Firehouse’s Christmas Pickle

The latest entry into the agency holiday greeting fray comes from Firehouse. It’s the Carol Of The Christmas Pickle. You know, it’s lunch time. You’ve got two minutes to spare. Watch it above. I do admit to a little chuckle escaping my lips when the pickles started puking. What can I say? I’m a child.

More: W+K’s Christmas Card

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The Week in Advertising, Episode 10

Here, submitted for your approval, is the latest iteration of ‘The Week in Advertising.’ It’s our tenth time, and we have to say it gets harder and harder to turn left each week. I’m not an ambi-turner, as Ben Stiller once said. But we remain committed to bringing you three to five glorious time-wasting minutes each week. With no further adieu…

More:The Week in Advertising

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Witty Art Candles – Wick Away The Thought of Boring Gift Ideas (VIDEO)

( Always a welcome last minute or unexpected gift standby, candles come in handy. The candles featured here are all quite unique in either their realism or ironic nature. The Fried Egg Candle is clever the…

Mac is Thankful for PC. He’s Just That Kinda Guy.


Last year Apple charmed us with an unexpected Mac vs. PC holiday ad, produced in the style of season’s classics like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Heinz’s Tomato Plants Need a Little Pep Talk


Based on the premise that plants grow faster and more lavishly when spoken to, Heinz launched Talk to the Plant.


We’ve posted our 2008 Year in Review. Now, it’s time for our other annual tradition: voting to select the single Freakiest Ad of 2008.
  Here are the 32 finalists, in alphabetical order.
  We’ve randomly divided that list into four groups of eight. The top vote-getter in each group will advance to the Final Four.
  Below is the first group. Vote at the bottom for the freakiest.
  (Also, you can see the 2007 results here.)
  UPDATE: Voting is now closed for this group. The Evil Dead the Musical commercial dominated, winning 72 percent of the vote. The Dunkelviffer spot got about 16 percent. None of the other ads did well at all.

—Posted by Tim Nudd

Evil Dead the Musical | “Marquee”

This promo encouraged viewers to attend the musical, but maybe not linger beneath the marquee. [Read more]

Dunkelziffer | “Tentacle”

This ultra-creepy German ad depicted the lingering trauma of sexual abuse. [Read more]

American Asthma Foundation | “Park”

This PSA conveyed the experience of an asthma attack on a shockingly visceral level. [Read more]

Southwest Airlines | “The Other Side”

This spot characterized the employees at rival airlines as two-faced freak-show monsters. [Read more]

GotVMail | “Business Ideas by Gary Busey”

The very insane Gary Busey offered manic, nonsensical business tips in this collection of 40 spots. [Read more]

Aware Helpline | “Just as Horrific”


These anatomically jarring PSAs from Singapore made the case that verbal abuse can be just as horrific as physical abuse. [Read more]

Easy Living magazine | “Amy”


The troubled singer stripped down for this British magazine’s breast-cancer awareness campaign. [Read more]

TM Advertising | “Jitsu’s Secret”

The Texas shop’s intra-agency YouTube challenge featured a shocking admission from Masters of the Universe character Jitsu. [Read more]

Which of these eight ads was the freakiest?
( polls)

Who Stole the ADC Holiday Party?

ADC CRash_@@@.jpg

When Jack Mello over at the Art Director’s Club e-mailed to let us know about the upcoming ADC holiday shindig, I was happy. Then I realized I will never be a member of the club because I don’t work in the industry. Sad face. Here’s hoping for an AdBloggers Club! Parker, that’s your cue.


Anyway, then we got an e-mail from an anon source containing some interesting info. Seems a few different groups of peeps have decided to crash the ADC holiday thang, and have even had the audacity to create invites…to crash it. Scallywags!

Silly wabbits. See exhibit A, above, from the yolksters at RedAntler. Hey, at least they remembered to mention that it’s either $20 or an unwrapped gift. Notice the antlers? Well played, fakey mcfauxheads. The second, aka Exhib. B, comes courtesy happycorp. The skulduggery of it all.

