Most Popular Stories on AgencySpy from the Last 7 Days

Deutsch L.A. Quickly Finds Richmond’s Replacement

We Hear: G2 to Detach from Grey, Align with Ogilvy?

Since Arnold’s at a Loss for Words, Let’s Fill in Blanks Regarding Promotions

Here’s a Quick TracyLocke Update, from Dallas to SoHo

Kevin Durant Seduced by Villain’s Role

Hammond Takes ECD Post at DDB West

Jim Marcus Out at DDB

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

AntiCast 70 – Seja designer no Canadá!

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!
Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk e Rafael Ancara recebem o convidado Rafael Peixoto Ferreira, professor de design na Mohawk College (Hamilton, Canadá) para conversar sobre o design canadense. Saiba como trabalhar na área por lá, quais suas principais características, que áreas que mais precisam de profissionais, como é o ensino de design no país e quem são os grandes nomes no campo. E apesar de falarmos dela duas vezes durante o programa, a Luiza não participou.

>>0h00min20seg Introdução e recados importantes
>>00h05min11seg Pauta principal
>>01h06min28seg Leitura de comentários e anúncio do vencedor da promoção que valia o livro “Cinema e Contemporaneidade”, organizado por Rogério de Almeida.

TPC ]10[ – Evento de 10 anos do Tipocracia
Curso de design no qual o Rafael leciona, na Mohawk College
Curso de propaganda no qual o Rafael leciona, também na Mohawk College
RGD Ontario – órgão responsável pela regulamentação e validação da profissão designer em Ontario
Sid Lee – uma das grandes agências de publicidade, marketing, comunicação e design no Canadá (em Montreal)
The Advertising & Design Club of Canada
Bruce Mau (designer canadense citado)
Curso criado pelo Bruce Mau
OCAD – Ontario College of Art & Design, fundada em 1876

Espaço “além da sala de aula” na Mohawk College (o Rafael aparece no 0min39seg)

(Arte da episódio por Brads | Fan Page)

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Media Decoder Blog: The Breakfast Meeting: Rethinking the Nook and Woodward vs. the White House

Barnes & Noble rethinks the Nook’s priorities, Bob Woodward’s clash with the White House may have been blown out of proportion and a Chrysler commercial creates synergy between Motown and Broadway.

AC/DC. Ou antes da cerveja e depois da cerveja.

A frase clássica é sexo, drogas e rock and roll. Mas ninguém estranharia se no meio da combinação também aparecesse algum tipo de bebida.

É só pegar a lista de exigências de qualquer bandinha pra ver: tem sempre algum whisky, vodka ou cerveja (quando não são todos juntos) incluídos. E já que eles andam sempre juntos, por que não oficializar logo a união?

Claro, a ideia é tão óbvia que muita gente já pensou nisso. Seguindo os passos da Bastard Lager do Motorhead, e da Kiss Destroyer, para citar só alguns, o AC/DC acaba de ganhar a sua própria cerveja: AC/DC Beer

“German Beer. Australian hardrock”, como diz o conceito. Agora é só escolher a trilha certa para beber a sua. Como os próprios caras do AC/DC já disseram muito bem, eu iria de “Have a drink on me”.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Shapes of Cities Illustrations

Yoni Alter est un artiste londonien qui a imaginé une superbe série d’illustrations minimalistes représentant plusieurs grandes villes du monde. Jouant avec les formes des structures architecturales les plus reconnaissables, le rendu très réussi de « Shapes of Cities » est à découvrir dans la suite.

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Idiotic American Ad Critic Gets Metrics Lesson From Carlsberg


Here’s a simple concept. Beer cans sweat when removed from the refrigerator. When they sweat, condensation forms on the outside of the can. When condensation forms, droplets of water form. When droplets of water form, gravity takes over and the droplets slide down the side of the can.

When droplets of water form and slide down the side of the can, creatives at M&C Saatchi Stockholm get busy making an ad for Carlsberg 33cl which, by the way, is not 33 calories. It’s 33 centiliters which is 11.16 ounces. I’m not even going to tell you the shame my non-metric American brain experienced coming to that conclusion.

Idiotic America Ad Critic Gets Metrics Lesson From Carlsberg


Here’s a simple concept. Beer cans sweat when removed from the refrigerator. When they sweat, condensation forms on the outside of the can. When condensation forms, droplets of water form. When droplets of water form, gravity takes over and the droplets slide down the side of the can.

When droplets of water form and slide down the side of the can, creatives at M&C Saatchi Stockholm get busy making an ad for Carlsberg 33cl which, by the way, is not 33 calories. It’s 33 centiliters which is 11.16 ounces. I’m not even going to tell you the shame my non-metric American brain experienced coming to that conclusion.

And Now, Your Weekly Video Miscellany

Make way, the internet videos are here! It’s been a hell of a week for advertising, with Oreo and Audi taking top spots and then a random chocolatier taking CGI to the next level. Lots of taking these days. How about some giving? Like the gift of code. Or you could just watch a guy juggle and solve a Rubik’s Cube simultaneously.

