Leica Intentionally Makes the Most Boring Commercial Ever. Can You Sit Through It?

Leica brings its obsessive German craftsmanship into focus with this tongue-in-cheek video that shows one of its technicians hand-polishing a block of aluminum used as the base of its new T System camera—for 45 minutes.

Polish. Polish. Polish. Look at those gloved hands go. A voiceover tells us that it takes "4,700 individual strokes to finish each body." Sounds kinky. It isn't.

Obviously, the video—which is actually somewhat compelling visually in its repetitive way, and certainly provides a stultifyingly tedious glimpse into the brand's commitment to quality—isn't really meant to be watched in its entirety. After a couple of minutes, we're mercifully invited to skip ahead to the end, which, of course, I did.

So, for all I know, the Subservient Chicken shows up at the half-hour mark and plucks himself to death. Really, I have no idea.

A voiceover asks, "Is this the most boring film ever made?"

Well, it's more exciting than Leica's short-form T System testimonials starring the company's supervisory board chairman, Dr. Andreas Kaufmann. He juggles the camera, speaks to his shoes, and at one point shuffles some papers as he reads a quote by Steve Jobs. Nothing engaging develops.

Via Co.Create.

The Paper Skin by Leica

Leica a annoncé la commercialisation d’une édition limitée de l’appareil photographique X2 « The Paper Skin » de Fedrigoni, changeant la bande de cuir en papier spécialement traité pour l’occasion et appelé Constellation Jade, offrant une résistance plus forte que le cuir. Un appareil produit à 25 exemplaires.

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The Paper Skin by Leica11
The Paper Skin by Leica10
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The Paper Skin by Leica8
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The Paper Skin by Leica16

Leica estreia sua primeira campanha no Brasil apresentando a M-Monochrom

Apresentando a camera digital M-Monochrom, que só faz fotos em preto & branco, a Leica estreia sua primeira campanha para o mercado brasileiro.

Criado pela F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi e produzido pela Sentimental Filmes, o comercial – narrado em alemão – conta a história de uma Leica III que morreu nas mãos de Robert Capa durante a guerra, e retorna agora, 58 anos depois, reencarnada como M-Monochrom.

A campanha não apenas destaca a camera, como também reforça o posicionamento institucional da marca, assinando com “Toda Leica tem alma”.

No Facebook da Leica, fotógrafos como Bob Wolfenson e Marcio Scavone exibem ensaios em preto & branco feitos com o modelo, que promete resultados verdadeiramente monocromáticos e nítidos no formato digital.

Só falta lembrar o preço: 8 mil dólares, o que no Brasil deve significar pelo menos o triplo desse numeral.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Blind Photography

Découverte de Evgen Bavcar, un photographe particulier car aveugle depuis un accident dans son enfance. Nécessitant l’aide de médiateurs pour réaliser ses clichés et utilisant un autofocus, il parvient à s’exprimer en images malgré sa cécité. Plus d’images dans la suite.























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Leica M9

Découverte de la récente gamme d’appareils photos par la célèbre marque allemande Leica. Le nouveau modèle Leica M9 sera disponible en gris acier et noir laqué, avec un capteur CCD de 18.5 mégapixels et un look remis au goût du jour. Pour un prix approximatif de 5000 euros.



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