More:Hey New Yorkers! A Holiday Bash At The ADC

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Desodorante do Burger King e celular Nokia da Rexona

Enquanto algumas marcas viram desodorante, um desodorante vira celular. São dois casos:

O Burger King lançou o Flame, um desodorante em edição limitada que, segundo a empresa, captura a paixão americana pelo Whopper. Além do aroma de sedução, tem um toque de carne grelhada.

Pensa que é brincadeira? Você pode comprar aqui por 3,99 dólares. Uma ação com o sarcasmo já característico de Burger King. Criação da Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

Burger King Flame

Burger King Flame

Já a Unilever, em parceira com a Nokia, anunciou hoje o lançamento do Nokia 3210 Rexona Men Quantum no Brasil. O celular em edição limitada trará temas especiais e jogos relacionados (?) ao desodorante Rexona Men Quantum.

Não é a primeira vez que as duas empresas trabalham em conjunto, recentemente fizeram o lançamento do Nokia 5200 Pink Seda Teens. Quem tiver interesse, pode adquirir os modelos com exclusividade na Nokia Store SP.

Naughty Christmas Sculptures – Paul McCarthy’s Santa Isn’t Kid-Friendly (GALLERY)

( Paul McCarthy is known for his bizarre art and his versions of Santa seem to surface each December, with this year being no exception.  Gone are the days when Santa held a tree in McCarthy’s sculptures,…

WSJ: Online Video Ads Slow. Really?

The Wall Street Journal reports that online video ad spend growth is slowing — from 49% growth to 45%, per eMarketer. Is that really cause for panic?

Anti-Texting and Driving Gadgets – Key2SafeDriving Prevents Text Messaging on the Road (VIDEO)

( Researchers at the University of Utah are developing a device currently named Key2SafeDriving which prevents car owners, especially teenagers, from using their mobile phones while driving.


It’s All About Who You Know: AethnaHealth Shifts Media Account To Digitas

The latest in healthcare news – Athenahealth, a web based medical services company, has moved their media and planning account from TrafficBuyer in New York to Digitas Health.

Now how did it happen that Athenahealth shifted hands? Just how everything else happens. It’s who you know. Robert L. Cosinuke is the company’s new Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. Mr. Cosinuke also happens to be one of the co-founders of Digitas. Nice. Nice.

Aethnahealth says that they are looking for the best people to handle their very interactive business and also said they haven’t inked a deal. BUT, we know that Beam and Digitas Health have been notified of this news, so just hold on for the official announcement. You know how brands like to wait for just the right second to drop their bombs (see: Starbucks and BBDO).

Meanwhile, Beam in Boston will continue to handle creative. Beam also just went live with their Virgin Mobile campaign called Gingerhead.

Interesting side note, Aethnahealth’s CEO, Jonathan Bush, is the first cousin of President Bush and a lifelong Republican. He recently told The Wall Street Journal that he voted for President-ElectBarack Obama. Why? Obama has said he’s interested in digitizing patient records and duh, Aethanahealth makes it money on medical technology services. That is their whole she-bang. It’s why the company is growing at a rapid clip and also explains why Aethnaheath is looking around for the right people to do their job. It’s their time to shine.

More: Digitas On Bell Biv Devoe

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Shaun White and Target Join Forces for Snowboarding Game


“First time playin’? First time…?” and “Oh, avalanches, yeah!” are the only two lines Shaun White has in this objectively weak ad for Target’s Limited Edition Shaun White Snowboarding game.

Prêmio Podcast e TOP100 do Twingly

Duas notícias bacanas que recebi essa semana. O Braincast #9 saiu vencedor em duas categorias do Prêmio Podcast 2008, que fez uma varredura gigante por quase 200 podcasts na internet.

Nos prêmios dados pelo júri, o Braincast ganhou nas categorias Empreendedorismo e Videocast. Em nome de todos que colaboram e fazem o Braincast acontecer, agradeço o reconhecimento.

Vale informar que a segunda temporada do videocast estréia no ano que vem, com novos programas e formatos.

