A New Magazine Called 'It Ran' Will Run Any Ad You Make, So It's Eligible for Awards

Bogus ads that never ran are a scourge on advertising award shows. But now, you can make sure your bogus ads actually did run—thanks to a new magazine in Canada that will print them, no questions asked.

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1one Releases ‘Jesus’ Self-Promo Video

Montreal-based creative production company 1one released a self-promo video called “Jesus,” created in collaboration with agency lg2.

The tongue-in-cheek promo imagines the marketing meeting that led to Jesus walking on the water, at the behest of 1one. Its humor comes from the ridiculousness of the idea of Jesus with amodern-day marketing team, complete with terms liked “earned media” being tossed around. While it drags a bit during its almost three minutes, it’s also not without its charm. Unfortunately, most of the more humorous bits are near the beginning (“Reasearch shows we’ve not only increased awareness of the Jesus brand among urban Jews 25-35…”) making sticking around for the whole thing a bit of a chore.

“With the evolution of media, and the viewer becoming more intelligent (and cynical) towards traditional advertising, we need to create stunts that can’t look like anything short of amazing,” said Jean-René Parenteau, executive producer and associate, 1one, in a statement. “When it comes to doing that, you want an expert, not someone who’s just hoping they can pull it off. This has been our focus for the past five years. Stunts aren’t a new trend for us. It’s what we’ve always done and focused our expertise towards.”


Client: 1one Production

Agency: lg2

Copywriter: Philippe Comeau

Director: Pierre Dalpé

DOP: Barry Russell

Producer: Jean-René Parenteau

Production House: 1one Production

Music and Sound Design: 1one Production

This Great Billboard for a Magic Festival Is Like Its Own Little Magic Show

Ever wonder what Harry Potter would do with an ad campaign? Have a look at this.

The Quebec City Magic Festival wanted to make sure people noticed its billboard, so ad agency lg2 sprinkled a little magic into the board itself in a playful feat of meta-vertising.

Take a look below at “Magic Mop,” a delightful little document of this whimsical stunt. And unlike regular magicians, they even reveal their secrets at the end.

Quebec City Magic Festival
Advertising Agency: Lg2, Quebec City
Creative Director / Copywriter: Luc Du Sault
Art Director: Vincent Bernard
Illustrators: David Boivin, Vincent Bernard, Marc Rivest
Accountant: Eve Boucher
Agency Producer: Julie Pichette
Director: David Poulin
Production House: Nova Film
Producer: Dominik Beaulieu
Engineer: Sébastien Bolduc

Montreal Parc Olympique Identity

L’agence canadienne lg2 a repensé avec beaucoup de talent l’identité graphique du Parc à Montréal ayant accueilli les Jeux olympiques en 1976. Inspirée par les couleurs et la rondeur du Stade Olympique, toute la déclinaison redonne vie à cet évènement. A découvrir dans la suite en images.

Montreal Parc Olympique Identity16
Montreal Parc Olympique Identity15
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Montreal Parc Olympique Identity2
Montreal Parc Olympique Identity1

Endless Winter Isn’t So Bad If You’re Doing Outdoor Ads for Dandruff Shampoo

Montreal agency lg2 found a goofy but practical use for all the snow this winter—it made it look like dandruff gone berkserk on outdoor ads for Selsun Blue. Pity the fool who had shoveling duty on this project, though.

"Dandruff flakes typically occur in winter," the agency says, "due to the use of heating sources such as electricity. Selsun Blue and lg2 thus decided to launch an offensive at a time when people are most in need of dandruff-fighting shampoo."

The headline, "Quand les pellicules vous prennent par surprise," translates to, "When flakes take you by surprise." Credits below.

Client: Sanofi – Selsun Blue
Agency: lg2, Montreal
Creative Director: Marc Fortin
Creative Team: Mathieu Dufour, Marie-Ève Leclerc-Dion
Account Services: Julie Simon, David Legendre, Safia Dodard
Print Production: lg2fabrique
Media: Publicité Sauvage


Usar transporte público nos dá tempo para pensar

Os filmes não são novos, apesar de terem sido postados recentemente no Ads of the World. Girlfriend e Bonus são dois divertidos comerciais criados pela Lg2 para a Capital Transit Network de Quebéc que mostram uma das grandes vantagens de se usar transporte público: ter mais tempo para pensar.

Em 16 segundos, cada um dos anúncios consegue fazer rir com uma pequena narrativa. Primeiro, um cara que é expulso da casa de uma mulher e após um tempo pensando no ônibus, finalmente consegue entender o motivo. Já em Bonus, a garota diz que irá doar seu bônus para a caridade, mas pensando bem, talvez seja melhor investir em outra coisa.

A produção é da Nova Film.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Your Moment of Zen: Krispy Kernels Returns With Another Hilariously Strange Ad

Canadian snack maker Krispy Kernels had a sleeper hit a couple of years ago with its "Couch" commercial, a delightful bit of oddvertising that absconded from Cannes with a bronze Lion.

Now the brand is back with this amusing new ad, "Meditation," which mixes zen meditation with furtive snack eating, with unexpected results.

So much oddball work seems forced these days, but this stuff, from Quebec agency Lg2, is up there with the classic Skittles and Fruit by the Foot ads.

Credits below.

Client: Krispy Kernels
Spot: "Meditation"
Agency: Lg2, Quebec, Canada
Creative Director: Luc Du Sault
Copywriter: Andrée-Anne Hallé
Art Directors: Luc Du Sault, Andrée-Anne Hallé
Account: Mireille Côté, Sandie Lafleur
Director: François Lallier
Production House: Nova Film
Producer: Simon Corriveau
Sound Design: Boogie Studio


Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec: HIV

Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec: HIV

Advertising Agency: Lg2, Québec City, Canada
Creative Director / Copywriter: Luc DuSault
Art Director: Jack Latulippe
Illustrator: Marc Rivest
Account Executives: Mireille Côté, Catherine Darius, Alexandra Laverdière
Published: May 2008

Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec: Syphilis

Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec: Syphilis

Advertising Agency: Lg2, Québec City, Canada
Creative Director / Copywriter: Luc DuSault
Art Director: Jack Latulippe
Illustrator: Marc Rivest
Account Executives: Mireille Côté, Catherine Darius, Alexandra Laverdière
Published: May 2008

Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec: Chlamydia

Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec: Chlamydia

Advertising Agency: Lg2, Québec City, Canada
Creative Director / Copywriter: Luc DuSault
Art Director: Jack Latulippe
Illustrator: Marc Rivest
Account Executives: Mireille Côté, Catherine Darius, Alexandra Laverdière
Published: May 2008