Make Sure Your Brand’s Audio Is In Tune

Do you recognize these sounds? Which brands do they represent? All of these brands carry a distinctive sound. Apple’s power up sound; it’s simple and elegant just like the brand. I can almost imagine Steve Jobs chanting this on one his meditative retreats. NBC’s three-note tag is a mnemonic. It helps you remember the brand […]

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Man Incredibly Plays 25 Jingles on Piano Using the Products They Advertised

Love ’em or hate ’em, jingles are effective for recall. In fact, I bet you can recall all 25 of the popular jingles that YouTube artist Grant Woolard has collaged together into this impressive earworm.

The piece, which is technically a quodlibet—a piece of music combining several different melodies, usually popular tunes, in counterpoint—is made all the more impressive because each jingle is played with an object representing the brand.

Woolard has been playing piano since age 7, but only started hammering out tunes with objects a year ago when he mashed up Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” and Katy Perry’s “Firework,” playing each tune with a telephone and a firework, respectively.

Woolard told AdFreak that he “wanted apply the same concept to jingles, which are easier to work with and more instantly recognizable.” But he is saddened by the fact that “this video is completely lost on my international audience. Even in countries where these products are sold, the jingles used to advertise them aren’t necessarily the same.”

So, to our international readers: Sorry, if you’re not lovin’ it.

Are You Ready To Sing for Your Ribs?

How many great songs have been composed about food? In Louisiana and Texas, every other song is about food. I’m not complaining—I eat it up. While food is a universal theme, it’s not easy for a brand to come up with the kind of tune that hooks listeners. Chili’s managed to do it two decades […]

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Impressive Man Sings 20 Advertising Jingles in 60 Seconds

Random YouTube person Chad Neidt put out a call on Twitter for classic advertising jingles and promised to include them in an epic acoustic-guitar mashup. I must say, he covers a lot of ground. Big Red, McDonald's, Skip-It, Juicy Fruit and even that "You don't always die from tobacco" song—complete with Neidt's best impression of a mechanical larynx—are featured here. I sense that Chad is That Guy with the Guitar at every party he's ever been to. He also reminds me of the girl who sang the Stanley Steemer jingle in a lot of different styles. They should date.