KBS Celebrates Ten Years with AdoptUSKids

KBS and AdoptUSKids is celebrating the tenth anniversary of partnership between the organizations with a campaign launching today in collaboration with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Ad Council.

The ads promote adoption by showing how flawed parents still have a positive impact on children’s lives. In the 30-second “Treehouse,” for example, a father attempts to build a treehouse without following instructions, which doesn’t end well. In “Skating,” a mother attempts to roller skate with her children even though she doesn’t know how to skate, with predictable results. Both spots are narrated with a song sung by two pretty goofy guys, and promote keeping siblings together implicitly by showing adopted siblings in the ads (although this might be too easy for viewers to overlook). The ads end with the familiar “You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent” tagline. Both spots will be unveiled today by JooYeun Chang, associate commissioner of the Children’s Bureau, at a DC event celebrating the tenth anniversary of the National Adoption Campaign. (more…)

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BBDO NY Showcases Ease of Visa Checkout in ‘Surfer’

BBDO New York has a new campaign for Visa showcasing how quick and easy the brand’s Visa Checkout service is.

In the campaign’s first spot, “Surfer,” BBDO New York teamed up with professional surfer Kolohe Andino, with voiceover from the inimitable Morgan Freeman. Over the course of the 60-second ad, Andino demonstrates how quick and easy Visa Checkout is by using it to order a Pizza Hut pizza while surfing a giant wave. The spot ends with the tagline, “Everywhere you want to be” (it appears they’ve dropped the “it’s”) before directing viewers to sign up for the service at visacheckout.com. “Surfer” debuted this past Sunday during FOX’s NFL broadcast, as Visa is using its NFL sponsorship to promote the campaign and get the word out about its recently-launched payment service.  (more…)

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Nissan Wants You to Open ‘The Briefcase’

Nissan’s new online initiative “The Briefcase” courtesy of TBWA\Chiat\Day LA features a high octane car chase (starring the new 2014 Nissan Rogue) ending in a click through to a contest offering contestants the chance to win one of three 2014 Rogues.

The video opens with a man getting in a hired car for his usual commute home from work. When a motorcycle pulls up and hands off a briefcase to the driver, however, all hell breaks loose. Soon everyone seems to be after the Rogue, including a helicopter that attempts to land on the car. In the end, they run into a blockade and a man shouts “Open the briefcase,” at which time viewers are prompted to click on a link to open it. This link clicks through to the contest on Nissan’s Facebook page. It’s a clever, interactive way to lead viewers to the contest, even if the video is a little over the top. Fans of the brand should enjoy having a background story going into the contest, where they can enter once per day, or more if they share information about the contest via email or social media — a pretty good way to incentivise sharing.

The contest begins today and runs through February 13th at 11:59 PM. You can enter the contest here for your chance to win a 2014 Nissan Rogue. Credits after the jump.


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California Lottery Drops Balls On the Golden State’s True Believers

“What do women’s rights, a one-armed surfer, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the first man on the moon have to do with the California Lottery?” begins an actual press release for a new TV spot from David&Goliath. “None of them could have been possible without this single word: Believe. Because in order to achieve the seemingly unfeasible, you must truly believe that big things are possible.”

In an event that easily trumps women’s rights, one-armed surfers, and the fall of the Berlin Wall, Powerball is coming to California. From the Redwood forest of Humboldt county to the beaches of San Diego, Californians lifted their arms to the sky and shouted in unison, “We believe!” Hearing their confession of faith, God opened up the heavens and began pelting his children, mouths agape, with millions of white balls.

Some wept, some sang praises, and some lucky dude got a red ball. It was truly the greatest thing that ever happened to anyone. Credits after the jump.


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