Montreal-based creative production company 1one released a self-promo video called “Jesus,” created in collaboration with agency lg2.
The tongue-in-cheek promo imagines the marketing meeting that led to Jesus walking on the water, at the behest of 1one. Its humor comes from the ridiculousness of the idea of Jesus with amodern-day marketing team, complete with terms liked “earned media” being tossed around. While it drags a bit during its almost three minutes, it’s also not without its charm. Unfortunately, most of the more humorous bits are near the beginning (“Reasearch shows we’ve not only increased awareness of the Jesus brand among urban Jews 25-35…”) making sticking around for the whole thing a bit of a chore.
“With the evolution of media, and the viewer becoming more intelligent (and cynical) towards traditional advertising, we need to create stunts that can’t look like anything short of amazing,” said Jean-René Parenteau, executive producer and associate, 1one, in a statement. “When it comes to doing that, you want an expert, not someone who’s just hoping they can pull it off. This has been our focus for the past five years. Stunts aren’t a new trend for us. It’s what we’ve always done and focused our expertise towards.”
Client: 1one Production
Agency: lg2
Copywriter: Philippe Comeau
Director: Pierre Dalpé
DOP: Barry Russell
Producer: Jean-René Parenteau
Production House: 1one Production
Music and Sound Design: 1one Production