Gavin McInnes Explains ‘How to Do Everything in the World’ for Vans

About a month ago we brought you the sneak peek of “How to Do Everything in the World,” the web series Rooster created for Vans starring creative director/baby fighter/punk rock dad Gavin McInnes. Given some of Gavin’s funny hijinks in the past, we had high hopes for the series.

In “How to Do Everything in the World,” McInnes takes on such topics as how to drink in a bar, what to do if you get in a fight, how to fly the friendly skies, and how to survive prison with an expected dose of absurdity. Unfortunately, the humor misses the mark, occasionally painfully so. There was a lot of potential here, but something about the series just feels off, and not in a funny way. The highlight is probably “How To Fight,” which mostly just sees Gavin coming up with ways to get in a cheap shot and run away. That’s really the only one of these to even merit a chuckle, as they mostly confuse awkward with funny. (Awkward can be funny, but isn’t necessarily in and of itself funny, a mistake on full display here.) Mostly, the series sees McInnes screaming at people for being jerks (especially in  “How To Fly” and the painful “How To Drink”), which is basically one joke stretched over several “episodes” that are each several minutes long. It’s hard to imagine these catching on and getting shared, or even someone sitting through the entire series for its entertainment value. Let’s chalk this one up as a disappointing miss and hope Rooster delivers the goods next time. You can check out “How to Fight” above, and stick around for “How to Fly” and “How to Survive in Prison” after the jump, if you’re so inclined. continued…

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In Vans Ads, Gavin McInnes Explains How to Do Absolutely Everything

Ever wonder what your fart strategy should be when trying to hit on someone? Or the best way to fight if you've never been in one? Or how to drink in a bar without annoying the crap out of everyone there? Or perhaps you'd like to know how to survive if you ended up in jail. Or fly the friendly skies without looking and acting like a total asshole?

If any of these situations have been giving you trouble (or even if you think they haven't), Gavin McInnes, creative director at Rooster, baby fighter and the dude who pretty much says whatever he's thinking, has your back—whether you like it or not.

This series of short how-to-video-meets-PSA clips, presented by Vans, aim to equip you for anything life may throw at you. Sprinkled with some sincerely entertaining didactic mansplaining, a healthy bong hit of absurdity and a life coach who might blow a gasket any second, these insane nuggets of wisdom might actually help someone out there. 

Not since Clarissa has anyone attempted to truly explain it all. 

Rooster NY Teases New ‘How to Do Everything in the World’ Series for Vans

Rooster NY has teamed up with Vans for a new series called “How to Do Everything in the World,” starring Gavin McIness, of baby-fighting fame.

The series marks the third straight season Rooster has teamed up with Vans for their “Off The Wall” programs, a common sense match considering the agency/production company’s skateboarding proclivities. “With all the life hacks and listicles available on the web, we wanted to make sure that the really, really, really important things people need to know didn’t slip through the cracks,” says Arzi Rachman. The new series promises to teach viewers how to “fight, drink fly, and more.” And if Gavin McIness’ involvement is any indication, we can probably expect it to be pretty funny. Check out the trailer for yourself above, and keep your eyes peeled for the new series starting on April 23rd at the Off The Wall site.


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Gavin McInnes Explains Why Old Punks Make Good Dads

Gavin McInnessGavin McIness, the Rooster creative director who last November taught us all how to fight a baby, wrote an article explaining ten reasons why old punks make great dads, and it’s pretty convincing.

Among McIness’ arguments are that old punks are used to having roommates who puke on them, don’t mind looking like shit, are never embarrassed, understand insane ideas, and are better able to explain to their kids why drugs are bad: “Pot makes movies funny, but it kills your ambition. One Molly pill makes music better, but you’ll bad-trip when you get older. Adderall is just speed, and we saw what that did to Lemmy. Cocaine won’t kill you, but it will turn you into a paranoid douche. Oh, and don’t pour hard liquor up your ass. It will give you alcohol poisoning.”

