You probably didn’t know bros were an endangered species.
Dairy brand Organic Valley is out with “Save the Bros,” a mock PSA asking for help weaning musclebound dudes from conventional protein shakes in favor of the company’s new Organic Fuel product—which it’s touting as free of “artificial flavoring, sweeteners, GMOs, toxic pesticides, antibiotics or artificial hormones often found in other ‘health’ products.”
The two-minute, tongue-in-cheek video, created by Humanaut, stakes out its position early, opening with the smirkingly ambiguous claim, “Bros are pretty amazing,” before proceeding to make a slew of other dubious arguments. One woman actually worries to the camera that in a world without bros, no one “would make comments about your physique that aren’t appropriate, but still appreciated.”
In other words, for an ad that, at moments, panders to its target by trolling everyone else, it’s pretty funny—deftly sending up cheesy public-service tropes, while also largely poking fun at the consumers it’s trying to woo. Ultimately, everyone is treated to images of bros doing yoga, bros looking at eggplants like they’re aliens (because, let’s be real, they are), bros meditating on mountaintops, and bros making pottery, as part of bros’ efforts to better themselves.
There’s also an accompanying website that hawks “Save the Bros” paraphernalia, like T-shirts and duffel bags, and obviously, tank tops and trucker hats. (They might want to do a slightly tighter job of filtering the Instagram posts it pulls in by hashtag—on Monday night, one screenshot of an iChat, under #brolife, read, “Life is like a penis; it is simple, soft, and relaxed. Then women make it hard.”)
Luckily, you can rest assured that even if you don’t share the ad, the bros will be fine.
Client: Organic Valley
Product: Organic Fuel
Campaign: “Save the Bros”
Agency: Humanaut
Creative Adviser: Alex Bogusky
Creative Director: David Littlejohn
Associate Creative Director: Mike Cessario
Copywriter: David Littlejohn / Mike Cessario
Art Director: Stephanie Gelabert / Sean Davis
Production Company: Fancy Rhino, Chattanooga, TN
Director: Daniel Jacobs
Producer: Katie Nelson
Director Of Photography: Annie Huntington
Editor: Tyler Beasley
Production Designer: Chad Harris
Music Company: Skypunch Studios
Composer: Carl Cadwell