Google’s iPhone Nemesis – Merging With Dell For Master Phone Plan

Google is rumoured to be launching its own mobile phone in collaboration with Dell. Google, falling through with its rumoured launch last year for an iPhone Competitor (the GPhone), has mustered up some muscle and is said to be announcing its plan alongside Dell at the 3GSM telecoms conference next …

Wsscc: Spermatozoides

Wsscc: Spermatozoides

In some countries women risk rape by collecting water.
Helping the world to solve water and sanitation problems.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson Geneva, Switzerland
Creative Director: Timo Kirez
Art Directors: Amina Belkasmi, Olivier Renaud
Copywriter: David von Ritter
Photographers: Julien Bourdeille, Patrick Csajko
Other additional credits: Le Studio Production
Published: November 2007

Wsscc: Audience

Wsscc: Audience

Millions of women have to do it with an audience.
Helping the world to solve water and sanitation problems.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson Geneva, Switzerland
Creative Director: Timo Kirez
Art Directors: Amina Belkasmi, Olivier Renaud
Copywriter: David von Ritter
Photographers: Julien Bourdeille, Patrick Csajko
Other additional credits: Le Studio Production
Published: November 2007

Wsscc: Cockroach

Wsscc: Cockroach

1.2 billion people drink dirty water every day.
Helping the world to solve water and sanitation problems.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson Geneva, Switzerland
Creative Director: Timo Kirez
Art Directors: Amina Belkasmi, Olivier Renaud
Copywriter: David von Ritter
Photographers: Julien Bourdeille, Patrick Csajko
Other additional credits: Le Studio Production
Published: November 2007

Wsscc: Babies

Wsscc: Babies

Diarrhea kills babies every day.
Helping the world to solve water and sanitation problems.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson Geneva, Switzerland
Creative Director: Timo Kirez
Art Directors: Amina Belkasmi, Olivier Renaud
Copywriter: Stéphane Gigon
Photographers: Julien Bourdeille, Patrick Csajko
Other additional credits: Le Studio Production
Published: November 2007

Wsscc: Wall

Wsscc: Wall

Water kills every day.
Helping the world to solve water and sanitation problems.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson Geneva, Switzerland
Creative Director: Timo Kirez
Art Directors: Amina Belkasmi, Olivier Renaud
Copywriter: David von Ritter
Photographers: Julien Bourdeille, Patrick Csajko
Other additional credits: Le Studio Production
Published: November 2007

Movie Products Made Real – Brawndo’s Defictionalization (VIDEO)

( Sometimes there are things in movies that are so spectacular that they become real products. That is what defictionalization is: when a fictitious product becomes a real one.

Brawndo, “the thirst mutilator” is an energy drink that has become defictionalized.

“It first emerged in the blackly com…

Defictionalization – Brawndo

Sometimes there are things in movies that are so spectacular that they become real products. That is what defictionalization is: when a fictitious product becomes a real one.

Brawndo, “the thirst mutilator” is an energy drink that has become defictionalized.

“It first emerged in the blackly com…

Movie Products Made Real – Brawndo’s Defictionalization

Sometimes there are things in movies that are so spectacular that they become real products. That is what defictionalization is: when a fictitious product becomes a real one.

Brawndo, “the thirst mutilator” is an energy drink that has become defictionalized.

“It first emerged in the blackly com…

Inflatable Mouse – Jelly Click (GALLERY)

( Made from soft plastics and flexible circuitry with an attachable USB cable, the only other thing the Jelly Click mouse needs is a breath of fresh air. Simply breath into the open end of the mouse as if you were blowing up a beach ball, and voila! A mouse that can be inflated and deflated wherever a…

I’m F*cking Matt Damon.

Sarah Silverman does Jimmy Kimmel. In a manner of speaking.

Everyday Normal Guy Rap Video – Will Ferrell’s Top Pick of the Month (VIDEO)

( Jon Lajoie is talented amateur video producer who with a number of music videos that are becoming viral. One of his latest rap videos, “Everyday Normal Guy,” was recently selected as Will Ferrell’s top pick of the month.

If you like the videos, make sure to visit his site for video s…

The Fattening of America: It’s Not All Advertising’s Fault

I once interviewed at an ad agency that had a manufacturer of corn syrup on its client roster. And while it didn’t make a difference in me getting the job or not, frankly, I was really turned off by that because I’ve read countless times how the abundance of corn and corn-related products in every step of the food chain has done a number on our health. And I’m a guy who’s done my share of casino marketing.

I’d forgotten all about that agency until I started leafing through The Fattening of America: How the Economy Makes Us Fat, If It Matters, and What to Do About It by Eric A. Finkelstein and Laurie Zuckerman.


I was sure that in this book, advertising and marketing would get the blame for America’s expanding waistlines, but the truth is more complicated than that. The authors examine every aspect of the way we live our lives these days, and how even today’s schools, jobs, and government policies have affected our collective health.

If you’re looking for a good examination of one major topic in our society, read The Fattening of America. There are lessons to be learned that relate to almost any client you have, or even your own lifestyle. And remember that we in advertising play a role in it all: we advertise the food, the grocery stores, the fast-food joints, the medications, the diet plans and the hospital services.

Special thanks to Anna at FSB Associates who provided me a copy for review.

New York Fashion Week 2008 Coverage – Day 1 (VIDEO)

( Mercedes Benz Fashion Week kicked off in New York City today.

