This Foot-Care Brand Made the First Magazine You Read With Your Feet

What better way to sell foot-care products than with an entire magazine for and about feet?

Hansaplast, a Beiersdorf-owned band-aid brand, is launching a line of creams, deodorant and antiperspirant called FootExpert. To promote the products, agency Being created Feet Mag, a luxury publication designed with heavy paper that can be easily turned by one’s feet, and large print that you can enjoy from an eye-to-foot distance (for those unable to lift the book close to their faces using only their toes).

The magazine is packed with foot-themed stories about art (by the likes of Renoir, Gauguin, Delacroix and Manet) and fashion, with sassy pictures of women playing cards and blowing kisses with their own feet. There are even foot horoscopes (with advice like putting on rubber boots to prepare for the coming storm).

Check out a copy of the magazine here. (PDF link)

It’s a fun way to draw attention to a decidedly dull subject, certainly more noteworthy than buying ads in a well-established beauty magazine. But it doesn’t seem right to make your feet do all that extra work—even in the name of leisure.


Hansaplast Ear Plugs: Morgue

Hansaplast Ear Plugs: Morgue

You have never slept so deep.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Paris, France
Executive Creative Director / Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Copywriter: Alban Galle
Art Director: Cyril Drouot
Photographer: Dimitri Daniloff
Account Supervisor: Laurence Dupas-Gelin

Hansaplast Foot Spray: Sock

Hansaplast Foot Spray: Sock

Advertising Agency: TBWA, Vienna, Austria
Creative Directors: Gerda Reichl-Schebesta, Bernhard Grafl
Copywriters: Sarah Krobath, Karin Schalko
Art Director: Sabina Karasegh
Photographer: staudingerstelzhammer
Graphic Designer: Marlies Löcker

Hansaplast Anti-Insect Spray: Emergency Exit, 3

Hansaplast Anti-Insect Spray: Emergency Exit, 3

Advertising Agency: TBWA, Vienna, Austria
Account Executive: Barbara Lung
Account Manager: Nadja Stritezsky
Creative Directors: Robert Wohlgemuth, Gerd Turetschek
Concept: Robert Wohlgemuth
Copywriters: Nikolaus Link, Helmut Winkler
Art Director: Jan Christ
Graphic Designers: Michael Mickl, Andreas Schwitter, Maik Wollrab
Photographers: Klaus Fritsch, Robert Marksteiner
Typographer: Gabriele Niederführ

Hansaplast Anti-Insect Spray: Emergency Exit, 2

Hansaplast Anti-Insect Spray: Emergency Exit, 2

Advertising Agency: TBWA, Vienna, Austria
Account Executive: Barbara Lung
Account Manager: Nadja Stritezsky
Creative Directors: Robert Wohlgemuth, Gerd Turetschek
Concept: Robert Wohlgemuth
Copywriters: Nikolaus Link, Helmut Winkler
Art Director: Jan Christ
Graphic Designers: Michael Mickl, Andreas Schwitter, Maik Wollrab
Photographers: Klaus Fritsch, Robert Marksteiner
Typographer: Gabriele Niederführ

Hansaplast Anti-Insect Spray: Emergency Exit, 1

Hansaplast Anti-Insect Spray: Emergency Exit, 1

Advertising Agency: TBWA, Vienna, Austria
Account Executive: Barbara Lung
Account Manager: Nadja Stritezsky
Creative Directors: Robert Wohlgemuth, Gerd Turetschek
Concept: Robert Wohlgemuth
Copywriters: Nikolaus Link, Helmut Winkler
Art Director: Jan Christ
Graphic Designers: Michael Mickl, Andreas Schwitter, Maik Wollrab
Photographers: Klaus Fritsch, Robert Marksteiner
Typographer: Gabriele Niederführ