Talk: Vice’s Shane Smith: ‘Have We Unleashed a Monster?’

The C.E.O. of the magazine-turned-media-company on his new kind of news.


Axe em nome da paz: faça amor, não faça guerra

Após levar o público ao espaço em sua estreia no intervalo do Super Bowl, no ano passado, a Axe volta a investir pesado em uma super produção para a final da NFL, desta vez para revelar o  lado romântico de soldados e até alguns líderes. Dirigido por Rupert Sanders, Make Love, Not War faz referência às guerras que tiveram participação dos Estados Unidos, como Vietnã e Oriente Médio.

O filme começa com o que parece ser uma ameaça nuclear e segue com cenas de caos e destruição causados pelas batalhas ao longo da história. Sobra espaço até para a demonstração de poder de uma tentativa de sósia do líder norte-coreano Kim Jong-Un.

Mas é claro que, no final das contas, o amor prevalece. Assim como a sensualidade característica de Axe, que consegue ser discreta e pontual.

A criação, mais uma vez, é da BBH de Londres, com produção da MJZ.



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Reporters without Borders

La dernière campagne de Reporters Sans frontières est encore une fois une réussite. Lancée à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, elle met en scène des leaders comme Vladimir Poutine ou Bachar Al Assad et résume leur attitude politique vis-à-vis de la presse au travers de gestes très évocateurs.


Rodman Made North Korean Trip After Jordan Said No, H.B.O. Show Says

The creators of “Vice,” an HBO newsmagazine, said the former basketball star Dennis Rodman was asked to visit North Korea after Michael Jordan said no.


New York Sports Clubs Urges Kim Jong-un to Blow Off Steam by Exercising

North Korean strongman lardass Kim Jong-un should take some advice from New York Sports Clubs: "Exercise reduces aggression and makes you more attractive to others. Join today." The gym franchise, known for its snarky promos tied to current events, on Monday placed an ad in the New York City edition of the Metro newspaper inviting the portly potentate to use its facilities for a workout. Copy starts, "Kim Jong-un, with a great bod, you don't need a big missile." That particular bit of low-hanging humor will likely fall flat for the rotund ruler, since the whole missile thing's proven pretty useful for him so far. Still, he'll burn more calories pumping iron than he will by pressing the button.


Scene City: A Screening for HBO’s ‘Vice’ Leaves an Impression

An almost ludicrously posh premiere party for “Vice,” a new HBO docu-series that makes “Girls” look like a tea party.

Dennis Rodman in North Korea, With Vice Media as Ringleader

Vice Media, known for stunt journalism, approached HBO with the idea of arranging a North Korea trip centering on basketball, a sport the nation’s leader loves.