What Female Ad Execs Really Think About the Green M&M Makeover

When the candy company Mars Inc. announced it was giving Green M&M a makeover, it ignited a strong response from female leaders around the world. For some, it stripped the idea that females can embrace both power and sexuality in a 21st century way. Others applauded Mars for demonstrating that women can be just as…

You Don’t Need a Big Ad Budget to Score at the Super Bowl

NBC made headlines after attaching a record-breaking $6.5 million price tag to 30-second Super Bowl 2022 ad slots. That’s not stopping brand giants like Lay’s, GM and Pepsi from scooping them up–it’s just a drop in their annual marketing budget. There’s been debate among industry insiders in recent years about whether the NFL’s championship game…

It’s Time to Review the Expectation of Auditing

Marketing procurement has always been a valuable asset to any brand and can be for every agency too. Never more so when there is a “crisis” or belt-tightening as we have had in recent times with the potential triple whammy threat of Brexit, Covid-19 and supply chain restrictions. In these times, marketing procurement teams need…

4 Trends That Will Supercharge Health Comms In 2022

2022 will be the year when health communications finally catch up to the hype. In the past two years, we’ve become more connected with our health than ever before, and more aware of our own responsibilities when it comes to managing it. This trend is providing a shot in the arm for health creatives who…

Revenge of the Nerds: Microsoft Is on Track to Own the Future of Entertainment

On Nov. 14, 2006, Microsoft launched its ill-fated Zune digital music player. It was the most notable, and embarrassing, of all Microsoft’s failed attempts to combat the emerging, irresistible force that was Apple. At the time it seemed that Microsoft’s Achilles heel would always be its nerdy DNA. Sure, it could dominate the business space,…

New Narrative for Brands When Speaking to the Black Community: You Are More Than

On MLK Day, Twitter launched an OOH campaign featuring celebrities’ affirmation tweets. It was a huge success, featuring many Black celebrities. And even though I loved this campaign, I want Black people to know: You are more than. For generations, media representation has shaped the lives of Black kids and the perception of Black people…

Why You Can No Longer Take 3 Months to Make Hiring Decisions

Top candidates are being snapped up at frenzied rates and businesses are realizing they must act faster to secure great talent. The best recruiting teams, once burned by slow decision-making, have squeezed hiring timelines to as short as 6-business days. Everyone else is missing out. Resignation numbers are staggering. According to a recent article, 4…

Advertising in 2022: Time to Look Up

For those who haven’t seen it yet, it should suffice to say the recently released Netflix film Don’t Look Up is about the collective indifference and ignorance of the masses when it comes to a massive problem that stares them right in the face. The science is clear as day: the problem is real, and…

The Data?Avalanche?and What to Do With It

Coming out of the pandemic, we have a greater digital footprint than ever: so many businesses underwent a digital transformation to survive, creating an influx of digital data where manual processes once sufficed. Now, with all this digital information available to us, businesses must find the right balance between leveraging data to grow while respecting…

What Makes The Golden Girls Television’s Blue Chip Brand

Jan. 17, 2022 would’ve marked Betty White’s 100th birthday. Even though we lost her on the eve of the new year, we will continue to celebrate her legacy as a great brand steward for a cultural phenomenon that’s resonated for nearly 40 years and will likely continue to do so for generations to come: The…

Invention Is Not Innovation: How to Properly Plan for Change

People still go into the bank to pay bills. There are adults who refuse to get a smartphone. There are buses that allow you to pay the driver in coins–and get change. There are computers on the counters of high street shops that, judging by the screen, are running Windows 3.1. While people in the…

Marcoms M&A—Get Ready for Another Record-Breaking Year

With 2021 reported as a record-setting year for merger and acquisition (M&A) deal volumes in the marcoms sector globally, it looks like the year ahead is set to be more of the same–another year of big business awaits. And the year has begun in earnest as already in the first two weeks of 2022 we…

Three Days a Week in the Office Isn’t Workplace Flexibility

Babies born. Pregnancies lost. IVF. Surrogacy. Life-changing medical events: emergencies, chronic and terminal illness, parental care and bereavement. Coming out. Love. Marriage. Pets. Moving homes. Changing schools. Changing country. This is a snapshot of the past 18 months for me, my family, my friends and my colleagues. And that’s not even directly taking into account…

Dear Recruiters, It’s Time to Check Your Unconscious Bias

I was recently contacted by a recruiter and to say the conversation didn’t go well is an understatement. From the tone as he delivered his opening line, I knew this conversation was unlikely to be a fruitful one. “How would you like to work at a general market agency?” If he knew me, he’d know…

What Bored Apes Can Teach CMOs About Guiding Their Companies Into the Future

I love digital. It’s shorthand for solutions. It’s a medium. But it’s also bigger than any channel. It’s tactical tools, part of UX, fluidity and feel. But it’s also powered culture. Digital has turned brands into memes. And put movies on streams. And your currency into the cloud. The reality is that digital is all…

Ovo’s Marketing Is High on Ideas, Low on Energy and Empty on Empathy

When the content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) teams at British energy supplier Ovo-owned SSE Energy Services were brainstorming ideas for their 2022 blog content calendar, little did they realize the reputational damage that would result. A recent post by the energy giant of heat-saving tips included cuddling a pet and eating porridge to…

The New Data Economy: What Marketers Need to Know for 2022

While focus on data and advancements in analytics has intensified over the past several years, marketers face unique challenges in the Covid era. Consumer behavior has shifted tremendously, and businesses have responded by transforming offline experiences into engaging digital environments. This growing online world has created a digital consumer footprint in the form of data…

My Hopeful New Year’s Resolution for Agencies

Over the past year and a half, during the tumult of Covid-19 and other upheavals, our industry has stepped up to bolster things that matter. Things like DEI, mental health, new ways of working … and more. Meanwhile, we dug in and worked side by side with clients through paradigm shifts, service changes, supply-chain challenges…

2022’s Food Impact Trends Are All About Climate Change

Our food systems are continuing to change at a dizzying pace as consumers become more invested in the stories and sources behind the food they eat. The biggest question they have: How can my food choices have a positive impact on climate change? Global warming has undoubtedly transformed what we eat, both because of increased…

Why the Metaverse Will Reshape Digital Marketing For Decades to Come

Once every decade or so, something new comes along to transform the marketing industry. If you draw a through-line from radio and television to the advent of the internet and, most recently, digital channels like search, social and mobile, you’d find one common principle: that first-mover advantage pays off handsomely for the businesses who master…