearance in a 2014 car ad if he’d somehow managed to live past 21.

This week Mullen LA debuted a new campaign for client Acura, and its central spot uses John Simon Ritchie’s take on the Sinatra standard to frame Acura’s engineers as bold rule-breakers.

Here’s the copy:

“We all go a little mad sometimes. But the end result isn’t always a car. It’s That Kind of Thrill.”

In this case, however, the end result was most definitely a car.

The campaign to promote the client’s new TLX model, which previously featured Jerry Seinfeld riffing on his “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” series, includes several shorter spots with less surprising musical accompaniment.


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W+K NY Finds ‘Different Ways In’ for ESPN

W+K New York has a new campaign for ESPN, promoting the network’s coverage of college football and stoking fans’ excitement for the first year of the college football playoffs.

The campaign, entitled “Who’s In?” will run from the start of the season until a National Champion is crowned in January. “Different Ways In” (featured above), the campaign’s debut spot, launches today across ESPN’s networks and digital properties. Narrated by Burt Reynolds, the 60-second spot manages to cram in references to 20 different schools, as well as cameos from Jerry Jones, Jimmy Kimmel, Urban Meyer, Les Miles, Sam Bradford and JJ Watt. That’s not a bad way to stoke excitement from fans of different schools for the FBS College Football Season on ESPN, which begins Wednesday, August 27. Stick around for credits after the jump. (more…)

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