Videoclipe em stop motion tem 350 diferentes rostos em mais de 4000 fotos

A banda australiana The Paper Kites lançou um belíssimo videoclipe em stop motion para a música Young. Não se trata de uma super produção caríssima ou de um moderno vídeo interativo como os do Arcade Fire. É apenas uma simples e criativa idéia que foi executada de forma brilhante.

Assista acima (em HD por favor) mais de 350 pessoas cantando a música em mais de 4000 fotos tiradas em 7 dias de estúdio. Deve ter dado um trabalho colossal. O resultado é interessantíssimo.

A direção é de Darcy Prendergast.




Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Paper Kites – Young

Pour illustrer le clip de The Paper Kites sur le morceau « Young », le réalisateur Darcy Prendergast du collectif Oh Yeah Wow a photographié plus de 350 personnes en l’espace de 7 jours. Près de 10 jours de montage ont été nécessaire pour proposer cet assemblage de 4000 photos à découvrir dans la suite.

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Paper Kites - Young6
Paper Kites - Young5
Paper Kites - Young4
Paper Kites - Young3
Paper Kites - Young2
Paper Kites - Young
Paper Kites - Young8

The Young Director Award

Pensée pour promouvoir The Young Director Award, un prix soutenant les talents créatifs dans la production de films depuis 1998, cette vidéo « Whisper » imaginée par Gioacchino Petronicce et produite par Moonwalk Films est une magnifique création utilisant le langage des réalisateurs dans des situations enfantines.

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The Young Director Award 5
The Young Director Award 4
The Young Director Award 2
The Young Director Award
The Young Director Award 7
The Young Director Award 3

The Old Samurai

Le réalisateur Benjamin Wong nous propose ce court-métrage magnifique appelé The Old Samurai. Narrant l’histoire et le passé d’un vieux samouraï avant son face-à-face avec un jeune adversaire ambitieux, cette superbe création est à découvrir en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.

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The Old Samurai7
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The Old Samurai3
The Old Samurai

Vídeo Tutorial: Aprenda a pescar com o fio dental Colgate

Y&R Brasil cria campanha nonsense para o fio dental da Colgate, com um vídeo-tutorial ensinando como encontrar a “comida escondida”. O tom do vídeo é totalmente retrô, com uma proposital baixa qualidade, digna dos programas de pescaria dos anos 90, quando o VHS ainda era a melhor solução em vídeo.

Eu achei a proposta divertida, bem longe dos chatos e tradicionais comerciais de pastas e escovas de dente, só questiono se isso realmente vende o fio dental. Algum palpite? A campanha ainda conta com algumas peças impressas, como essa abaixo:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Split Portraits

Rappellant le projet “Back To the Future Series” d’Irina Werning gagnante des Fubiz Awards 2012, Split Portraits de Bobby Neel Adams cherche à reprendre de vieilles photos d’identité et de les coller à des portraits actuelles des personnes, pour donner un contraste saisissant.







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Shakoon Khosla : Art Director at Ogilvy

I work as an art director in Ogilvy and have worked with TBWA and Rediffusion as well. Am a bit zonked out and have goldfish memory. I often forget my illustration styles and come up with new one every time : ) I like experimenting with fonts in addition to helvetica and get twitchy while using lot of bright colors together.

Why are you in advertising?
I figured out this is the only place where you can be unorganized, wear whatever you want to and get a chance to create good stuff : )
Coming back to the point, the work we churn out here has extremely short shelf life hence its fun to match up the speed. I love the unpredictableness of this place, it just doesn’t let you get comfortable with your state of mind.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
Yes, I did. But school doesn’t teach you as much as your work place does.

When did you start illustrating?
I always preferred blank sheets over ruled.
I don’t draw/sketch as much as I use varied textures, materials and create art graphically. Its 1:5 hand:computer ratio in most of my work..

You have a distinct style of illustration. How long did it take you to develop your style?
Fortunately, I don’t have any distinct style of illustration. I come up with styles according to the campaign but mostly according to my mood and time I intend to spend on the idea… I love to create characters and detail them out in my own way to make myself happy.
I strongly believe that art directors in advertising shouldn’t have distinct style of art to keep each campaign contrastive. Your work can get predictable if you get trapped in your art style.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
I’m still growing up :) But yeah, I get influenced by almost everybody and everything around me if things are counted in ‘role models’. As a kid I got influenced by my toys, board game, art teachers, bulletin boards outside every section, my mum, blank paper, kitchen napkin, colourful cloth and now by intricate patters, mc donalds toys, Rob on M.A.D art show, t-shirts, books,, other peoples work : ) etc etc.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Advertising? And in Illustrations?
No one in particular. I love to learn and make sure I absorb best from my seniors and people around me including my interns.

Tell us about the work culture at Ogilvy.
Its same as any other agency apart from the fact that they have more people working here and have a bigger cafeteria : )
It is easy to get addicted to this place because of the space and freedom you get here. I believe its us who create work culture in any organisation. Over 5 years of my work experience I’ve seen the same set of people moving from one agency to another maintaining the work culture.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Advertising and become a full time illustrator?
Every second weekday and every sunday. Though I would never want to quit art but my restless mind takes me here and there and makes me think all the time.

Who is your favorite Art Director in India for Advertising?
No one in particular. But I love the art of lot of people I work with. I envy their sense of ideation, their sketch books, their color sense and the way they detail out their work.

You have such a wide experience as a top working professional, for both advertising and illustrations. Would you advise anyone to make a career out of illustrations?
Haha, I don’t have such a wide experience in advertising. I make graphic illustration/illustrations for my ad campaigns and at times for fun but don’t work as a professional illustrator, so don’t really know how is it to take it as full-time career option.
Being an illustrator or an art director in advertising or both is their personal opinion. All these career options have bad days and good days… It is more important to be creative and curious in life. It works for me!!

What’s on your iPod?
Jack Johnson, Harry Belafonte and latest bollywood music.

Mac or PC?

Alex Stoddard

Découverte du travail d’Alex Stoddard, ce jeune photographe âgé de seulement 17 ans. Des auto-portraits étonnants afin d’exprimer ses sentiments dans des mises en scènes assez variées. Un style complet à découvrir dans la galerie et dans la suite de l’article.




















La suite de son travail dans la galerie.

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Rollnet Artengo

Un kit de jeu original contenant un filet de ping-pong pouvant être installé sur n’importe quelle table. Une nouvelle licence de sport de raquettes par Décathlon, se clipsant sur tous support. Un spot de Young & Rubicam illustrant la diversité, sur une réalisation du duo Jonas et François.






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