A outra nota fica por conta do Twingly, um indexador de blogs estilo Technorati que divulgou hoje o seu TOP 100 blogs em 12 línguas. Confesso que não conhecia a ferramenta até ler essa notícia no IDG.

No TOP 100 de blogs em português, o Brainstorm #9 ficou em 3º lugar. Parece que o critério é bem parecido com o do Technorati, quantidade e relevância de links recebidos. Motivo de mais #mimimi na umbigosfera.

Latex-Coated Desserts – Korean Condom Ice Cream, A Treat You Can Suck (GALLERY)

( If you can’t, just can’t, seem to get enough of the taste of latex, you’ll love Condom Ice Cream. This treat comes packaged in cutesy wrapping depicting a turtle suspiciously, placed behind a blob of what…

Guest Post: Hulu vs YouTube

This is a guest post by Eric Franchi from the Undertone ad network:

An analyst at Screen Digest predicts that YouTube will generate U.S. revenues of $100 million vs. Hulu’s $70 million in 2008. Next year, however, Hulu is predicted to nearly triple revenues and tie YouTube’s projected $180 million. On the surface, that is impressive. But when you dig into it, it is downright outstanding: Hulu is nearly one-tenth the size of YouTube in U.S. unique users.

You have to give YouTube credit: they are being as aggressive as ever with trying new strategies and ad formats. This likely comes from their new head of monetization, ex-Facebook executive Ben Ling. But the core difficulty they face – a lack of quality, professional content – is Hulu’s strength. Hulu can stay focused on building audience and adding content while YouTube is distracted by growing hardware costs and legal fees. At the same time, YouTube has the resources of Google, which is clearly committed to finding a winning formula for online video. And that’s a good thing for YouTube, since they have to blaze a new path – monetizing a site that has thus far had traction with any format tested. My guess is that they’ll see some success leveraging search and search data and less with a new breakthrough ad unit

How can Hulu continue their momentum? By staying on their path. Hulu aligns marketers with some of the best shows and movies of all time while providing them a platform to get their message across using sight/sound/motion. The ad opportunities themselves are fairly standard so any breakthroughs would likely come via experimentation with new units along with time and engagement analysis. They are amassing so much data – is a :05 spot better than a :15 when the video time is 3 minutes or less, for example – hopefully they’ll use it and combine it with some kind of content and user targeting.

This is going to be interesting to watch, since the site content is so different. It is likely that they will both hit upon successful formulas but will they be similar in strategy? Too early to tell, but based on the different business models, I’m going to predict not.

Nudevertising Accessories – John Galliano Puts the Natural Focus on Jewelry

John Galliano has decided to go ultra sexy in his fall/winter 2008 jewelry ad campaign. The focus is kept on the gorgeous pieces by having the models go ‘au naturel’ and wear nothing at all.

Even though…

30 Birdtastic Innovations (GALLERY)

( Our fine-feathered friends have been an inspiration to mankind for thousand of years. Their dynamic flying abilities inspired humans to create airplanes. In the case of Charles Darwin, one of many species…

I Can See Clearly Now, The Rain Is Gone

“The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work.” -Robert Frost

Tom Asacker is offering nine predictions for the new year.

Here is one:

Most people will sit quietly in their seats and watch life unfold around them
A recent New Yorker magazine cartoon made it comically clear: There’s a lot that we all want to experience, but not much that we actually want to do. Most of us simply want to go along to get along and enjoy the ride. Well, the ride is slowing to a crawl. And when it starts back up, it’ll be a much different ride. What kind of ride? The best way to know that is to put yourself in charge of creating it. Grab the wheel and get moving. Let the pull of
what excites you and what you care most deeply about be your guide.

Which leads me to ask what do people working in ad agencies get excited about and care deeply about? Money? Awards? Fame? Or is it something else? Might there be excitement and real concern about connecting meaningfully with our clients’ customers?

It’s the difference between selfish and selfless, and it might someday be the difference between survival and its opposite.

BK Smells, 1984 Turns 25, Ad Age Makes Us Wait


Burger King has bottled the Whopper and is selling it as a fragrance. Seriously.