Newspapers Hope Secrecy Breeds Success

newspaper_3Psst. You. Yeah, you. Keep it down, this is a secret…In Chicago last week, newspaper management-types from several different mastheads met to work out details on what will most likely turn out to be the most difficult monetization of any of the mediums. Unlike social sites that need to determine the best strategy, newspapers are starting with negative yardage. Their challenge? Charging for something that was free.newspaper27And that is a challenge at which many would balk.

In essence,

the papers are trying to figure out how they can charge people for news on the Internet after largely giving it to them for the past 10-15 years. They have to do this so they don’t have to shut down when print advertising revenue gets so low that they can’t afford to stay in business anymore.

And, like newspapers tend to do, the story was leaked and printed by The Atlantic.

It looks like some things won’t change…

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Account Coordinator. His passion is writing. If you would like to get in touch with Jeff, please leave a reply or follow the links: or

Jump on the biggest slice of bread

by Miami Ad School, USA

How to get more friend requests on facebook with wonderbra

A new way of increasing your social network influence with Wonderbra. The best wonderbra advertising campaigns (please comment if you know some that are missing): The wonderbra hills Spiral optical illusion Explosing sexy big boobs Relief billboard for wunderbra Back to back on the scooter […]

Clean your hands everywhere with hand sanitizer

How useful is it to have a lavatory everywhere… So you can clean your hands in your car, at your desk or even in the street thanks to the hand sanitizer… Advertiser: Dial Hand sanitizer Advertising Agency: TBWA\RAAD Dubai, UAE Executive Creative Director: Milos Ilic Art Director: Mohanad […]

Eat the road Jack!

A relly cool advertising campaign for Nissan in 3 print ads. This earth is sliced as a piece of cake you want to eat! Her is a nice serie of campaigns for Nissan: City danger for the nissan qashqai car Flying car Space Car recollection Car labyrinth Mond@y > crocodile < mond@y Key art t-rex [...]

VIP Magazine




Who reads VIP knows the way. Fashion, pop culture, tips and everything else a man needs to get lucky.

Agency: MatosGrey, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Silvio Matos, Guy Costa, Leandro Castilho
Art Director: Andre Sallowicz
Copywriter: Filipe Medici
Illustrator: Burti HD
Photographer: Marcio Sallowicz

The power of clothes

Following their excellent print campaigns for the fashion statement, the shoe graph, the robot, and their viral video with cocaine, Harvey Nichols is back in this effecient print campaign to show us the power of sexy clothes on men!

Advertiser: Harvey […]

Freeze! Don’t move!

A cool print campaign for the camer Olympus where dogs and a eagle are frozen!

Have a look on this nice viral and print for camera brands.

advertiser: Olympus
agency: JWT Sydney

Download clothes for the naked girls

A print campaign with half naked women to promote a fashion online shop.

have a look on this naked woman in the street flashing pedestrian.

Advertising Agency: Special, Auckland, New Zealand
Creative Directors: Rob Jack, Tony […]

Ecological Business Card


Advertised brand: Andrea Romani – Environmental Consultant
Advertising Agency: Fischer Portugal, Lisbon
Creative Director: Diogo Mello
Art Director: Marco Martins
Copywriter: Rafael Pitanguy

Abacaxi Atômico




Advertised brand: Abacaxi Atômico
Advert title(s): Funeral
Advertising Agency (Name, City, Country): DPZ Propaganda, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: José Zaragoza, Fernando Rodrigues, Diego Zaragoza
Art Director: Celio Salles
Copywriter: Alexandre Abu Fabricio, Fábio Perazzo

The panties above the low rise jean’s

The low rise jeans let appear your underwear above your belt.

in this excellent minimalist print campaign, Lewi’s is showing us the half of logos of famous underwear brands such as Victoria’s secret, Calvin Klein or Jockey.

Another great print campaign for underwear with naked […]

Junk food can delay surfing up to 2 hours

"WARNING: Cheeseburgers can delay surfing upto 2 hours."

Advertiser: Sundek. Boardshorts. Stuff.
Agency: Callegari Berville Grey, Paris, France
Executive Creative Director: Andrea Stillacci
Creative Directors: Giovanni Settesoldi, Luissandro Del Gobbo […]

What happens when you win at the national lottery?

You receive all the winning numbers in your face!

Here is another interesting video campaign for the national lottery.

"Yes, it can happen. "

Advertiser: Lotto
Agency: BETC Euro rscg, Paris, France
Creative Director: Stéphane Xiberras
Art Director: […]

The vinyl record in a crisp shape

The new print campaign for Pringles that present a vinyl record, a tennis table and a plate in a shape of a Pringles crisp.

"Shaped for nothing else "

Advertiser: Pringles
Agency: Grey Hong Kong
Executive Creative Director: Keith Ho
Creative […]

The ice cream hidden under the couch

A good idea for a print campaign to symbolize the cost of an ice cream…

Another great idea for Mc Donald’s and the Mc Morning.