McIness also mentions how “slamdancing prepares you for being attacked” by your kids, “skinheads are giant babies,” and the cacophony your children cook up banging on garbage cans and pans doesn’t sound all that different from, say, The Dead Kennedys’ “Government Flu.” He also shares the hilarious and disgusting story of when his infant daughter’s nose kept running so he “sucked out about a pound of snot before spitting it into the sink,” only to find out later that “the Swiss had invented a handy rubber tube” for that purpose. Head on over to Taki’s Magazine for the rest of “10 Reasons Old Punks Make Great Dads.”

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Gavin McInnes Shows You How to Fight a Baby

Gavin McInnes has come a long way since his days at Vice. He rebranded himself as an adman (creative director at Rooster), and now he's even comfortable rolling around with his baby for the cameras. But of course, he still has an edge—so it's not just rolling around with the baby, it's fighting the baby. And Gavin has good moves, too. Predictably, there's some griping in the YouTube comments about whether he could hurt the baby, though of course Gavin is the one bandaged up at the end.


Rooster Gets a New Employee Who Does Not Party Rock

Belarusian tennis player Victoria Azarenka may have LMFAO hair-fluff RedFoo, but Rooster NY has the next best thing: a new employee who may or may not be SkyBlu. Can we just take a second to look at how ridiculous the proper nouns are in that sentence? Enough odd syllables in there to give a linguist a migraine. Anyway, Rooster’s in-house video shows the uncomfortable relationship between SkyBlu’s stunt double (actually Art Director Justin Steinburg) and Gavin McInnes as McInnes tries to figure out if his new colleague is a millionaire pop-rapper who likes, among other things, shots, Miami, champagne showers, bad sunglasses, and even worse hair.

Rooster’s previous side projects always reach for the ridiculous laughs, with McInnes regularly playing the office’s clueless father figure when he’s not getting punched in the face. This is no different. Here’s to celebrity look-a-likes and the hope that Mr. Steinburg gets a haircut.

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Topps, Rooster Wax Nostalgic with Web Series for Garbage Pail Kids MiniKins

Rooster New York, fresh off of teaching you how to take a punch (and all their skateboard projects), have unleashed a suitably goofy trailer for their new web series promoting Topps’ Garbage Pail Kids MiniKins.

For those too young to remember, Garbage Pail Kids was a popular trading card series released in 1985, parodying the then even-more-popular Cabbage Patch Kids dolls phenomenon. Topps brought the Garbage Pail Kids back in 2012 with an all-new series. Now they’re expanding the Garbage Pail Kids into 1” MiniKins figures.

Rooster’s trailer is in the fake-outtake style, with Garbage Pail Kid Adam Bomb struggling to get through his lines, among other things. If you grew up with Garbage Pail Kids, it will probably be a welcome blast of nostalgia. If not, it should still ooze a kind of fun 80s cheese that’s hard not to appreciate. Everyone is still obsessed with the 80s, right? Isn’t that why we’re here talking about Garbage Pail Kids?

Anyway, the Garbage Pail Kids MiniKins will launch mid-October and Rooster’s web series will air at the MiniKins official YouTube page. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Rooster Outpunches James Franco…Sort of

I’m the Rooster guy apparently and I’m back to cover some more irreverent Rooster shenanigans. The above video, “How to Take a Punch,” epitomizes what a side project should be: easily digestible, fun to watch, and humorous. A slow-mo gif of James Franco taking a punch to the face has been making the blogging rounds before his Comedy Central roast airs on Labor Day. Vice co-founder/Rooster boss Gavin McInnes decided to join in on the slow-mo fun and take a harder punch to the face. The result is a side-by-side 13-second video comparison of the punches that is probably too stupid for its own good. Something makes me think Rooster likes that. These guys seem to have fun in the office.

After the jump, you can watch a longer video of people getting punched in the face slowed down to 1000 frames per second. It’s violently elegant and directed by Cody Kern, a man who has no relation to Rooster. As you watch, feel free to let the catharsis of watching others get walloped improve your day. Jiggling jowls have the affect on people.


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