Travelport Smartpoint Shares Yet Another Travel Agent Epic Fail


About a week or so ago, Travelport Smartpoint App released a video that had bored travel agents jumping over desks until one agency experiences an epic fail. This week, the brand is out with yet another goofy video highlighting travel agent boredom or, in Travelport-speak, unproductive behavior.

In this outing, called Raise Your Bar, we have a guy who hangs from the ceiling, swings, and then, yes, has an epic fail. The would be epic fail series is quite good at entertaining as well as delivering the brand’s message of what travel agent life is like without Travelpoint.

Dave Matthews Band Wants Fans to Help Create Next Music VIdeo


The Dave Matthews Band is inviting fans to take part in the creation of a video for its latest single, Mercy. Those who complete one or more photo and/or video tasks just might find their images featured in the video. The winner will be awarded a trip to the final show of Dave Matthews Band’s summer tour which will take place at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, CA on September 9.

Antony and the Johnsons – Cut the World

Voici le nouveau clip du réalisateur Nabil, pour le groupe Antony and the Johnsons sur le titre « Cut The World ». Une mise en scène et une présence des acteurs William Dafoe et Carice Van Houten pour cette vidéo très surprenante et violente. A découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.


Ray-Ban Aims For Viral Success With Found Footage And Giant Bug


Found footage? Yawn. Paranormal Activity-like surprises? Yawn. Fear Factor-like scares? Yawn. Blair Witch Project-like adventure? Yawn.

Yes! It’s another “viral” video. And we know it’s viral because the production company told us so. Yup. it comes to us from Raconteur for Luxottica Group, otherwise known as Ray-Ban. Directed by William Campbell and Wil Johnson of Gentleman Scholar, the video tells the story of a couple who enters and old, rundown home (naturally) and stumbles upon a giant cocoon.

Well of course a giant bug emerges from the cocoon and scares the shit out of the couple. This being a commercial and not an actual horror flick, things don’t turn out so badly. The ugly bug that emerges from the cocoon ultimately transforms into a rather beautiful looking butterfly that then flys away.

This being a bit of a shocker-fueled viral, it can’t end before a whole bunch of cocoons drop from the ceiling just before (naturally) the camera drops to the floor and turns off.

To be fair, Campbell and Johnson sought to strike a balance between “believable and wonderful” in the spot. To make it more interesting, the directors had the couple speaking in a language that wouldn’t be easily recognizable. They tell us they found a couple who not only had on-screen chemistry but spoke Russian fluently.

And regarding the bug, they wanted to make sure that the it had scare factor but could still be grounded in reality.

Al & Al: The Creator


The Creator takes you into the surreal dream world of the visionary scientist Alan Turing, the father of the computer age and seed of Thinking Machines. Through Turing’s dream diaries, the Thinking Machines from the future embark on a quest to discover their origins and destiny of the universe continue

Google Fiber is Just What Kansas City Needed


Venables Bell & Partners, with help from 1st Avenue Machine, have created this fantastic animated representation of internet speeds to herald the launch of Google Fiber in Kansa City, one of 1,100 cities which applied for the behemoth’s new 1000 MB/Sec fiber network.

The agency crafted a representation of on internet speeds as if they fueled the physical goings on within an city. Beginning with antiquated 56K speeds to 10GB speeds and all the way up to 1,000GB speeds, the video is underscored by an ever more speedy version of The Cars hit, Just What I Needed.

A dead-on representation of what life would be life if it ran at 1,000GB/Sec. Impressive work.

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Now here’s a job that would drive a person crazy.

Cell Phone Lost and Found A Noisy Business


Now here’s a job that would drive a person crazy.

Disform 2012

Dani Wolf a crée cette vidéo pour son projet de fin d’études au Bezalel Academy of Design and Arts. Illustrant un faux festival de musique alternatif appelé « Disform 2012″, il nous propose de découvrir cette vidéo d’animation 3D de qualité présentant le festival comme une expérience. A découvrir dans la suite.

The Future is Ours

The Future is Ours est un vidéo d’images montées par Michael Marantz. Excité et enthousiaste concernant notre futur, ce dernier a compilé des images des progrès de l’humanité en rappelant les possibilités immenses qu’offre l’avenir, utilisant le Launchgram Manifesto pour illustrer son propos. A découvrir dans la suite

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Anchorage by Winter

Le créatif Zan Butler nous propose de découvrir « Anchorage by Winter », une vidéo en time-lapse prise l’hiver dernier dans cette partie magnifique de l’Alaska. Des images d’une beauté envoutante tournée entre octobre 2011 et avril 2012, sur une reprise de Florence & The Machine. A découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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MTV Days 2012

« MTV Days Festival & Conference » est un festival unique organisé en Italie à Turin pendant 3 jours. Afin d’en faire la promotion, la chaîne nous propose cette vidéo d’animation 3D signée Cristian Acquaro pour l’animation et Luca Dusio pour la direction artistique. Un rendu frais et coloré à découvrir dans la suite.

Le Miroir

Coup de coeur pour le court-métrage intitulé « Le Miroir », un excellent film des réalisateurs suisses Ramon and Pedro dans laquelle un homme passe de l’enfance au statut de personne âgé. Le tout est filmé dans le même plan fixe, dans la salle de bain. Une création réussie à découvrir dans la suite en vidéo.

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Driving A BMW M5 Is An Artful Experience


Not that you’d encounter any of this while driving down the freeway but this is advertising and in advertising anything can happen; even scenarios that are ludicrous and unlikely.

‘Science: It’s A Girl Thing’ Video Derided As Sexist


A recent video from the European Commission’s Women in Research and Innovation effort to encourage more young women to pursue a career in science has sparked a bit of a furor over it’s portrayal of women.

Nike Gets Fly With Jus Fly Dunk Shot


Fresh from Conscious Minds comes this video, part of Nike’s #gameonworld campaign, that touts the brand’s in-shoe training system and app that tracks a person’s quickness, vertical jump height and “fuel” points.

The Most Annoying YouTube Video You Will Ever See


Courtesy of Israeli agency Goola comes a video that highlights one of the most annoying aspects of YouTube.

From Love to Bingo in 873 Images


To illustrate the power of the picture, Getty tells the story of life, from love to bingo as it were, using 873 images displayed in quick succession over a one minute period.

‘Shell’ Wants Nigerians to Live With Its Oil Problems


It’s truly amazing how easy it is to pull the proverbial wool over people’s eyes. Witness these two videos from, a group that aims to hold Shell accountable for spills in Nigeria.

Friskies Ends National CATastrophe


This is not your typical cat video.