World Effie Festival: Terror

World Effie Festival: Terror

World Effie Festival 2008. A celebration of highly effective capitalism.
The premier international brand conference featuring global business leaders, thinkers and creatives.
It won’t please everyone.

Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty Asia Pacific
Creative Director: Todd Waldron
Art Director: Hoon Pin Kek
Copywriter: Douglas Hamilton
Client Servicing: Lesley-Anne John, Eugenie Yeo
Published: December 2007

World Effie Festival: Bus

World Effie Festival: Bus

World Effie Festival 2008. A celebration of highly effective capitalism.
The premier international brand conference featuring global business leaders, thinkers and creatives.
It won’t please everyone.

Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty Asia Pacific
Creative Director: Todd Waldron
Art Director: Hoon Pin Kek
Copywriter: Douglas Hamilton
Client Servicing: Lesley-Anne John, Eugenie Yeo
Published: December 2007

World Effie Festival: Kick

World Effie Festival: Kick

World Effie Festival 2008. A celebration of highly effective capitalism.
The premier international brand conference featuring global business leaders, thinkers and creatives.
It won’t please everyone.

Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty Asia Pacific
Creative Director: Todd Waldron
Art Director: Hoon Pin Kek
Copywriter: Douglas Hamilton
Client Servicing: Lesley-Anne John, Eugenie Yeo
Published: December 2007

Laughter Yoga (UPDATE) – Now in Moscow, LA, Texas, Chicago

More than a year ago, Trend Hunter covered Laughter Yoga. Since then, Laughter Yoga has been sweeping the globe. The first ever Laughter Yoga training in Eastern Europe took place on January 5th and 6th in Moscow, Russia. It was taught by Sebastien Gendry, Director of the American School of Laughte…

Navigating Your Small Agency Through a Recession

We've all heard the recessionary drum beats for many months now. And judging by what's happening in the housing, automotive, retail and manufacturing sectors, we may already be in a recession. Those are scary words for any business. Especially so for a small-to-mid-size marketing-communications agency.

Sometimes a Profession (First Mangles, then) Chooses You

A girl named Mandy promised this video would reveal the COOLEST ROBOT EVER! We were skeptical but later decided she was right. Sure it won’t shave your balls and get you off, but it will do a silly little…

Orange Uses Gesture-Based Display to Drive Handhelds into Actual Hands

For client Orange, the Alternative is doing that gesture-based advertising thing. Do a little hand-dance to bring news, film clips or music videos to your fingertips. We see a less useful, but strangely more amusing, version of this technology…

Hyundai Pussies Out of Dropping Super Bowl Spots

With what Advertising Age calls Hamlet-like indecision, Hyundai has decided to keep its ads in the Super Bowl after all. Here’s our brief coverage of its flirtation with pulling out. (We hate that!) AdAge dubs the move “a most…

For Royal Treatment in Developing Nation, Build Brand that Doubles as Tarp

We spent some time in the Philippines last week. Good news for old-school brand goliaths: free promotion is alive and well alongside freeways and in living spaces (at the same time!). That, and offshore telesales. We’re in the money…

Who’s to Say Technology Doesn’t Get Under the Skin?

Adrants reader Atif sent us this spot, snapped by Engadget at CES 2008. It causes us physical pain. Not to say every questionable piece doesn’t have its audience. Atif thinks the veins as headphone wires idea is cool, actually….

One Little Password For One Gigantic Interweb

According to Wired, Yahoo’s adoption of OpenID is a huge victory for the OpenID foundation.

Until now, despite support from larger sites like AOL and Plaxo, OpenID has remained largely a tool of the geek-elite, but Yahoo’s announcement is set to change that since it provides even those Yahoo users who’ve never heard of OpenID a simple way to use it. And that in turn gives startup sites an even greater incentive to support OpenID logins.

Right now there are roughly 120 million OpenID accounts. Add Yahoo’s 248 million users worldwide, and OpenID is set to triple in size.

McDonald’s Ends Report Card Advertising

Everyone bitched and McDonald’s listened. Under pressure from the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and 2,000 angry parents, the fast food giant haspulled the advertising it had placed on Seminole County, Florida’s report cards. Graciously, McDonald’s will still pay…

Heart-Shaped Crotch Shot Promotes Italian Footwear Quality

In the customs line at Heathrow we saw this leggy ad reading “I love Italian shoes.” And then we blinked. What’s that logo in the upper left-hand corner? Is that a wide-open, heart-shaped pair of legs? Then we understood….

Pocket Geek Game Tests Management Skills

We really like when business to business advertising leave behind the idiotic metaphors that so pervasively fill their advertising and, instead, opt for something, well, more fun. For power plant and air traffic control software developer QNX, Fuel Industries…

Cheetos Gets Really, Really Weird With Orange Underground

After spending some time with Cheetos’ new Orange Underground, a full blown movement “committed to transforming sterile order into messy mayhem,” its primary purpose of urging people to do wacky Random Acts of Cheetos that don’t involve eating makes…

Biegel Filing Condemns Dentsu Agency Culture

NEW YORK ( — The legal tussle between creative executive Steve Biegel and his former employer, Dentsu, continued to play out in court yesterday following a judge's request this month that Mr. Biegel submit additional evidence detailing when and to whom he complained about incidents of sexual harassment that allegedly took place during his three years as an employee at the U.S. arm of the Japanese-owned agency.

London freesheets embark on recycling effort

LONDON – London’s free newspapers have started the long awaited roll-out of their recycling bins across the capital.

Government launches Frank online anti-drugs push

LONDON – The government has launched a drugs awareness campaign, created by digital agency Profero, which lets youngsters see what it feels like to take drugs such as ecstasy and cannabis.

Talk of the site: NFL football, Adam & Eve and marketing in the boardroom

LONDON – This week Brand Republic experienced one of its most vitriolic debates over an unlikely topic — American football in Britain. Other hot topics in our weekly roundup of the best comments made on Brand Republic include agency startups and tips for marketers who want to improve their standing in the boardroom.

Nationwide on Sideline for Super Bowl

COLUMBUS, Ohio ( — Despite back-to-back Super Bowl spots, with Kevin Federline in 2007 and Fabio in 2006, Nationwide has decided to stay out of the game in 2008, shifting the extra dollars from its estimated $100 million annual budget to an expensive Nascar sponsorship.