Unwoven Light

La Rice University Art Gallery située à Austin au Texas propose jusqu’au 30 août de découvrir « Unwoven Light », le nom de cette très belle installation pensée par Soo Sunny Park. Cette création colorée, composée de 37 parties mises en scène, est à découvrir en vidéo et en images dans la suite.

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Outfits Made of Foods

« Wearable Foods » est le nom de la série d’œuvres que l’artiste coréenne Yeonju Sung compose avec des créations de vêtements utilisant de la nourriture. En composant différentes pièces à l’aide d’aliments tels que de la tomate ou des champignons, cette artiste nous propose de véritables pièces d’art visuellement bluffantes.

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Art Deco Illustrations

Mads Berg conçoit de merveilleuses illustrations pour de nombreux clients. Spécialisé dans les affiches, illustrations de marques et éditoriales, ses créations se caractérisent par un style qui s’inspire d’affiches classiques et les modernise pour leur donner un look moderne et intemporel. À découvrir dans la suite.

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Martyl Langsdorf, Artist Behind Doomsday Clock, Dies at 96

Ms. Langsdorf drew the Doomsday Clock for the June 1947 cover of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists as a way to evoke the potential devastation of nuclear weapons.


Troilo Art

Focus sur cet artiste italien Troilo, qui cherche à travers ses peintures à questionner la condition de l’Homme face au vide, une confrontation avec l’instinct naturel. Des créations visuellement impressionnantes et très réalistes à découvrir en images et en détails dans la suite de l’article.

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Coffee Art Portraiture

Découverte de Storyboard, projet éditorial signé par Tumblr, qui nous propose une belle vidéo « Coffee Art Portraiture » consacrée à Mike Breach, barrista possédant un talent incroyable pour le Latte Art, cette technique permettant de créer des dessins avec de la mousse de lait sur du café. Plus dans la suite.

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Pizza Hut Sketches Art Masterpieces on Pizza Boxes Live on YouTube

Weird, but also pretty neat: On Tuesday, Pizza Hut Canada streamed live YouTube video of an illustrator sketching commenter-suggested images on pizza boxes. It's a bit reminiscent of that artist who promised to hand draw every new Twitter follower (before bailing when he realized how many people would click a button in exchange for a free picture of themselves). Pizza Hut is calling its marketing gimmick art. It's hard to imagine anyone rushing to frame the sketches and hang them on the wall. But they do include random bits of genius, like a pizza eating a man, a porcupine in a balloon factory and "Lady 'Za 'Za" wearing a dress made of pizza (instead of, say, one made of meat). There are also less appetizing sketches, like a "big slice of pizza pushing a baby slice of pizza in a stroller made of cheese." Because it wouldn't really be a pizza box—or advertising—if it weren't covered in melted goop. Now, sit back and enjoy seven and a half hours of footage from the event at the videos below. Agency: Grip Limited in Toronto.

Ballpoint Pen Drawings

Focus sur l’artiste anglais James Mylne qui imagine des illustrations superbement détaillées tout en pointillés, et uniquement au stylo. Des créations photo-réalistes qui reprennent notamment des figures légendaires du cinéma à l’image de Steve Mc Queen. Un talent à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Folded Book Art

Découverte du travail de Luciana Frigerio, qui imagine ces superbes sculptures faites en partant de livres dont elle plie les pages pour créer différents designs et compositions. Un résultat visuellement très réussi avec de nombreux exemples qui sont disponible à la vente. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.

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Sony World Photography Awards

Voici une sélection des gagnants de la récente compétition « Sony World Photography Awards » pour l’édition 2013. Un choix uniquement sur la base d’une seule photographie et non pas le travail d’une série. Les 20 plus beaux clichés sont à découvrir sur le site World Photo et dans la suite de l’article.


Hyperrealism Paintings

Coup de cœur pour le peintre américain Damian Loeb vivant à New-York, qui conçoit des tableaux hyper réalistes d’une qualité incroyable. Ces créations réalisées à la peinture à l’huile sont dotés d’un style photographique très étonnant. L’ensemble de sa série est à découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite.

Darling 48x96in Oil on Linen
And Then There Were None 48x96in Oil on Linen
The Thrill of it All 12x24in Oil on Linen
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Rajaram Rajendran : Digital Art


Rajaram Rajendran, runs a Bangalore based tiny film production studio called Eleven Elements, where he makes films, and does digital image production. He consults on interactive and app design, runs occasional free workshops on designing for the digital medium, digital filmmaking and matte painting. He also clicks some photos sometimes, writes an article here and there and makes some music.

Why are you an Illustrator?
I’ve been making random images since 2004, but never knew what to call it. Then i started visiting Deviant Art sometime in 2008, and suddenly a whole world of Digital Art opened up. Because of the kind of work I saw there then, I got super inspired, started messing with more digital illustrations and some photo manips, and from there it kinda kicked on, as I kept learning.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
No. But we have the internet.

