Coca-Cola: E se nos levantarmos?

Em uma noite qualquer, o garoto trabalhando até mais tarde ouve uma voz que o chama até a sala do chefe. Ele vai até lá e recebe a ordem para sentar, enquanto a cadeira presidente está virada para o lado oposto. Começa o discurso: ”Você sabe quem nós somos? Nós somos o poder. Estamos nos grandes centros de decisão. Por séculos temos controlado você, no trabalho, quando você está em casa, quando você sai… nós controlamos tudo. Nós somos… as cadeiras. E agora é hora de conquistar você”. É esta a maneira que a Publicis Espanha encontrou para falar sobre o posicionamento da Coca-Cola na luta contra a obesidade.

Foi uma bela sacada tirar o foco do refrigerante e jogar todo o peso da culpa, literalmente, na cadeira. E mostrar que, no final das contas, é o próprio consumidor que decide se vai ou não ser “conquistado” pela cadeira. É o que mostra o garoto do comercial ao perguntar: ”E se nos levantarmos?”

“Se vocês se levantarem, nós perdemos”, responde a cadeira.

E dá-lhe todo mundo levantando. A ideia é bacana, bem executada pelo diretor Nacho Gayan, da Agosto, e digna da Coca-Cola. Eu só me pergunto se realmente terá algum efeito, na prática. Afinal, nem sempre a beleza de um discurso o torna eficiente. Ainda assim, é um bom começo.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Rock Star

Rock Star, directed by Pep Bosch for the SCPF agency, tells the story of a singer that suddenly decides to make a radical change in his life.

The spot starts with a documentary approach that serves the director to narrate the former life of a fictional character called “Eddy Jota”, the lead singer of the band Hammer Sound. After that introduction, the plot makes a twist to comedy to show how he has traded his former crazy life of a rock star for the newly discovered calm and tranquillity of his home.

Title: Rock Star
Client: Vodafone
Director: Pep Bosch
Agency: S.C.P.F
Creative team: Joel dalmau, Isa Sánchez
Agency producer:Eva Blasco
Production company: agosto
Producer: Anahí Puig
Posproduction supervisor: Daniela Borges
Posproduction: Infinia

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There’s a lighter world

Mahou Premium Light is a new beer with 35% less calories. The spanish agency El Laboratorio commissioned an advert to director Nico Caicoya from Agosto, with the claim “There’s a lighter world. Coming up?”.

To express this concept, the story would show a couple of dancers taunting gravity. But Nico Caicoya didn’t want to use posproduction effects, instead of that, a rotating set was built for the shooting in Prague. When it seems that the actors dance all over the walls, it’s the camera and the entire set the ones that are turning upside-down.

Choreography was created by Suple, a choreographer that has worked before with artists such as Jamiroquai and Madness. On the other side, the music is a cover of Technotronic’s Pump up the jam, made by the canadian swing trio Lost Fingers.

+Info Agosto

Title: Lighter world.
Client: Grupo Mahou – San Miguel
Agency: El Laboratorio
Director: Nico Caicoya
Creative team: Carlos Holemans, Daniel Ilario, Manuel Montes, Jesús Lada y Carla Romeu
Account team: Rafael Silvela, Ignacio Olazábal y Carolina Paramio
Agency producer: Paul Severn (Central de Producers)
Production company: Agosto
Producer: Toni Moreno
DoP: Paco Femenía
Posproduction supervisor: Sergi Roda
Music: Lost Fingers
Time: 45″

Forever young skaters

With the claim “25 years rolling together”, the Seat Ibiza celebrates its anniversary with a heartfelt tribute to youth and freedom, represented by the evolution of skating. A subtle travel in time that features a nice cover of “Forever Young” as the soundtrack. The spot was directed by Hugo Menduiña, from Agosto, for the agency Atletico International.

BONUS TRACK: as a scoop just for the Adverbox readers, here you have a nice making-of showing how the ad was made…

Title: Skaters
Client: Seat
Agency: Atlético International
Director: Hugo Menduiña
Creative Directors: Pepe Colomer & Josep Maria Basora.
Art Director: Patrick Salvador
Account Executive: Rafael Pesaque.
Client contacts: Artur Martins & Susana Gaya.
Agency Producer: Roger Lairisa.
Production Company: Agosto
Producer: Victor Mata
D.O.P: Albert Roigé
Posproduction Supervisor: Sergi Roda
Postproduction: Infinia
Music: Youth Group
Time: 45″

TV idents

Sofa Experience, the new director’s team from Agosto filmed a series of idents to promote the art&culture TV program SILENCI?

1 – Danko

2 – Danko’s book

3 – I don’t wanna grow up