For the next few days, the tents at Bryant Park will be a haven for fashionistas, with the world’s top designers gathering to show their wares to some of the globe’s most discerning fashion journalists and A-list celebrities.

The even…

World Shuts Light Off for the Environment – Earth Hour (VIDEO)

( Here’s your chance to take action and show the leaders of the world that you care and are deeply concerned about the wellbeing of our planet. All it takes is one hour of your time and doesn’t require you to do anything but flick off your lights.

On March 29, 2008 @ 8 p.m. the World Wildlife Fo…

World Shuts Light Off for the Environment – Earth Hour

Here’s your chance to take action and show the leaders of the world that you care and are deeply concerned about the wellbeing of our planet. All it takes is one hour of your time and doesn’t require you to do anything but flick off your lights.

On March 29, 2008 @ 8 p.m. the World Wildlife Fo…

Eva Horn’s talk at Transmediale

I am quite enthusiastic about this year’s edition of Transmediale. The theme was Conspire and as such it attempted to enter the increasingly prevalent yet ambiguous worlds of network induced narratives, cryptic environments and speculative inquiry. As far as i can tell (i missed the three first days of the festival), the festival delivered its promises.

Here are the notes i took during the talk of Eva Horn who was part of Session 4: Techno-Historical Collusions: The Making Of A Trojan Horse. This session investigated the way politics, narrative, technology and belief systems collude.

From left to right: moderator: Florian Cramer. Speakers Eva Horn, Trevor Paglen, Pierre Lagrange and brespondent: Konrad Becker

Eva Horn is a professor of German Literature at the University of Basel. Her research focuses on literature and war in the twentieth century. She has recently finished a manuscript titled The Secret War: Espionage, Treason and Modern Literature (in German). She is the author of “Knowing the Enemy: The Epistemology of Secret Intelligence” (Grey Room).

In her talk, Eva Horn analyzed conspiracy theories that have emerged after 9/11 as an example of a political discourse in the internet.


Unlike the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 9/11 tragedy didn’t appear at first sight as a conspiracy. Several other explanations were proposed on the first few days which followed 9/11.

She quote President Bush, in a talk to the United Nations, urged people to reject conspiracy theories:

Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty.

The main catch phrase in the discourse about the perpetrators of 9/11 is the term “Network(s)”. Another quote from the National Security Strategy offices:

Enemies in the past needed great armies and great industrial capabilities to endanger America. Now, shadowy networks of individuals can bring great chaos and suffering to our shores for less than it costs to purchase a single tank. Terrorists are organized to penetrate open societies and to turn the power of modern technologies against us.

This text emphasizes the cheapness of this kind of strategy. It also blurs the line between individual and political acts. 9/11 here is about networks. Invisible, latent networks become all of a sudden visible.

Mathias Bröckers‘s work “The WTC Conspiracy” tries to list facts that do not agree with the official version of the event. It has been translated into english only very recently. Can’t find any trace of it

History Commons is an interactive timeline projects everyone can contribute to by adding facts (not opinions) relevant to the 9/11 events. The website provides users with detailed information about and around 9/11. Minute by minute. It also engages with the roads that led to 9/11. The aim is not to try and sell any coherent truth but rather to raise questions and point out incoherences in the official version. The timeline is not complete but provides an open source material that gives readers an idea of how complex the structure of politics is. The time line does not identify a clear and simple cause of the events, it doesn’t point to precise alliances with a neat cut between friends and enemies, there is no well-defined causes that lead to conclusions. Instead it demonstrates the hypercomplexity one has to face when trying to understand 9/11.

USA. New York City. September 11th, 2001. As people work around him, a minister stands amid the wreckage of the World Trade Center, seemingly dazed from the events of the day. © Larry Towell/Magnum Photos

Horn then showed an extract of the movie Loose Change which, unlike the timeline, has a narrative and a view on what the “truth” is in this context.

The documentary film, made by film students using recycled footage, claims that 9/11 was a mock terrorist attack and that the events had in fact been orchestrated by the United States government, and bases these claims on perceived anomalies in the historical record of the attacks.

Loose Change 2nd Edition Online Version (Google Video):

For Horn, conspiracy theories are a way to deal with the impenetrable complexity and connectivity of politics and other factors. When dealing with high complexity we have to recognize our loss of control: we can’t name the culprit anymore, we loose clear distinctions between friends and enemies, etc. Theories allow you to get back to a sense of control behind what happened. The idea that US secret services couldn’t prevent the event looks too much like a loss of control. But with a theory such as the one exposed in Loose Change”, we don’t lose control over just “10 Arabs in a cave”. This sort of political discourse negates global complexity and connectivity.

We have to abandon the claim to absolute truth.

Gold Flake Champagne РGold-Cuv̩e With 23K Gold (GALLERY)

( Remember the Gold Flakes Vodka? Now there’s an even more luxurious, yet much more affordable alternative! Gold-Cuvée Sekt mit Blattgold is a Gold-Cuvée champagne with flakes of real 23 K gold.

Imagine the aesthetic appeal of a glass of glittering alcohol, the golden bits shimmering as they’re sw…

Clawfoot Bath Turned Couch – Savon Love Seat

( Flavor Design Studio has reconverted a gorgeous clawfoot bat tub into a comfortable couch. Now you can sit in the tub without getting wet! You can own this piece of cool furniture for $3,500.

You won’t have to deal with wrinkled skin if you decide to stay in the tub too long! Furthermore, in an ec…

Glasgow Radio Station Uses Its Imagination


[via coolz0r]