Doit Science Animation

Le studio Onionskin a réalisé cette vidéo d’animation pour le morceau City Planning, des japonais de DoitScience. Très colorée, cette création maîtrisée et visuellement rafraichissante nous plonge dans un voyage au coeur d’un Tokyo aux tonalités très pop. La vidéo à découvrir dans la suite.

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Experiencing Abstract Information

Une collection de 3 installations interactives autour du sujet de thèse “Experiencing Abstract Information“ par Jochen Winker et Stefan Kuzaj à l’université de sciences appliqués de Schwäbisch Gmünd. Une approche virtuelle et différente de la gestion de données et d’informations.


Previously on Fubiz

Web Trends 4

Cette nouvelle édition de carte reprenant le principe du réseau de Tokyo, vient d’être mise à jour par l’équipe d’architectes d’information iA. On y retrouve notamment les français Skyrock, Dailymotion, et Le Monde. Plus de détails dans la suite.


Web Trends map 4



Voir la carte en plein format, et la version plus interactive.

The Yellow Pages Still Do the Yapping

Yellow Pages

Remember that old thick yellow book you have beside your telephone? Well thanks to technology, a new way of trying to serve the public and not lost the growing list of companies who need information and advertising as well has been announced.

Apparently, the online market is growing and this is a clear sign that providing service in the form of advertising across print, online and mobile platforms. With the apparent growth of the market, the Yellow pages sees this as an opportunity to expand its market by penetrating the advertising needs of the online communities today.

Yellow Pages chief executive Dudley Enoka said his company was in talks with several other online players regarding partnerships, and he expected announcements would be made shortly.

He said customers were increasingly looking to diversify their advertising across print, online, voice and shortly, mobile platforms.

“We’re immensely proud of our heritage as a business based in print and we are still seeing excellent growth there.


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