Amnesty International Wants the Ad Industry to Help Improve Perceptions of Refugees

Amnesty International will issue a challenge to the advertising industry at The Drum’s Plan it Day and Do it Day events, calling on advertisers to change perceptions surrounding refugees. 

“Everyone knows the challenge in the broad sense,” Amnesty International communications director Osama Saeed Bhutta told the publication. “We have 20 million refugees worldwide and in the last year there have been some attempts by the United Nations (UN) and President Obama to get people to help sort it out because they realize our generation is going to be judged by future decades on how we dealt with this.”

The goal of the challenge will be to shift public opinion at a time when anti-refugee sentiment seems to be growing in certain circles. Such sentiment is often attributed as a contributing factor in the U.K.’s Brexit decision this summer, for example, while xenophobic anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiment also seem to at the heart of Donald Trump‘s campaign. Just yesterday, Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., generated controversy with a tweet comparing the “Syrian refugee problem” with a bowl of Skittles with three that “would kill you.”

Media surrounding the refugee crisis hasn’t been limited to documenting such xenophobic fearmongering, however. Bhutta points to the inclusion of Team Refugee at the Rio 2016 Olympics, which included ten refugees from around the world brought together by the International Olympic Committee and UNHCR as an initiative that could help “shift the debate towards a more positive and humanitarian direction.”

“It showed the rest of the world that refugees are people with hopes and aspirations and determination as well. That’s no better represented than by [Syrian swimmer] Yusra Mardini, who saved so many lives by swimming and pushing a boat over to Greece and then ended up at the Olympics,” he added. “That’s a movie story right there.”

“For us, this challenge is about changing public opinion – something marketers do every day,” Bhutta said. “We could have framed it in many different ways – it could have been about aid or targeting governments – but we’ve focused on public opinion because these industries (advertising, marketing, digital) are going to be essential in changing the way this is dealt with and coming up with creative solutions.”

Amnesty International’s Do It Day challenge will run simultaneously in the U.S. and the U.K. but Bhutta notes that the problem requires a global outlook. “We’re a global movement and we have real global muscle so what we’re looking for is ideas that can be implemented everywhere,” he said. 

“There’s an immediate two-year horizon we’re working towards and have an ambitious target of having two million refugees resettled by then, but that by no means solves things. We’re open minded and looking for possibilities. Short term ideas are great, but what we really want are ideas with longevity that can bring debate to the fore in different ways.”

Amnesty International Freedom Candles

Ogilvy a réalisé pour Amnesty International une campagne des plus réussies mêlant spot publicitaire et vente aux enchères pour permettre d’obtenir des financements. Avec Freedom Candles, un spot vidéo dévoile des bougies pensées par Coarse représentant des situations de violences et de privations de libertés, dévoilant des symboles d’espoirs cachés sous la cire.

A noter que 30 bougies seront mises aux enchères en éditions limitées sur eBay le 19 avril.

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My Body My Rights for Amnesty International

Dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale d’Amnesty International « Mon corps, mes droits » Hikaru Cho, peint ses modèles avec une précision et des détails extraordinaires. Le maquillage prends une apparence réelle une fois travaillé sur le corps. Des trompes l’oeil impressionnants à découvrir en photos dans la suite de l’article.

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Anistia Internacional: Nada justifica a tortura

Com perspectiva em primeira pessoa, a Anistia Internacional tenta transmitir a sensação de ser torturado nesse comercial.

Não é algo que me pareça sequer perto da realidade, mas a mensagem é válida ao dizer que “nada justifica a tortura”.

Jack Bauer não concordaria com o conceito, mas aí a CTU inventou uma injeção milagrosa para fazer os suspeitos falarem.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Amnesty International – Ink

Voici le dernier film de Danakil pour Amnesty International. Afin de symboliser le pouvoir des signatures comme une arme pour la protection des victimes, la vidéo illustre l’image de la puissance de l’encre sur les tortionnaires. Un spot signé Wanda Productions à regarder et partager.

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Anistia Internacional: Um mapa de “Call Of Duty: MW3? para salvar vidas

É uma ótima ideia, mas, pelo menos por enquanto, é apenas uma ideia. Nada que a Activision e a Anistia Internacional tenha resolvido fazer.

Um mapa de “Call Of Duty: MW3″ em que o objetivo é resgatar presos em uma missão pró-direitos humanos. O mod custaria dinheiro, que seria revertido para a Anistia Internacional.

Na criação da agência Strange Day de Amsterdam, você pode até salvar as vítimas, mas vai precisar matar uma galera pra isso. No final, não acaba fazendo tanto sentido para o que uma organização como Anistia defende.

De qualquer maneira, o que importa é encarar esse conceito com uma forma realmente inovadora de se fazer in-game advertising. Nada de banners e placas jogadas aleatoriamente em um cenário digital.

Uma ideia parecida já tinha rolado recentemente, mas usando “Battlefield 3″ como plataforma.

/via Denver Egotist

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Amnesty – Break The Law of Silence

À l’occasion du Marathon des Signatures 2011, Amnesty International & La Chose ont imaginé un dispositif interactif pour briser la loi du silence et défendre les droits bafoués de personnes en danger. Un film d’animation réalisé par CRCR présente l’histoire de 3 personnes en danger.


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