"1 dirham = 1 ice-creams"

Advertiser: McDonald’s
Agency: FP7 Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Marc Lineveldt
Copywriter: Neil […]

DirecTV HD | Flinsons e Spongemouse



Sem o DirecTV HD, a sua TV de LCD está no passado: essa é a tradução da assinatura destas duas peças acima (”Without DIRECTV High Definition – your LCV TV is in the past“). Tudo se resume a um simples conceito que faz uma adequação de desenhos antigos aos mais atuais. Uma ótima sacada dos equatorianos da La Facultad :)

:: Via AotW

Dulcolax Laxative – Boehringer-Ingelheim


Client: Dulcolax Laxative / Boehringer-Ingelheim
Title: Manhole
Agency: CBGrey Paris
Executive Creative Director: Andrea Stillacci
Creative Directors: Giovanni Settesoldi/Luissandro Del Gobbo
Art Director: Giovanni Settesoldi
Copywriter: Luissandro Del Gobbo
3D: Baptiste Massé /Mécanique Générale

It’s No Depression, But I’m Gettin’ One….

massmediaworld-customI have a love/hate relationship with the aggregators that provide the news feeds to my lap top. I’ve been using two…one that is on my desk top that is on pretty much all the time. It works well, but some of the sites that I want feeds from don’t load correctly. So, I also have my feeds set up on iGoogle, and Google Reader. Actually, looking at it new light, it’s not the aggregators; it’s the state of the advertising industry that has my panties bunched up in a wad. Just to give you an idea of what we, as an industry face, I went back in time and pulled some of the juicier headlines from the last couple months:

TV Revs to Decline 21% in Two Years

TV revenues are expected to plunge below the $20 billion mark beginning in 2009. The past six years have showed that TV revenues remained steady, in the area of $20-$22 billion. The  BIA 
states that 2009 will show a 20% or greater decline, dropping to $17 billion. The forecast does not call for the TV industry to recover until 2012.

Media Industry Job Cuts Soar 57%

The number of job cuts in corporate America between January and April was up 9 percent from the same time period last year. In the media industry, job cuts are up 57 percent over last year, according to a survey from consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas. Although analyst’s state that it’s not time to panic, what is it time for? Tea & Crumpets? (These statistics are from 5/2/2008)


Media Jobs Disappearing

The job market for U.S. media employment has dropped to it’s lowest point in 15 years. Much of this has to do with the dying throes of newspaper industry, as well as the automotive and housing industry “set-backs”, which were not what would be commonly known as beneficial. However, one bright spot is that the market consultant profession gained the bulk of new jobs last year, according to AdAge. Media positions are low compared to levels in 2000. It’s estimated that newspapers, nationwide, have cut 25% (1 of 4) positions since 1990, when newspapers made up half of the media jobs available in the U.S.

Analysts Expect More Major Media Company Cuts to Come

The U.S. Labor Department reported that some 530,000 jobs were lost in November of 2008 which, at the time, brought the unemployment rate to 6.7%. The media industry did it’s best ensuring the numbers were high, as Viacom and NBC combined to chop 1400 postions.

Viacom and NBC both cut jobs last week. Viacom dumped 850 workers, while NBC cut jobs at its NBC News and broadcast ops in an ongoing effort to hack a total of 500 jobs. And those cuts are just the tip of the iceberg, says Barclays Capital analyst Anthony DiClemente (via Mediaweek). “Further work-force reduction announcements should be expected from the other large-cap media companies,” he says.

WPP to Trim Thousands, Ogilvy Already Feeling the Knife

WPP announced that they would be cutting around 7,000 jobs worldwide. The media giant employs approximately 100,000 people. The U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain were cited by the company as markets under pressure, writes Reuters. The cuts have already begun. Adweek reports that WPP’s Ogilvy Group reduced 10% of its staff today. The cuts affected Ogilvy & Mather, OgilvyOne, Ogilvy Interactive and OgilvyAction. 

Omnicom Group is bracing for cut-backs, estimating that 3,500 of its 70,000 workers will get tossed.


The competition is fierce, to say the least. Right now, even receiving a phone interview is a victory. There is a lot of demand, and zero supply. The bright light at the end of the tunnel is that advertising and media professionals tend to be extremely flexible, strategically creative, and work well under pressure–all huge assets. Think progressively, and be bold; after all, what is the worst that could happen?

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or

Newspaper Begs for Customers-Says No Digital Sundays!

ajcsunday-site-logoThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) has launched a campaign begging consumers to have a digital-free Sunday. The paper, owned by Cox enterprises, rolled out the over $1 million campaign this week with the tagline “Unplug. It’s Sunday.” The campaign is to promote the Sunday newspaper as a way to escape the ringing of cell phones, e-mail notifications, IM, and all of the other digital devices that “clutter” our work weeks. Instead of reading the news on an RSS Feed, we can lug out the seven pound paper and spend some quality time getting newsprint on our fingers. Nice. The campaign is slated to run for the remainder of the year.

Perhaps the funniest (or dumbest) thing about this story is that Cox Enterprises chose a digital agency to lead consumers back to print. The AJC tapped IQ Interactive, an Atlanta digital agency. Weirdly, we can digitally view this couple reading the traditional newspaper, which is like Xeroxing a mirror (don’t do it, you’ll go back in time). The fully-interactive microsite gives off that  ”peeping tom feel,” staring into someones home from a bay window. A couple is sitting on the couch reading the paper, and “Tom” can move from room to room, opening cabinets, running water, and even taking bread from a shopping bag. Voyeurism does have its advantages…


There are other media components to the campaign, including; print, TV, radio, online, point-of-purchase, direct mail, and out of home.

“It’s about how to reposition the newspaper,” said Tony Quin, CEO of IQ Interactive, the independent Atlanta digital shop
that created the campaign. “We came up with the idea as a counterpoint to the digital cacophony that exists in everyone’s
lives. Sunday is the day to relax and do something different than you do the rest of the week.”

The AJC has fared no better than the rest of the newspaper industry; the paper’s circulation dropped twenty percent in the last year for weekdays and Saturdays, and seven percent on Sundays. Earlier this year, the AJC cut 30% of the news staff.

The takeaway: although the marketing team will be gone next year after this debacle, they did show foresight by using forms of media that actually reach the consumer. Just another bullet point for the ol’ resume.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or