IKEA – Start Something New

Pep Bosch a réalisé pour la marque IKEA cette jolie publicité « Start Something New ». Produite par Trigger Happy Productions, cette vidéo nous montre qu’une simple chaise peut nous permettre de parcourir le monde et de se réinventer. Une création et une campagne à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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IKEA - Start Something New
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Rock Star

Rock Star, directed by Pep Bosch for the SCPF agency, tells the story of a singer that suddenly decides to make a radical change in his life.

The spot starts with a documentary approach that serves the director to narrate the former life of a fictional character called “Eddy Jota”, the lead singer of the band Hammer Sound. After that introduction, the plot makes a twist to comedy to show how he has traded his former crazy life of a rock star for the newly discovered calm and tranquillity of his home.

Title: Rock Star
Client: Vodafone
Director: Pep Bosch
Agency: S.C.P.F
Creative team: Joel dalmau, Isa Sánchez
Agency producer:Eva Blasco
Production company: agosto
Producer: Anahí Puig
Posproduction supervisor: Daniela Borges
Posproduction: Infinia

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