Acne Imagines 18th Century Social Media for IKEA

Acne launched a new IKEA campaign created for AOL Platforms, entitled “Let’s Relax.”

A 90-second spot imagines what the 18th century equivalent of social media would look like. As a family sits down to dinner, a hungry daughter is about to dig in when her father stops her. First, the family must wait for an artist to paint the scene. It doesn’t end there though, after the painting is finished it is rushed off to the community, up the aristocratic ranks, where it is met with approval and finally finds its way back to the family with a thumbs up. Only then may they begin their meal.

The scene returns to the modern day with another hungry daughter visibly annoyed at her father meticulously photographing their dinner. “It’s a meal. Not a competition,” reads the text on the screen, followed by the tagline, “Let’s Relax.”

While the clever approach, looking back at history to show how thoroughly tied to our time the more ridiculous aspects of social media are, is novel, the subject isn’t. Ogilvy New York documented one such social media-obsessed families with “Meet the Socialtons,” part of its “Together We Eat” campaign for IKEA U.S. last September. Acne’s effort is a bit more focused on pointing out just how absurd such behavior can get as part of its advocacy to relax and focus on just enjoying the moment, and more memorable for it.

Client: Ikea
Agency: Acne
Creative Director: Johan Holmgren
Executive Producer: David Olsson
Art Director: Cecilia Dufils
Copywriter: Markus Bjurman
Creative (Ikea): Fredrik Preisler, Katie Copeland
Creative Director (Ikea): Morten Kjaer
Head of Planning (Ikea): Morten Lundholm
Project Manager (Ikea): Mia Malmström
Producer: Fredrik Skoglund
Director: Tompa & Rondo
Director of Photography: Anders Jedenfors
Final Art: Oliver Juan
Production Company: Acne

Advertising: Clean & Clear Videos Dare Not Speak Blemish’s Name

Johnson & Johnson’s new campaign for the skin-care product Clean & Clear uses nonactors and focuses on girls who pursue expectation-defying passions.


Flygbussarna Airport Coaches: Drink, 3

Flygbussarna Airport Coaches: Drink, 3

We now run on biofuel. It’s clean enough to drink.

Advertising Agency: Acne Advertising, Stockholm, Sweden
Photographer: Martin Runeborg

Flygbussarna Airport Coaches: Drink, 2

Flygbussarna Airport Coaches: Drink, 2

We now run on biofuel. It’s clean enough to drink.

Advertising Agency: Acne Advertising, Stockholm, Sweden
Photographer: Martin Runeborg

Flygbussarna Airport Coaches: Drink, 1

Flygbussarna Airport Coaches: Drink, 1

We now run on biofuel. It’s clean enough to drink.

Advertising Agency: Acne Advertising, Stockholm, Sweden
Photographer: Martin Runeborg