5. Audrey Hepburn. So hot right now. At least, in this Galaxy Chocolate spot, she looks amazing. Not only that, the spot perfectly captures the kind of person the world knew her to be – beautiful and whip smart, never to be taken advantage of. Also she looks straight-up real. 202,899 make this clip far from viral, but still worth checking out.

4. Sir Ravi the Juggler can juggle while solving a Rubik’s Cube. Really no other way to set this one up. At 714,493, Ravi’s nearly a YouTube star, though really he should be president of the planet.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Three taps into clip-sharing vogue in ad campaign

Three is launching a campaign with the strapline, ‘Silly stuff. It matters’, which will tap into the vogue for sharing funny clips or photos online.

Campbell Mithun Solicits ‘Lucky 13? To Find Cream Filling

Since 2006, Minneapolis-based Campbell Mithun has rolled out their annual “Lucky 13″ search for summer interns. We covered last year’s application, oddly enough, on Friday the 13th. We don’t have any voodoo magic this year, but it is 2013, so this year’s hunt for interns still gets to take on some added numerical significance.

Applicants must be college students or recent graduates interested in becoming future agency staffers who will write spiteful comments on AgencySpy message boards that put down any agency’s work that is not their own. I kid…

Campbell Mithun is focusing the 2013 campaign on Twinkies–a former client–because Hostess filed for bankruptcy and plans to auction off their brands in the coming weeks. Future interns have to create pitches for Twinkies that may not only land them a summer job, but also revive old business for the agency. High stakes, probably low pay, (great?) experience–sums up internships quite neatly. Check out the full requirements at the program website.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Sunday Times targets fashion and beauty brands with Style relaunch

The Sunday Times’ Style magazine is set to be significantly overhauled next weekend (10 March), with a renewed focus on fashion and beauty, in a bid to more directly compete for advertising against women’s monthly and weekly magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle and Grazia.

Procura-se animais perdidos em Nova York

Em Nova York, tudo é possível. Um golfinho ficar entalado em um canal do Brooklyn, uma serpente circular pelo Bronx, um crocodilo fugir do Central Park – onde também já se perdeu um coyote… Isso só para citar alguns casos. Daí que Thomas Wilder, designer da mgmt., ficou sabendo destas histórias e resolveu criar uma série de cartazes de “procura-se” mostrando oito animais perdidos na cidade nos últimos 10 anos. As ilustrações ficaram bem legais, uma pena que não consegui encontrar as imagens em tamanho maior. Mas vale o registro.

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Chinese TV Special on Executions Stirs Debate

A live television show on China’s national broadcaster on Friday displayed four foreign drug traffickers, convicted of murder, being led to their executions.

Campaign Viral Chart: Zuckerberg and Gates line up to get kids coding, the non-profit learning foundation, tops this week’s chart with a manifesto featuring technology wizards Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Jack Dorsey.

What Drives Ad-Agency CEOs Crazy

We all know the stereotype. Agency leaders focus on the big-picture stuff: strategy, financial planning, negotiations, salesmanship, creative decisions and really important lunches. Who can fault them if they’re not on top of all the day-to-day details?

While the myth may be that presidents and CEOs operate at the highest level, that’s not what I’ve observed. Good leaders still get immersed in the details, the nitty-gritty of running the business. They may not all pay attention to the same details, and to the same degree, but they have got their hands in the dirt with everyone else.

That also means, that just like the rest of us, they have got their own obsessions and pet peeves. It can’t be helped. For some it may be office decor, down to what’s on the walls and floor. Others may obsess about meeting etiquette, or hospitality, or exactly how the phone is answered.

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What Drives You Crazy?

We all know the stereotype. Agency leaders focus on the big-picture stuff: strategy, financial planning, negotiations, salesmanship, creative decisions and really important lunches. Who can fault them if they’re not on top of all the day-to-day details?

While the myth may be that presidents and CEOs operate at the highest level, that’s not what I’ve observed. Good leaders still get immersed in the details, the nitty-gritty of running the business. They may not all pay attention to the same details, and to the same degree, but they have got their hands in the dirt with everyone else.

That also means, that just like the rest of us, they have got their own obsessions and pet peeves. It can’t be helped. For some it may be office decor, down to what’s on the walls and floor. Others may obsess about meeting etiquette, or hospitality, or exactly how the phone is answered.

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Comparethemarket updates Robert Webb campaign is launching the next phase of its new ad campaign staring comedian Robert Webb.

How Tweets influence mobile and tech shoppers

Twitter has released a new mobile study that shines a light on how exposure to Tweets can drive brand engagement.

Channel 4 presenters pay homage to Diet Coke

Channel 4’s male presenters, including Rick Edwards and George Lamb, are starring in their own version of the classic Diet Coke ad to celebrate the brand’s 30th anniversary.

News International sales team restructure puts four jobs at risk

News International, the owner of The Times and The Sun, is currently restructuring its sales division into integrated news and lifestyle teams, putting four senior sales roles at risk of redundancy.