Lowe Campbell Ewald NY Wins U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Lowe Campbell Ewald has earned a cause as much as a client by securing of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF–which supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, education and advocacy in the United States–following a competitive review.

Typically, UNICEF has worked with agencies on a pro-bono basis. But times are changing, donors are reducing their “gives” and competition is growing. These factors led UNICEF to increase its paid approach to strategy and partner with the Interpublic shop.

“It is an honor to be awarded the opportunity to work with the U.S. Fund for UNICEF,” said Sal Taibi, president of Lowe Campbell Ewald’s New York Office. “UNICEF’s mission to save and protect the world’s most vulnerable children could not be better aligned to our mantra to create work with purpose. We are eager to begin working with the organization to advance such a noble and purposeful effort.”

According to Kantar Media, UNICEF’s U.S. media spend last year was $16.8 million, up from $12.8 million a year earlier (Publicis Groupe’s MediaVest is UNICEF’s media agency).

The account will be run out of Lowe Campbell Ewald’s New York office.

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