Men, remember, women notice the details first

If you’re wearing white socks or a leather wallet around your belt, you’re dead with women!

Women will focus on these killing details and won’t give you any cred…

So men, keep in touch with the fashion and read fashion magazine!

“Remember, women notice the […]

Can you spot the shemale hidden in this company?

The video surveillance is the new (bad) trend to break privacy in the company.

Apparently you can find out some unexpected fact about your colleagues.

Advertiser: Video Security Telmex
Agency: EuroRSCG, Chile
Creative Director: Juan Ignacio Baraona
Art Director: Adolfo […]

Free the smoke

The odors of smoking and cooking on clothes are a real issue and this print ad is expressing very well the feeling that the odors are jailed in your clothes.

Here are some lovely nude girls smelling underwears.

“Free your clothes from odors”

Advertiser: […]

Vienna Paint

Recebi por e-mail alguns trabalhos dos austríacos da Vienna Paint, uma agência/estúdio que tem um portifólio de dar inveja em qualquer diretor de arte. Parece que tudo que sai da agência passa por um rigor artístico impressionante.
Confira abaixo alguns de seus últimos trabalhos. Os demais trabalhos dos caras você pode ver (aqui). Enjoy!

:: Suzuki Splash




:: Paysafecard Game



:: Orangina


:: Magnum


:: Heineken


:: Austrian Red Cross


Alcohol gives you courage to tell your wife how fat her ass is

This print advertising has been banned by the Advertising Authorities because it implies alcohol is boosting your confidence.
Effectively it seeems this guy needs a sip of beer to take courage and tell his wife she’s got a fat ass…
The beer will always stay what makes the difference […]

The wild strip tease of the marmot

Spring is coming so the marmot is stripping…

Another good thing is happening in Spring with the flip flop.

"It’s time for a touch of spring cleaning."

Advertiser: Mountain riders
Agency : Publicis Conseil
CD : Emmanuel Lalleve & Florent Imbert […]

Magomed Dovjenko 2009 revamp


Fresh homie Magomed Dovjenko (A.K.A. the drippy fella :D), just dropped a major site revamp with 37 fresh new works for a whole bunch of A-list clients.

Go show some love.

Big up my mayne.

Laurel & Hardy, who is the soft one and the rough one?

The answer is in the spunge…

Did you know that in the famous couple Laurel & Hardy; Laurel was soft to dry and hardy rough to clean?

And in the famous cartoon Tom & Jerry, Tom is rough and Jerry is soft!

Another brainy cartoon in video that is most of fun!


Las Vegas strip tease, sex in jacuzzy and tap water

Men will still go to strip tease clubs and see some erotic dances but they will drink water, at least one glass!
this is the goal of  the tap project which wants to get Las Vegas clean for one week.
But if you still want to get dirty and drink beers, you can watch this viral video or if […]

The pest is back and feeling confortable

The mice are the cause of the pest and if you don’t fight them they will feel at home…

So how to kill a mouse? In this R.I.P. campaign the mouse is dead!

"Don’t let them feel confortable"

Advertiser: Boecker Public Health/Pest Control
Advertising […]

The worst bed in the world…

How lovely is the bed for your death due to the cigarette…

Another nice advertising stunt with smoker here and a baby here.

Advertiser: The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Advertising Agency: CHI&Partners, London, UK
Creative Director: Ewan Paterson
Art […]

The new Prison Break for stains

Good idea for the saturated advertising sector of cleaning products.

The stain is stuck behind bars but Persil will free it!

The jail’s bars are full of creativity in this campaign and of course the traditional prison break tatoo map has been advertised.


Last night a battery save my car

Nice print campaign that highlight the product added value: long lasting batteries.
Sometimes the battery can avoid your children to do some stupid things and sometimes the battery could be a risk for the planet.

Advertiser: Koba Batteries
Advertising Agency: FP7, Oman […]

Lost: Anúncios da Dharma circulam pela internet

dharma.jpgNão sou tão fanático por Lost, como alguns colegas meus que só de ouvirem a palavra “Lost” já colocam o fone na orelha, achando que algum spoiler pode estar por vir.

Também não sou um “expert” no assunto. Mas pelo que sei, a Dharma é uma equipe de pesquisa ficcional, criada pela tão aclamada série Lost, de J.J. Abrams.

Uma misteriosa iniciativa que busca investigar os mistérios sobrenaturais da ilha. E na ficção, dizem ter sido criada nos anos 70. Contudo, os primeiros membros da Dharma teriam veiculado anúncios para convocar novos integrantes, e divulgar até produtos e serviços que carregavam seu nome . Hoje, navegando na internet descobri que estes anúncios antigos estão sendo publicados, isoladamente, na rede.

Se você considerar este artigo um spoiler, nem recomendo que você continue a ver o resto. (Ainda não se sabe se estes anúncios são oficiais). O mistério continua!





Clique na imagem abaixo para visualiza-la:


:: Via Grain Edit e Flickr


Se é ou não fake, este é apenas um dos resultados que J.J. Abrams busca: fazer com que as pessoas instiguem todo este mistério, e começem a criar seus próprios conteúdos, referentes à série. Não deixa de ser mais publicidade para o Lost.

How to advertise in a vagina with a foetus

The babies are often present in advertising campaigns to shock like in this film where the baby is drinking and smoking or in this
print where the baby is dead in a coffer. But sometimes babies are fun like in the trader role.

Using a baby in advertising is really common but using a […]

What is happening is the DDB washroom?

DDB is engaging in the green by adding a tree trunk on their toilets as a tissue roll dispenser.
A good idea that is going to end in the garbage can.
Have notice how the toilets are an inspiring place for the advertising men?
If not, have a look on this, this, this, this, this, this, and […]

Girls are like flowers, they need to be in a pot to breathe

Girls look so nice in a flower pot, aren’t they?
If you like the flowers power in advertising, this print ad and this print campaign are for you.

"Let your human resource breathe."

Advertiser: Exotica
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Lebanon
Creative […]

Marie Claire | Eyes

Em janeiro deste ano, a revista Marie Claire, da África do Sul, vinha com um artigo super interessante que abordava a versatilidade de Dubai, e a opressão feita sobre as mulheres mulçumanas que vivem na região.

Para chamar a atenção dos leitores e assinantes sobre o artigo, a agência BBDO resolveu criar uma capa falsa que gerava uma alusão sobre a real capa da revista, como se a mesma fosse coberta por uma burca (aquelas vestimentas femininas que cobrem todo o corpo, até o rosto e os olhos). A execução ficou ótima!


:: Dica da leitora Cláudia Andretti

Nike comemora estreia do Fenômeno

Em anúncio criado pela F/Nazca, as porteiras se abrem para o “Fenômeno”, que está de volta e faz jus ao seu apelido. Ronaldo fez o gol salvador no clássico com a camisa do Corinthians. Ontem, ao entrar em campo no final do segundo tempo, ele garantiu o empate de 1 a 1 contra o Palmeiras, num golaço de cabeça, provando que é não é apenas uma estratégia de marketing do time.

(O anúncio, que você vê abaixo, foi publicado hoje nos principais jornais do país: Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo e Metro).


How to avoid red eyes after smoking weed

Sometimes your eyes are burning and they become really red.
This print campaign is for eye drops are using the red nerves in the eyes to draw some flames, arrows or even a snake that reflect the pain in your eyes!
If you have some red eyes you can also learn how to clean them in 60 seconds […]