Forever 21 Unveils a Giant, Crazy Machine That Re-creates Your Instagram Photos in Thread
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If you want to see your next selfie brought to life as a real-time mosaic of moving thread, Forever 21 and Breakfast are happy to help—and the results are pretty stunning.
About a year and half ago, the Los Angeles-based clothing retailer hired the Brooklyn agency to build from scratch a giant, digitally synced adjustable billboard made of cloth, wood and aluminum, to name a few materials—the contraption includes some 200,000 parts, with 6.7 miles of fabric. And now, it’s is ready to launch.
Now through next Tuesday, the machine will be up and running 24 hours a day, rendering versions of Instagram photos hashtagged #F21ThreadScreen while cameras stream it live at—and send users auto-edited clips of their photos being recreated.
Here’s the live stream:
The mechanics alone are wildly inventive, if not borderline insane—6,400 wooden spools feature rainbow ribbons that spin to change among 36 colors, according to computerized directions, with each spool ultimately serving as a single pixel in an 80-by-80 “pixel” image. Ultimately, the renderings themselves are just shy of hypnotizing, with the shifting palettes creating an iridescent effect as the images morph.
“Forever 21 was looking to experiment with something quite different than what they’ve done in the past,” says Breakfast co-founder and chief creative officer Andrew Zolty. “They gave us a rather open brief, and from the start we knew we wanted to build a web-connected experience that anyone could try from anywhere in the world.”
He adds: “We focused on thread, with it being the most basic element of fashion and quite versatile. We also focused on Instagram, as it’s the most artistic/creative of social networks, and Forever 21 has a massive following on there. [With 7.5 million followers, it’s 45th most followed account.] The idea developed from there.”
Here’s the behind-the-scenes video:
In broad terms, it’s familiar territory for Breakfast. Three years ago, the shop built a black-and-white pixel-based street billboard that silhouetted passersby for TNT. It’s also no stranger to building unique hardware with social media tie-ins—it created Instaprint, an event photo booth business that prints Polaroid-style photos based off Instagram hashtags, and offers to hand-craft bigger mosaics out of the individual prints. And in 2014, the shop picked up an Innovation Lion at Cannes for Points, its Internet-smart street sign.
But the F21 machine—11 feet high, 9 feet wide and 3 feet deep, with several times the number of parts in a modern automobile, all custom designed—is its biggest build yet.
“If we designed a car, we could redesign a single part and replace it if necessary,” says Zolty. “With this screen, when a part didn’t turn out quite right, we’d be sitting on 10,000-plus of them most often. You also may not know there is a problem until 5,000 have been installed. Re-creating and installing that part isn’t really an option, so you have to figure out a way? to keep moving forward while also solving the problem.”
Monochrome Breakfast Series
Posted in: UncategorizedEn collaboration avec David Reiner, Sebastian Hierner et Karin Stöckl, la designer graphique allemande Fabienne Plangger a réalisé la série « Monochrome Breakfast » pour un projet d’études. Elle représente un déjeuner rouge, vert, jaune et bleu où tous les éléments sont de la même couleur.
Leur site de collaboration – Site de David Reiner – Site de Sebastian Hierner
Duck Commits Gingerbread Wedding Massacre for Oatmeal Crisp
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Not since Kill Bill has there been a wedding this disastrous and darkly mesmerizing. As some adorable gingerbread people prepare to wed, a duck descends on the scene in savage fashion, mutilating the wedding party and attendees alike.
Obviously, it's an ad for Oatmeal Crisp.
The link between concept and product is tenuous at best, but luckily there's an angry Scotsman around to explain that as crunchy as that situation was, it can't compare to Oatmeal Crisp. Check out three more spots from the campaign after the jump. Via Adrants.
World’s Most Intelligent Street Sign Can Point You to Almost Anything
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Ever stood slack-jawed on a street corner with a friend trying to figure out where to go to throw back a beer? Or debated whether it'd be better to hop on that approaching bus or descend into the subway to catch a train? The latest nifty gadget from the hardware and software engineers at Breakfast offers a slick solution to those problems, and others. Called "Points," it's a rotating digital street sign built to display a flexible range of data, from which favorably reviewed restaurants are within walking distance to nearby tweets. And it comes with an at-hand, interactive menu of options that can be programmed to change based on the time of day (are you hungry for breakfast or dinner?) or the needs of a particular setting (sports scores at a stadium).
Feats of technology and design aside, at least some of the info is already accessible to people with smartphones in their pockets. It's easy, though, to imagine the value of aggregating and conveniently serving up certain cues in the context of their environments—especially at big, often chaotic events like music festivals, where signs could literally and dynamically direct attendees toward the overlapping acts going up on different stages. Unlike some of Breakfast's other projects, "Points" wasn't created for a particular brand client, but the agency sees myriad ways to customize the interface for marketers, including, naturally, at sponsored events and locations. That not to mention the obvious public-service and tourism applications for municipal governments. So, what say all you brand jockeys out there—on point, or pointless?
MLB ‘Fan Cave’ Nerds Out Like Never Before With Fancy New High-Tech Toys
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Here's a fun toy for obsessive baseball geeks: the new "Mission Control" installation at MLB's "Fan Cave" space in downtown New York. There, each year, a selection of the sport's most die-hard fans are paid to watch every game and crank out social-media content about the experience, part of a Lord-of-the-Flies-esque competition to get to the World Series. This year, the space also features a custom multi-screen computer rig, built by Breakfast, that's designed to pull in and display a wide range of data about the upcoming baseball season. The smaller screens on the left and right include video feeds of stadiums from American League and National League teams (even when the games aren't in progress). The toggles on the bottom calls up information like weather conditions and wind speeds at each location, as well as relevantly tagged Instagram and Twitter posts about the ballparks and their home teams. The dashboard meters measure stats like total games played and total number of hits for the season. The central monitor connects to a camera that can be used to record and broadcast video clips of the sports stars and other celebrities who stop by for concerts and other events, and of the "Fan Cave" marketing program's less famous participants. Why? Because all you've ever wanted since you were a little kid was to be a professional baseball commentator and astronaut at the same time. If that doesn't ring true, you're probably not invited.
Perception: Um painel interativo feito de 40 mil pontos físicos eletromagnéticos
Posted in: UncategorizedSe você bate o olho em um painel desse na rua, deve pensar de cara que é tudo digital e por isso não tem tanta graça assim.
Porém, essa vitrine que promove a serie “Perception” da TNT faz uso de uma tecnologia analógica do passado. São mais de 40 mil pontos físicos eletromagnéticos, que mudam de preto para branco (e vice-versa) de acordo com a interação das pessoas.
O painel ainda tem um objetivo ligado ao roteiro da série de TV, que é encontrar anagramas no meio do texto.
A criação é da Breakfast de NY, que conta nesse making of o processo de desenvolvimento da peça.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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