You have a distinct style of illustration. How long did it take you to develop your style?
Quite a while in fact. When I started off I had absolutely no clue what i was doing. With digital, you know, if you keep messing with the software enough, something or the other that looks interesting will come up. I feel the trick is to be aware and push past that phase, till you’re able to create what you visualize. Sooner or later, some kind of pattern or a style will kick in.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
Oh yeah. I was a big fan of 2Advanced. Also Fantasy Interactive, 247 studios, Joshua Davis, Gmunk, North Kingdom, Group 94 and a whole bunch of others.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Illustrations?
There were so many, i really can’t list out. But Ingo Ramin of 247 media studios  comes to mind first. His work kind of made me understand the word ‘detail’.

Do  you take workshops on designing on Digital medium.
Yes I do. Not a hell lot so far, but i want to find the time to do that a lot more this year. We have a lot of talent around in print design, and it really is super easy for print designers to move to digital / app design.

What made you decide to become a freelance illustrator? When did you start freelancing? Do you illustrate for advertising? Are many advertising agencies getting illustrations made these days? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
Somewhere around 2005-2006. I also worked in a company for a year or so during then. The only ‘proper’ job I ever had. From then on it’s been mostly freelance/small studio set-ups/learning and working at the same time.
I do illustrate for advertising, not too much till now though. Films take up most of my time. When I do, I work with agencies, yes. I prefer, I guess just like everyone else, working with agencies/clients who make it personal. Who put themselves into the work they do.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Illustrations?
Nope. Never. Digital illustrations are my best way to experiment with new colors, learn new techniques, learn more on composition or typography, you know, the basics. You can never learn that enough.

Have you considered turning your illustrations into graphic novels?
Not yet. Plus, i don’t think i’m that good at it to confidently create a graphic novel.

Any other Indian Illustrators who you admire?
Deepu Sasikumar. Brilliant style, and quite humble about it. I really like George Mathen’s work too.

Do you have any favourite fellow illustrators or resources relating to your fields?
Behance to see the best creatives going on around the world. Deviant Art has great resources. Abduzeedo is a fantastic resource for everything. Greyscale Gorilla for 3D, Video Copilot for Aftereffects and Motion Design, FFFFFound or Devour or even Pinterest, for inspiration.

Tell us something about Eleven Elements.
Eleven Elements has always been my personal portfolio/experimental work site. In 2011, i kinda registered it and started working with that name. It’s just me, my computer and a studio / room really, with real talented people collaborating on a project basis. We do films and digital image production.

You have such a wide experience as a top working professional. What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on Illustration as a career option? Is it paying well enough?
Ha ha, I don’t know about ‘top working professional’. Well, start with something you’re really interested in. Be good at it enough to walk into a place and accept responsibility for the output. And don’t stop learning. Observe. Do not worry about the money in the beginning, if you put out good work, honestly, the money will follow.

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
Anyone who’s interesting enough to have a conversation. Since i’m not.

What’s on your iPod?
Apparat, James Blake, A A Bondy, Thom Yorke, Fink, Bob Dylan, The XX, Four Tet, Johnny Cash, Madras, Led Zep, Sulk Station, Cake, Sigur Ros, Leonard Cohen, and a hell lot of others. I mean, don’t you think iTunes’ India pricing is fabulous? :)

Mac or PC?











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Critic’s Notebook: A Museum’s Games Are Not on Pedestals

The 14 video games the Museum of Modern Art acquired in November are on display in a new installation.

Mattias Adolfsson Sketchbooks

Focus sur le travail de Mattias Adolfsson, un illustrateur suédois qui aime remplir ses carnets de compositions étoffées et colorées. Un rendu absolument magnifique réalisé avec beaucoup de patience, qui fait de ses nombreux « sketchbooks » de précieux objets. A découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

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Audio CD review – Jeremy Deller: Social Surrealism


Verlag für moderne Kunst has launched a collection of art audio CDs. I’m coveting the Jake and Dinos Chapman, the David Lynch one and crying my eyes out because the Jonathan Meese is in german only (although i did enjoy listening to the audio snippet in which he talks about stuff that are metabolisch and pornografisch.)

The one i had to have right here right now is the audio CD of conversation excerpts with Jeremy Deller continue

Faif Street Art

Focus sur les réalisations de l’artiste espagnol Faif (Pau Sampera) basé à Barcelone, qui aime jouer avec la rue et interagir avec les passants. Des œuvres à la fois simples mais aussi critiques et très bien exécutées. Plus d’images de ses travaux à travers le monde dans la suite de l’article.

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Valiyaveetil Sanoop : Interview


From Payyanur, village in Kannur, Kerala. Started career with JWT Bangalore and now working as a senior visualizer at O&M Bangalore.

Why are you an Illustrator?
Because i love illustration, more than being an illustrator, i would like to be an art director

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
Yes i did. Got graduated in Applied Arts from college of fine arts, Trivandrum. Kerala.

Tell us about  your recent work campaign?
Ginger poster campaign. Ginger is a fashion brand. The campaign about promoting their accessories. I can undoubtly tell, that it was one of my best campaign I was involved in so far.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Advertising?
As I mentioned earlier, I started with JWT Bangalore, i have been there for about 2 years.?As a beginner, it was a wounderful journey with the most inspiring minds at JWT.

You have a distinct style of illustration. How long did it take you to develop your style?
I never tried to stick to one style, I always tried to figure-out a style which has more potential to convey the brief clearly and more interestingly.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
My father, he taught me a lot in my life as a person & as an artist.?.

Are many advertising agencies getting illustrations made these days? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
Oh Yes. I would work more with agencies.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Illustrations?
Never, I never consider doing illustration as a job. its like a part of me. I love to do illustration and will keep doing it.

Have you considered turning your illustrations into toys?
Yes, its a wounderful thing to give more dimension to your own creativity.

Any other Indian Illustrators who you admire?
Raghava KK, is a contemporary artist living and working in Bangalore.

Do you have any favorite fellow illustrators or resources relating to your fields?
Lots of people!!!… Sameer kulavoor, Deelip Khomane their style, innovation and experiments inspire me alot.

You have such a wide experience as a top working professional. What advice do you    have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on Illustration as a career option? Is it paying well enough?
I dont think i am the right person to advice. Because i am just a beginner but just loving what i am doing & always trys to pull out the best in me. Yes, money is important more than that be passionate.

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
Scarlet Johanson, Penelope cruz

What’s on your iPod?
I dont have an iPodbut I love Pink Floyd, Bob Marley & Instrumental tracks.

Mac or PC?
My first preference is a paper and pencil than mac.











bangkok DDF

paris back

venice DDF

The post Valiyaveetil Sanoop : Interview appeared first on desicreative.

Art Invades Life

Juan Carlos Paz, plus connu sous le pseudonyme de Bakea, est un illustrateur et directeur artistique madrilène qui s’amuse à prendre des photographies de paysages afin d’y insérer ensuite des créatures fantastiques et colorées. Un rendu très réussi, et proposant une utilisation des filtres Instagram intéressante.

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McBess Coffee Table

Une excellente collaboration entre l’artiste et illustrateur McBess, et la marque de meubles Substain avec cette table en bois massif fabriquées à base d’une planche. Une création dessiné à la main comme une sérigraphie d’art, le tout tenu par 4 pieds courbés et soudés à la main. Plus d’images du projet dans la suite.


Karthik M : Interview with an advertising creative


Just like it says on his website, Karthik M is a guy who loves to make things, who lives with his musical better half, and who sincerely believes that one day both his feline sons will start talking to him. He loves doing side projects, just like Ji Lee and SwissMiss. He’s the author of @mysmallstories on Twitter. He keeps a thick beard to hide his double chin, and will often scratch it while pretending to think. He finds it very, very difficult to write about himself, be it in the third person, or out of that person.

Why are you into Advertising?
Because it lets me revel in my misfit-ness, and pays me for it too.
Did you attend school for fine art or design or Communications?
Yes. R. A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics.

You are an illustrator, graphic designer and copywriter. Which of these best describes you.
None. An unromantic, absent-minded husband. That sure does.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
N.A. (Not grown up yet.)

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Advertising? In Illustration and Design?
The Internet.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
From everyday life, and my very tolerant wife.

Tell us something about the work environment at your agency Catalyst SMC.
Leg-pulling 30%, Laughter 30%, Talks on Food 20%, Eating 10%, Alcohol sessions 5%, Abuses 5%.

What do you think of the state of Print advertising right now. At least here in India, the released work is most often too sad?
It could be so much better. Right now, it’s a clear case of too many cooks spoil the broth. Everybody wants to have their say in it. “Hey! It’s just advertising. Even I know a thing or two.” seems to be their thought process. And you can’t argue with that. The result? Well, we all know what that is. But I admire Taproot’s approach. They do really good ads, and most of them are released work. So hats off to them, especially the person who sells it, and the client who buys it.

Do you think brands who’s advertising wins awards, do well in the market?
Well, there cannot be so many scam ads year after year, right? There are clients out there who are brave enough to put that work out into the market, and also intelligent enough to check whether they are working or not. So I’d love to think
that yes, they do work well in the market. And I also think that “Make a great product, and you won’t
have to worry about advertising”.

What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals?
To all aspiring creative professionals (which includes me too), I’d suggest: Learn, unlearn and relearn.

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
My wife. She’s had way too many takeouts with me.

What’s on your iPod?
iPad chalega? Some Coke Studio, Dewarists, The Shruti Box and Bollywood.

Mac or PC?
Hey, thanks! Mac. Which model are you giving? Is it the new iMac?